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Mensajes - mikequo

Novedades / Actualidad / Re: Virus T
27 de Mayo de 2016, 19:14:40
German, French, Italian Language packs are now available as addon. New language pack will be available with at least 2500 euro collected. Spanish backers are at 700 euro in this moment.

Dudas de Reglas / Re: GLADIATORI (DUDAS)
12 de Abril de 2013, 13:00:40
For any help, I'm here ;-)

Cita de: Darkmaikegh en 12 de Febrero de 2013, 17:10:36
Entonces, si por ejemplo me atacan con 18 (lo declaran) yo puedo decidir, una vez que conozco el ataque si me interesa meter mis habilidad de "defensa" y mis moviemientos especiales.  :o. Nosotros lo hemos hecho mal, declarabamos ataque y defensa. Y después, las fintas. No me termina mucho de convencer eso, porque de esta manera el defensor tiene mucha ventaja ¿No?

My pleasure :-)

yes and not.
Attacker declares the attack and play his cards (face down; exception if he is re-using an action card already on the table, in this case this card is face up and others face down).
Then the defender plays his cards (face down with the same exception of the attacker).
Then the attacker shows his cards and declare his attack score.
Then the defender shows his cards and declares his defending score (or simply "hit" or "not hit", if you prefer). In this action the defender can choose to apply or not apply his defense skill and take an advantage by that. But he cannot choose to use a special move or not, as there are already played on the table as card.


Cita de: Robert Blake en 12 de Febrero de 2013, 16:34:17
Cierto. De hecho, nosotros nos decíamos cuántas cartas teníamos en la mano. Lo que no decíamos es cuántas cartas de combate se ponían sobre la carta de acción. De todos modos, con cartas enfundadas es fácil ver eso.

Why? :-)
Also the number of card played is know.
This is important to make also some bluff and to try to guess the opponent action.

In the Arena was the same: try to guess what attack your opponent was preparing...

Cita de: Robert Blake en 12 de Febrero de 2013, 15:20:23
Sí, primero se declara el ataque. Luego, el otro jugador declara el valor de defensa, con lo que decide si usar sus skills de defensa o no (si el ataque va a entrar, ya no vale la pena). Pero son muchas cosas que apuntar, muchas opciones para gastar elementos de personaje (que se les llama) en función de las acciones usadas.

Supongo que cuando se controla el juego ya puedes ver lo que ha usado el otro. Si yo hago un ataque de, por ejemplo, 17, y el defensor me dice que "paro con 19", puedo calcular, viendo sus acciones y sus armas, lo que ha usado de su hoja. Eso de manera aproximada ya que, a no ser que se me haya escapado algo, el otro no tiene por qué decirte cuántas cartas tiene en la mano (y una de las acciones depende de eso).

Con respecto a los ataques, pondré el ejemplo que le contaba al diseñador en la BSK: yo llevaba Mirmillo (preconfigurado, con unos ajustes: la habilidad "saltar" en lugar de "invencible"). Si yo hago un ataque usando una carta de destreza ( y ya está), le puedo meter hasta 21 de fuerza en el ataque a Secutor. Pongamos que trengo 12 cartas en la mano. Eso hacen 6 de fuerza + 4 (mi skill) + 5 (es lo que daban mis armas) + 6 (3 movimientos me daban un +6 usando el poder Jump). Secutor no puede parar eso ni en elmejor de sus combos. Si es el primer ataque y vas de frente, te llevas 8 VP. Yo no hice eso. Lo vi luego.

Por su parte, Secutor llevaba una espada y un escudo que le daban un +6 al ataque. Eso hacía que fuera prácticamente letal arreando de fuerza. Si jugaba todas las cartas de energía en un ataque no podía pararlo. La pega que tenía es que luego tenía que recuperar todas desde los descartes, y eso lleva tiempo. pero él podía meter 4 de daño por hostia, mientras que yo sólo metía 1.

Yo cometí un error (ya me imaginaba que lo estaba cometiendo). le ataqué por la espalda para romperle la espada (también hicimos un par de cambios con las cartas de movimiento especial). Lo conseguí, pero a coste de perder unos puntos que luego fueron un lastre para toda la partida. Como yo tenía que correr para atacarle y reducir la distancia, él se limitaba a defenderse y a esperar, recuperando for free los elementos de personaje gastados.

