Pues nada otro chorratest de estos que corren por ah?, esta vez nos ayuda a saber que personaje de Battlestar Gal?ctica somos (http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=77810). Yo como buen friki he hecho el m?o, y me ha salido que soy como Apolo (s? ya!!)
Un pel?n panoli es... (euuuh) bueno, vale, soy como Apolo (que le haremos...*sigh*)
Aunque me gusta que con un 56% y en tercera posici?n soy como el Coronel Tight, que mola mogoll?n el muy hijo de la gran **ta, ca***n....
What New Battlestar Galactica character are you? (http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=77810)
You scored as a Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)
You have spent your life trying to life up to and impress your Dad, shame he never seemed to notice. You are a stickler for the rules. But in matters of loyalty and honour you know when they have to be broken.
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)- 75%
CPO Galen Tyrol - 69%
Col. Saul Tigh- 56%
Tom Zarek - 44%
President Laura Roslin - 38%
Commander William Adama - 31%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) - 31%
Number 6 - 31%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) - 25%
Dr Gaius Baltar - 19%
Que nos gusta un friki tests....
Soy President Laura Roslin...
Aunque el triple empate es curioso XDDD
You scored as a President Laura Roslin
You may be ill but you have a job to do. Fate has put you in a powerful position by accident, but it turns out you are damn good at it. You are no warrior, but in the political arena you are without peer.
Tom Zarek 69%
President Laura Roslin 69%
Dr Gaius Baltar 69%
Commander William Adama 63%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 50%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 50%
Number 6 44%
CPO Galen Tyrol 38%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 38%
Col. Saul Tigh 31%
vaya forma de perder el tiempo si es que sois.... que pasa que en este pais no se trabaja?
vamos a hacerlo ahora mismo ;D
que pasa, que casi todos somos apollo?
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 75%
CPO Galen Tyrol 63%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 63%
Tom Zarek 56%
Col. Saul Tigh 56%
President Laura Roslin 50%
Commander William Adama 50%
Number 6 44%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 38%
Dr Gaius Baltar 31%
me gusta esa posicion alta de starbuck ;D
B?sicamente, el que habr?a elegido sin hacer el test. Mola :D
What New Battlestar Galactica character are you?
You scored as a CPO Galen Tyrol
You never wanted to be a glamorous Viper pilot. You are happy knowing that without you to fix their birds, they cannot fly. You fell in love with the wrong girl, but is that so wrong? Maybe, but you don't really care.
CPO Galen Tyrol 75%
Commander William Adama 69%
Tom Zarek 63%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 50%
President Laura Roslin 44%
Number 6 44%
Dr Gaius Baltar 38%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 31%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 19%
Col. Saul Tigh 19%
A mi me ha salido William Adama, seguido por Gaius Baltar y Lee Adama (para variar) :D
You scored as a Commander William Adama
You have risen to your position by being damn good at what you do. Not only that, you have the deepest respect for the people under your command. You may be a little grumpy and unapproachable, but every commander needs to distance himself. Shame that you apply that to your children too.
Commander William Adama 69%
Dr Gaius Baltar 63%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 63%
Tom Zarek 56%
CPO Galen Tyrol 50%
President Laura Roslin 44%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 31%
Number 6 25%
Col. Saul Tigh 19%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 13%
P.D. Por cierto que gran serie...
Grandiosa, enorme
So say we all!!
Adama II
Para servir a la BSK :D
What New Battlestar Galactica character are you?
You scored as a Commander William Adama
You have risen to your position by being damn good at what you do. Not only that, you have the deepest respect for the people under your command. You may be a little grumpy and unapproachable, but every commander needs to distance himself. Shame that you apply that to your children too.
Commander William Adama 88%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 56%
President Laura Roslin 56%
Dr Gaius Baltar 56%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 50%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 50%
CPO Galen Tyrol 50%
Number 6 38%
Tom Zarek 38%
Col. Saul Tigh 31%
Pues yo soy Boomer ???
?Ser? un Cylon?
You scored as a Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)
You forget things. Are they important? You think you might be a Cylon, but does that make you a machine? Who are you? Who am I?
