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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

A world at War: Dudas reglas

Iniciado por Minigrognard, 18 de Junio de 2016, 21:12:46

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Estamos iniciando nuestra andadura por el AWAW, y en el escenario del Norte de África nos surgen varias dudas:

1. Explotación
Las unidades que pueden hacer explotación deben de estar en un Hexagono  adyacente al hexágono de explotación (no a dos) ? y no haber participado en el ataque ?
En nuestra partida dos hex. de ataque del Eje MM19 y NN19, atacando el hex. MM20.
Eliminan todas las unidades del hex británicas pero la única unidad acorazada del eje disponble esta en NN18.
No puede hacer exploit. no?

2. Giro de unidades aereas al final del turno.
Durante el turno del Eje se ejecuta un counterir a la base aérea británica. Al final del este turno inicial queda solo una unidad británica Aborted. (las del eje salen bastante bien paradas). El británico decide acabar el combate por tanto la unidad Británica queda "girada". Al final del turno del eje, esa unidad británica también se resetea? o queda inactiva para todo el turno aliado también?


Respuestas obtenidas en el forro de la BGG. (por si a alguien mas le sirven)

1. Correct

2. The relevant rules for this query are 16.21 and 16.22 as follows (emphasis added in bold):

16.21 PLACEMENT OF ARMOR UNITS: Armor units which are eligible to exploit (16.22) and were, at the start of the first round of ground combat which created a breakthrough, adjacent to or stacked with any attacking ground unit which attacked the breakthrough hex may be placed on that breakthrough hex. Armor units are placed on breakthrough hexes after all regular ground combat has been resolved.

16.22 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible for exploitation, an armor unit:
A. Must have a CTL of one or more.
B. Must have been fully supplied from an unlimited supply source during initial supply determination of the current player turn.
C. Must have its mechanized component intact.
D. May not have attacked during the combat phase in which the breakthrough is created. Armor units which attacked the breakthrough hex to create the breakthrough are not eligible for exploitation and may not move or attack during exploitation.
16.23 Exploiting armor units are placed on a breakthrough hex without regard to available movement factors, enemy ZoCs or stacking.

In other words, armour units must fulfill all of the following conditions in order to be eligible for exploitation:

a) Be adjacent to/stacked with any attacking ground unit which attacked the breakthrough hex, as mentioned in 16.21; and,
b) Meet all of the conditions as stated in 16.22 --> Some of these aspects may not be used for the North Africa scenario, so you may ignore them for the purpose of your play.

Edit: In your example, the armour unit in NN18 can exploit since it meets all of these. Of course, this assumes that the conditions in 16.11 were met in order to create a breakthrough hex from the Axis attack in the first place, so you may wish to verify that this is true.

You can also refer to the online version of these rules in the dedicated A World at War website ( which has a graphical illustration of how exploitation works.

3. Only friendly air units can be uninverted (or "reset") during the player phase. During the Axis player phase, only Axis air units can be uninverted at the end of the turn, provided they were not redeployed earlier while they were inverted.

The British player can uninvert the British air unit during the Allied player turn which happens at step #5 of the Sequence of Play.