Hay que darle vueltas al juego y buscarle las cosillas que tiene. Creo que es complejo dominarlo, pero muy interesante.


Hola :-)
sorry for English, but my Spanish is null.
(as you see I like go around on forum when I have some minutes free)

Sure that Secutor can stop your super-attack!
Try to use Dodge with 1 Speed point. so your 21 on attack becomes 10. Secutor Guard is 5+2 for dodge bonus. So 7.
He can use his Acrobatic Strike and gain a +3=10. Attack stopped. He can also use Overskill instead.
It should be also possible do it guessing the attack and using a Dexterity Action in Defense.
So Secutor Guard is 5+5 for guessing+4 for Dexterity (3 action cards+5 cards=8, +4)=14 points.
We can add over skill +5 and item bonus and reach 21. If he is lucky with items he can also do it with Acrobatic strike.



Giochix let the choice to some web-shop to take games or not in Essen Fair, because the miniature producer, DICE AND GAMES, told us the miniature was coming in during the fair or in few days. A false promise :-(
Giochix stopped the game immediately and excepting 5 online shops, nobody was selling it. The game is still undistributed in this moment, so you all are taking the game 1 month before the others.
Obviously Giochix alerted the shops during the fair about the problem, and updated them about the coming solution.

Giochix breaked any relationship with DICE and GAMES. and re-made the miniature in Italy with another company in only 60 days, making them in metal, very expensive way, but the only available to make them in so few time.

Some important precisations:
- Giochix didn't take 2 months to ship miniatures as giochix is lazy. Simply the miniatures wasn't available. As soon they was available giochix shipped them. Unfortunately, was impossible to be more fast, as the model has been redesigned for metal casting and all miniatures remade from zero from a new company.
- On Giochix shop, Gladiatori game was with an alert text saying the shipment would be made on late December (now the text has been removed).

So, apologize the delay, but all happened was out of Giochix direct action.

Cita de: skur78 en 28 de Noviembre de 2012, 10:14:48
:o :o :o

Thanks for your clarification Michele.

Then, does the miniatures will of metal?
You send the miniatures for shops?

You welcome :-)

Yes, metal. About 32mm tall.
Yes (or to customers, if shops will send us their customer list).


PS. ENGAÑO? Don't think someone has been deceived by Giochix.
Sure there is a delay, but a delay is not an ENGAÑO.
My humble opinion of course :-)

Hola! :-)
I'm Michele, the guilty designer of Gladiatori. Apologize my bad English, but I don't know Spanish :-)

I'm sorry for the problem about my game. I'm waiting minis too, so I perfectly understand the problem.
I don't want to justify this delay, also if indirectly, this is a Giochix fault and I apologize that.

I want only to specify some things:
- Giochix stopped the game. Giochix is not selling it to customers, shops, or distributors (excepting preorders ofc). No 1 copy has been sold out of the Fair.
- In Essen we let the decision to customers which preordered it to take it or not, warning it about the problem. Same for webshops. We didn't give the game to distributors. At the end, after our warnings, only 5 shops taken the game.
- All shops was informed (including Juegamestore) about the problem and we warned also them to inform their customers before to sell the game or to simply wait the miniatures before to sell it.
- We don't produce directly the miniatures, as all game companies. Plastic miniatures are produced only in China. So we cannot create them, we can only push our producer to do better/faster. Actually Giochix breaked the partnership with the previous miniature producer (too many false promises) and make a new partnership. To avoid to wait the long miniature production process (it takes 4-5 months), Giochix chooses to produce metal miniatures instead plastic to have them fast. This cost a lot more, but is the only way to have them in weeks and not in months. Actually we are waiting them for the 8-9 December (day less day more).
- After the Essen trouble, the minis was expected in 10 days, then in 2-3 weeks. Both promises was from our old producer. Unfortunately they was false promises. Now with the new producer we have a new Date (8-9 december) and I hope it will be respected.

I hope at the end we will start to talk about the game (well or bad) and not about miniature troubles :-)
