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Mensajes - court-jus

I played my first 2 players game yesterday evening. It lasted way more than 45 minutes but my fellow player was a little..... slow  ;D

The game was really interesting with some surprising twists like me losing the war while we were both almost sure I would win it. Losing the war, I lost 2 money and so wasn't able to feed my cities and lost 2 levels of development !

I finished the game with 26 progress but only development level 9   :'(

Great game with only one question :

- when we do the "commercar" action, can we exchange as many ressources as we want for money ? or only 3 ? or as many as we want but of the same type ?

Juegos Gratuitos / French translation
13 de Enero de 2014, 17:10:20
You're welcome.

I've not translated the cards yet but I will as soon as possible. I intend to play the game with my friend this wednesday, I'll let you know how it goes.

Can you send me the lastly updated file ?
