No, dicen, que solo Estadus Unidos y Canadá... ahí se lo coman con patatas.
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Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: Gelete en 29 de Mayo de 2014, 14:39:25Cita de: Alberto Corral (Brackder) en 22 de Mayo de 2014, 13:18:37
Bueno, pues ya he recibido mi copia... os dejo una foto de cómo han quedado. El acabado es linen, quedan magníficas. Ahora lo malo será separarlas por tipos, que son un montón...
Printerstudio mola... la verdad es que el acabado es genial. Fijate que cuando hablastéis de borde blanco le llegué a comentar a Maeglor que estabáis fatal de gusto, porque en Magic pej. odio el borde blanco, pero la verdad que os han quedado cojonudas.
CitarVariant #1: Lancelot switches allegiance during the game
Set Up
Use both Lancelot character cards included in the promo in place of one
Good and One Evil character card.
Build a Loyalty deck of 5 cards – three "No Change" (blank) cards and
two "Switch Allegiance" cards. Shuffle and place the Loyalty deck
adjacent to the Score Tableau.
Reveal Phase
The Evil Lancelot does not open his eyes, but instead extends his thumb
so that he is known to the other agents of Evil.
Play – game play proceeds as normal, with the following exceptions:
At the beginning of the 3rd round and at the very start of each
subsequent round flip one card from the Loyalty deck. If the card is "No
Change", there is no change of allegiance and play continues as normal.
If the "Switch Allegiance" card is drawn, Lancelot has had a change of
heart. The two Lancelot players secretly switch their allegiances. This
switch applies to all aspects of game play including victory conditions
and rules regarding playing Quest cards. They do not swap or show
their Character cards.
It is possible that Lancelot will switch allegiance once, twice or even not at all
during a game.