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 63%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 63%
Col. Saul Tigh 56%
CPO Galen Tyrol 56%
Dr Gaius Baltar 44%
Tom Zarek 44%
Commander William Adama 44%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 31%
Number 6 25%
President Laura Roslin 25%
En fin...
Cachis, casi soy Gaius/Boomer ;D
You scored as a CPO Galen Tyrol
You never wanted to be a glamorous Viper pilot. You are happy knowing that without you to fix their birds, they cannot fly. You fell in love with the wrong girl, but is that so wrong? Maybe, but you don't really care.
CPO Galen Tyrol 75%
Dr Gaius Baltar 63%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 63%
President Laura Roslin 56%
Commander William Adama 56%
Col. Saul Tigh 50%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 50%
Number 6 44%
Tom Zarek 44%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 31%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)
Commander William Adama
Tom Zarek
CPO Galen Tyrol
Col. Saul Tigh
Dr Gaius Baltar
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)
President Laura Roslin
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)
Number 6
Oye, vamos a ver. si al final todos somos Apollo esto no mola... o quiz? somos todos Cylones?? :-\
Cita de: WasQ en 29 de Enero de 2008, 23:21:37
Oye, vamos a ver. si al final todos somos Apollo esto no mola... o quiz? somos todos Cylones?? :-\
Pues como en la serie... al final todos ser?n Cylon excepto los Cylon :D
Cita de: WasQ en 29 de Enero de 2008, 23:21:37
Oye, vamos a ver. si al final todos somos Apollo esto no mola... o quiz? somos todos Cylones?? :-\
Siesque sois unos cutres :P
Y tu un insincero....
Cita de: WasQ en 30 de Enero de 2008, 00:03:43
Y tu un insincero....
Presidente Insincero para ti, capitanucho :P
- S?, su vaporizante excelencia, amo y se?or.
Debo ser un friki del cop?n, porque en mi vida hab?a oido hablar de Battlestar Gal?ctica
Cita de: Jsper en 30 de Enero de 2008, 01:08:14
Debo ser un friki del cop?n, porque en mi vida hab?a oido hablar de Battlestar Gal?ctica
Pues es la mejor serie de ciencia ficci?n actual!!! No te la pierdas. Consigue el cap?tulo piloto que son 2 partes de una hora y media. Acabar?s enganchado, es una serie muy inteligente porque no juega con los elementos t?picos de las "space opera". No es Star Trek o Farscape, aqu? no hay fantas?a, alienigenas, tecnolog?as extra?as... Se acerca m?s a las novelas de Asimov que a la Guerra de las Galaxias.
Estos me pagan tambi?n comisi?n, como los creadores de Axis & Allies ::)
Pues yo soy... 75% Galen Tyrol. Casi el que habr?a elegido sin hacer el test ;)
Aunque me hubiera gustado ser el Almirante Adama...
Yo tambien soy Tyrol... :D
Cita de: Jsper en 30 de Enero de 2008, 01:08:14
Debo ser un friki del copón, porque en mi vida había oido hablar de Battlestar Galáctica
Caray, el concepto de frikismo debe de haber cambiado... ahora ERES friki cuando NO conoces la existencia de una serie friki... hace poco era al revés, no??
Pues a mi me ha salido el traidorcillo de turno; el Baltar ese...
Dr Gaius Baltar 56%
CPO Galen Tyrol 56%
President Laura Roslin 50%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 50%
Number 6 50%
Col. Saul Tigh 50%
Otro Adama de esos...
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 75%
President Laura Roslin 63%
CPO Galen Tyrol 56%
Number 6 38%
Commander William Adama 38%
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 31%
Col. Saul Tigh 31%
Dr Gaius Baltar 25%
Tom Zarek 25%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 25%
a m? me ha salido Boomer, qu? cosas;:
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) 69%
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) 63%
Dr Gaius Baltar 56%
CPO Galen Tyrol 50%
Col. Saul Tigh 44%
Commander William Adama 38%
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck) 38%
Number 6 38%
President Laura Roslin 31%
Tom Zarek 31%
Yo tengo un problema, tengo muchas posibilidades de ser "sint?tico"...
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)
CPO Galen Tyrol
Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)
Col. Saul Tigh
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)
Dr Gaius Baltar
President Laura Roslin
Number 6
Tom Zarek
Commander William Adama