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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Catán: Mercaderes y bárbaros. ¡Bocanada de aire fresco!

Iniciado por ritter, 21 de Septiembre de 2017, 04:25:17

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Parece ser que esta expansión no ha sido tan bien acogida como el resto. El popurrí nos ha dejado a todo el mundo algo fríos. Por eso, hace unos años que intentamos jugarlo todo junto para darle un toque más de expansión total sin dejar nada en la caja, obteniendo así una sensación más completa; y funcionaba pero cada vez se ha ido mejorando más y aquí os dejo la versión "final" (o eso espero). A nivel de impresiones me recuerda a Catán: Piratas y exploradores, pero con más putaditas.

Espero que la variante os guste tanto como a nosotros y os sirva para pillar la expansión con más ganas. Lamentablemente las reglas las tengo solamente en inglés, a ver si me animo a traducirlas. La podéis encontrar también en:
Sin embargo hay un cambio en la 13ª regla porque estaba mal expresada

Traders & Barbarians Ultimate

• The Fishermen of Catan
• The Rivers of Catan
• The Caravans
• The Barbarian Attack
• Traders and Barbarians

1) Leave a space between the odd numbers in the sea frame to enlarge the playfield.

2) Remove 2 hills hexes, 2 mountains hexes, 1 pasture hex.

3) Roll a regular dice and the color dice. Assemble the game board according to the result in the illustration below and randomly fill the gaps with the remaining hexes. (Castles should be together for aesthetics questions).

4) Remove the "Longest Road", and "Largest Army" cards. Add the "Harbormaster" card instead.

5) Play only with the development cards from "The Barbarian Attack."

6) All number tokens are used in this scenario. Place the tokens starting from any corner hex and then, proceeding either clockwise or counterclockwise (the direction doesn't matter). Skip the hexes that do not produce resources (swamps, deserts, castles, etc.). If the corner hex you want to start from belongs to one these hex types, place the first number token on an adjacent hex that points in the desired direction. There are no initial barbarians in any hex.

7) In the set-up phase, place 1 settlement and 1 city.

8) The robber has now two effects: He prevents a hex from producing resources (it can be also placed on the lake or on the fishing frame), and he increases the number of movement points required to move the wagon by 2 (affecting the whole hex). Note that the robber can be moved by rolling a 7, by spending fish (off the board) or by using a wagon to force him away (in this case, it can only be placed in non-productive hexes).

9) Each player receives 5 coins; placing settlements and roads adjacent to a river gives no coins during the whole game, bridges placement gives still 3 coins.

10) When determining where to place a camel, only wool cards can be used for bidding.

11) With only one grain, you can speed up all your knights up to 5 movements (instead of 1 grain per knight). On the other hand, it is no longer possible to speed up your wagon by paying grain.

12) Crossing a river with your wagon costs you:
• 4 movement points if the wagon crosses without a bridge,
• 1 movement point if the wagon crosses a bridge, and
• crossing a bridge costs one coin as roads do

13) Move a wagon through a path with a camel alongside a road or bridge is free, the owner receives no gold.

14) When barbarians attack, assign them to a side of the hex (only one per path, regardless the hex), they increase the movement cost to move the wagon of that path by two. If you force them away with your wagon, move them to another side of the same hex.

15) At the end of each turn, do the following:   
•1. Place Camels •2. Move Knights •3. Move Wagon

16) The first player to reach 15 victory points wins.

17) Each player should record his/her victory points. It is recommended to play with a point track.

18) Apart from the modifications listed above, this scenario is played as described in the rules.

Traders & Barbarians Ultimate for 5 & 6 players.

• The Fishermen of Catan
• The Rivers of Catan
• The Caravans
• The Barbarian Attack
• Traders and Barbarians

1)All the rules for 3/4 player of this scenario are applied.

2)Additional rules for 5/6 players Traders & Barbarians expansion are applied normally.

3)Remove 2 hills hexes, 3 mountains hexes, 3 pasture hexes, 2 desert hexes

4)From the 5/6 expansion, it is only used the fishermen expansion hexes and the river hex.

5)Roll a regular dice and the color dice. Assemble the game board according to the result in the illustration below and randomly fill the gaps with the remaining hexes. (Castles should be together for aesthetics questions).

6)All number tokens are used in this scenario. Change the ordering, switching R and K. Place them as explained for 3 and 4 players.