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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Set nº X de Axis&Allies Miniaturas

Iniciado por bartok, 26 de Abril de 2010, 14:10:50

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Se llamará Counter-Offensive, 1941-1943, quizas para Agosto 2010, o algun retraso mas. Muy interesantes novedades, KV-2 y antiaereo para los rusos, ademas de un tanque Veteran.
Universal Carrier de escala nueva y el ansiado mortero para fuego indirecto para los british, nuevo Marine y vehiculo anfibio para los USA.
Nuevas naciones menores partizanos de Yugolasvia, Croacia y Nueva Zelanda ademas de mas hungaros y 3 unidades mas eslovacas
El Nashorn en escala grande, y Panzer III Commander, bien bien....
Antiaereo japo para unir a las nuevas miniaturas del set IX, spotter, LMG, ya tienen aun mas unidades para recrear la serie The Pacific.


There will be 50 units in this set.
There will be 30 units in this set with entirely new molds.
There will be 4 V1 rescales in this set.
There will be 6 reprints with nationality changes in this set.
There will be 10 pure reprints in this set (including veteran and guards units).
Tentative release date - August, 2010.
Most units from this set will have 1942-1943 action dates, with at least a select few having 1939, 1941 and 1944 availability dates. So far, it appears that no units in this set will have a 1940 or 1945 action date.
Many units from the cancelled set "Italy and the Balkans" will be included in this set.
The only new nations in this set will be New Zealand, Yugoslavia, and Croatia.
There will be a total of 14 nations in this set.
There will be no Finnish units in this set.
There will be no Matilda tank, of any nationality, in this set.
There will be at least one aircraft in this set.
There will be no hero units in this set.
There will be no obstacles in this set.
There will be no support units in this set.
It is apparently undecided whether any ace aircraft will appear in this set.


M3 Stuart

Unidentified Tank

New Zealand

Soviet Union
- 46 Points, SA's include "Heavy Armour" (Pre Revision = "Hulking Mass"), and "Turret Lock - This unit cannot attack while in a Hill hex."
85mm AA gun
Veteran SU76M
- Rare.

United Kingdom
Universal Carrier
Unidentified Mortar
Unidentified unit with indirect fire (Maybe the mortar noted above?).

United States
DUKW Amphibious Truck
Unidentified Marine units.

Unidentified units of the 'People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia.'
Unidentified partisan unit.



Panzer III Ausf. N Commander
- 1942, 22 Points, Speed 3, Defense 5/3, AI 7/7/9, AV 10/9/8, Initiative +2, SA - Command Quick Reactions - Each friendly vehicle within 2 hexes of this unit can change facing after making an attack.

Hungary (Total of 3 units)
Three new units (all new molds).


Type 88, 75mm AA

Romania (Total of 3 units)
Sdkfz 251
Two other units (both new molds).

Slovakia (Total of 3 Units)
- 1939 Availability Date.
LT-35 (light tank)
- 1941 Availability Date.
Unidentified Tank Destroyer
- 1944 Availability Date.
Mira lo que jugamos.........................El Foro. Canal de Telegram para ir probándolo: https://t.me/+cs7yeCV9q_o2MmU0


Hay muy pocas noticias con respecto al set XI, incluso puede que nunca llegue a ver la luz:

Set XI - Late War -


The theme of this set will be late war and 'cool'/unusual units.
There will be no hero units in this set.
There will be no Romanian IAR.80 Fighter Aircraft in this set.


Soviet Union

United Kingdom

United States
M4A3E2 Sherman "Jumbo" ["Distinct Possibility" as per M2A0]

Yugoslavia may receive 2 reprinted vehicles in this set (not 100% confirmed yet - intended to be M3 Stuart and T-34/85).
If Yugoslavia appears in this set, no new sculpts will be allocated to Yugoslavian units.


If Yugoslavia appears in this set, all potential Croatian units will be reprints; no new sculpts will be allocated to Croatian units.


Hungary (Total of 1 unit)
Unidentified Soldier (new mold, either (1) Danuvia 43M SMG, (2) 20 mm Solothurn 36M anti-tank rifle, or (3) Hungarian cavalry)

- Type 1 Ho-Ha Half Track
Japan will NOT receive a rescaled Type 97 Te-Ke Tankette in this set.
- Japanese Sapper
Cost - 4
Speed - 1
Defense 4/4
AI: 6/-/-
AV: 2/-/-

CA 7

Thanks to M2A0 for all of the hints and spoilers provided for this list.  

Last edited - 06/01/12 - AG124
Mira lo que jugamos.........................El Foro. Canal de Telegram para ir probándolo: https://t.me/+cs7yeCV9q_o2MmU0