Hola a todos,
Estoy probando una variante para jugar en solitario al Dragon Ball Super Card Game. Tiene ciertas limitaciones en cuanto a las cartas a incluir en el mazo de la IA (no pueden incluirse cartas con skills que no sean Auto, y el mazo IA no puede utilizar Combos), pero con las expansiones que hay creo puede ser fácil montar mazos que funcionen bien para la IA. Las reglas del juego son las mismas que en el original, solamente con cambios en el turno del Oponente (no utiliza sistema de energías para bajar cartas, sino que usa sistema similar al Dungeon Crawler Unbound). Os dejo más abajo extracto de las reglas "modificadas" resumidas. El "Battle Limit" lo estoy probando con 5, pero debería servir para regular el nivel de dificultad, claro que el tipo de cartas que se incluyan en el mazo de la IA determina en gran medida que esa límite funcione bien o no.
Con una buena elección de cartas para el mazo de la IA, creéis que puede funcionar? Alguna sugerencia?
CHARGE PHASE: Refresh your cards and charge your energy!
Switch all your cards in Rest Mode (turned sideways) to Active Mode (upright position).
Draw a card from your deck (In your first turn, skip this step). There's no limit to the number of cards you can have in your hand.
Choose a card from your hand and place it in your Energy Area face up in Active Mode (You can choose not to place a card in your Energy Area). There's no limit to the number of cards you can have in your Energy Area.
MAIN PHASE: During the Main Phase, you can do the following as many times as you like!
Play Battle Cards from your hand: You can reveal a Battle Card from your hand, switch energy equal to the total cost of the are to Rest mode, then play the Battle Card in your Battle Area in Active Mode. There's no limit to the number of Battle Cards you can play in your Battle Area.
Activate card skills: If your Leader Card, Battle Cards in your Battle Area, or Extra Cards in your hand have Activate skills, you can activate them during this phase. You can pay for Extra Cards skills by switching cards in your Energy Area to Rest Mode equal to the cost of the Extra Card you want to play. After playing an Extra Card, place it in your Drop Area. If the skill description of any card has an additional cost listed, pay it to activate the skill.
Battle: Switch your Leader Card or one of the Battle Cards in your Battle Area to Rest Mode, then choose your opponent's Leader Card or one of the Battle Cards in their Battle Area to attack. You can always attack your opponent's Leader Card, but you can only attack your opponent's Battle Cards that are on rest mode. You can't start a battle during your first turn.
END PHASE: Proceed to your opponent's turn.
CHARGE PHASE: Refresh your cards and charge your energy!
Switch all your cards in Rest Mode (turned sideways) to Active Mode (upright position).
Play cards in to the Battle Area face up one-by-one until the total energy cost of the cards in the Battle Area reaches 5. The 5 energy cost limit is called the Battle Limit.
Bust: A Bust occurs when you draw a card whose cost makes the total energy cost in the Battle Area exceed the Battle Limit, and when this happens the card is placed face up on the top of the opponent's deck.
Flip: A Flip occurs at the beginning of this step, when the Battle Limit has already been filled and no cards are on the top of the deck face up: Instead of drawing cards into play you Flip the top card instead and this card does not come in to play this round; even if it's energy cost is "0".
Pull: If there is a card face up on the top of the deck when you begin this step, that card is Pulled (brought) into play REGARDLESS of the Battle Limit (this keeps the game pressing forward). If the Battle Limit has not been met/exceeded by this card coming into play, then you would continue to draw cards normally until the Battle Limit has been filled.
Activate any Auto card skill that has effect when the card comes in to play for the new cards placed in the Battle Area in the previous step.
MAIN PHASE: During the Main Phase de Opponent attacks the Player!
Battle: All the opponent's Battle Cards in Active Mode in the Battle Area and their Leader Card attack the player each turn. The Player chooses which attack to resolve first. When a Battle Card attacks, it is switched to Rest Mode. The Player may declare their Leader Card or one of their Battle Cards in Active Mode in the Battle Area as a defender for the attack by switching that card to Rest Mode. The Player may let the attack undefended and declare no defenders to the attack. If the attack is undefended, it is resolved against the Player's Leader Card but the Leader Card does not need to be switched to Rest Mode. During this phase, the Player can play Extra Cards and activate skills to respond to the Opponent's attacks.
END PHASE: Proceed to the Player's turn.