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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Sword of Rome (Dudas)

Iniciado por roanoke, 19 de Abril de 2012, 10:12:30

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Cita de: karjedon en 04 de Enero de 2015, 19:10:09
Los marcadores hexagonales son tribus sin someter, que pueden ser samnitas, independientes o romanas. Durante el despliegue se colocan sobre los espacios correspondientes del mapa y no pueden mejorar ni empeorar.
La única manera de capturar esos espacios es sometiendo a la tribu correspondiente. Una vez sometida una tribu, (y capturado el espacio) su marcador se elimina del juego y pasa a considerarse un espacio normal (capturado por el enemigo, claro).

La leche, al leer la colocación inicial en el libreto de PLAY BOOK, se me paso completamente la línea de tribal markers. Así si, ahora lo entiendo todo. La de pajas mentales que me he hecho con los marcadores esos. Una vez colocados, ya si tiene toda la lógica lo de que a las tribus no se le puede aumentar lealtad (aparte de que lo dice el reglamento, tampoco habría marcadores para ello, lo mismo que los galos no pueden subir la lealtad de 1, pues aparte de decirlo las reglas no tienen tampoco marcadores)

Pues todas las partidas de prueba que he jugado el romano ha partido con la desventaja de la tribu esa. Que supongo que le puede poner un tanto nervioso al galo tener esa tribu tan cerca de uno de sus puntos de refuerzos y PV.

Lo de los dados, habrá que pensárselo si usarlo, porque algunas tiradas.... manda huevos


Duda sobre PC.

Buenas, reabro el hilo con nuevas dudas.

Veo una contradicción en el playbook y en las normas, a ver si alguien me lo puede acalarar.

Cuando hablan de las consecuencias politicas de las batallas:

CitarAfter a battle, the winning power (player or non-player) places sup-
port for itself and/or removes support from the defeated power.
•    The support added/removed is half (rounded up) the number of
CU the defeated force actually removed
(from combat losses,
during retreat, and from any events influencing the battle). Thus
if the battle dice and subsequent retreat inflict 6 CU of loss on
a 2 CU army, then you place/remove one point of support, not
•    If the winning power used a campaign card and an ally's army
was used as the flanking force, the winning power may place
support for his ally if he wishes.
•    If the losing power used a campaign card and an ally's army
was used as the flanking force, the winning power may remove
support from either or both powers that lost.
12.5.1 Support is added or removed per 7.3.1 7.3.3, and 7.3.4.
12.5.2 Victorious Gallic and Transalpine Gaul forces may place
plunder markers (14.5) instead of adding/removing support.

Nos vamos al 7.3.1, para ver como poner los PC ganados en batalla.
7.3.1 Adding Support: Players place Support:
•    By replacing an enemy PC marker with their own PC marker in
spaces in which they have CU.

•    By increasing the loyalty of unbesieged cities under their control.
City loyalty may be increased to a maximum of 3.
EXCEPTION: Players may only remove, not replace, enemy PC
markers in an ally's home territory. (15.2.3)
EXCEPTION: Gallic and Transalpine Gallic cities have a maximum
loyalty of one. The Gauls attacked for gold and plunder and rarely
held on to lands they raided.

EXAMPLE: Playing a card with a value of 2 allows you to:
•    Increase one city's loyalty from 1 to 3.
•    Increase two cities' loyalty by 1 each.
•    Increase one city's loyalty by 1 and replace one enemy PC marker
with your own PC marker in a space where you have CU.
•    Replace two enemy PC markers with your own PC markers in
two spaces where you have CU.

Certain events call for a power to remove its

Pero en el playbook, turno 2, los galos, ponen como resultado de una batalla un PC en Sentium, donde no tienen ninguna UC.

CitarGallic Action #2
Play #23 Neutral Power Activates for 2-ops. Activate Brennus and
move him and his entire force through Ariminum, Bononia, and
The Etruscans roll a 1, and Minor Leader-A intercepts Brennus in
Faesulae and a battle ensues. The Etruscans get +1 (for intercepting) +1
(for friendly territory) +2 (for superior force), and the Gauls get +1 (for
superior leadership), giving a final modifier of +3 for the Etruscans.
The Etruscans roll 2,5,4 + 3 = 14 and the Gauls roll 5,4,6 = 15. It's a
bloody battle that ends with a Gallic victory. The Etruscans lose 5 CUs
and the Gauls lose 2. The remaining 2 Etruscan CUs retreat to Pisae.
Play #14 Souls for Teutates to gain 1 VP for killing at least 3 Etruscan
CUs in a battle. (Remove this card from the game.)
The Gauls get 3 (5/2 rounded up) support points to play for themselves
and/or against the Etruscans. Place Gallic PC markers in Faesulae and
and place 1 Gallic plunder marker on the plunder track.

Vaya que no me queda nada claro como se ponen los PC.
"When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning." - Reiner Knizia


Sin tener el reglamento delante, creo que te tienes que dirigir a la sección 7.3.3 o 7.3.4. Una de esas explica cómo colocar PC tras una batalla. La sección 7.3.1 creo que hace referencia a cómo colocar apoyos al jugar una carta o por eventos.


Muchas gracias Bowie, efectivamente un punto del 7.3.4. habla sobre esto.

Citar7.3.4 Adding or Removing Support After Battle
The political consequences of a battle (12.5) enable the winner
to add his own support (7.3.1), remove support from the defeated
power (7.3.3), and/or:
•    Remove an independent PC marker in a home space free of enemy
•    Replace an independent city in a home space free of enemy CU
with a loyalty 1 city.
•    Replace the losing power's PC marker in a space free of enemy
CU with the winner's PC marker if the winning power began
the battle controlling an adjacent space.

•    When reducing one of the losing power's cities to zero loyalty,
replace it with the winner's loyalty 1 marker, instead of an in-
dependent city marker, if the winning power began the battle
controlling an adjacent space.

Se me paso, veo que hay muchos detalles.

Acabando el playbook me surgió otra duda, sobre los Refuerzos del turno 1.
Los romanos empiezan con 4 ciudades amuralladas incluyendo Roma. En el turno 1 crearon otra de lealtad 1 en Praeneste, lo que les da un total de 4 ciudades amuralladas más Roma. Si reciben 1UC por ciudad amurallada y 2UC por Roma seria un total de 6 UC, no?
En el ejemplo reciben 5UCs, las ciudades que construyen no cuentan? Solo las iniciales?
"When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning." - Reiner Knizia


por cada ciudad amurallada que tengan en ese momento, sea por conquista, por construccion (colonias) o lo que sea
En el momento de la acción, recuerda el valor del silencio y el orden. (Formio de Atenas)
La ignorancia no empuja a nadie a la guerra, y nadie que piense que sacará algo de ella dejará que el miedo le disuada (Hermócrates de Siracusa)


Eso es exactamente lo que yo había interpretado Dukarrio, por eso no entiendo el playbook. Me dejo algo?

No se ve muy bien pero de ciudades amuralladas hay 5, las iniciales (Sutrium, Narnia, Capua y Roma) y Praeneste, creada en la 3era ronda.
Capua está bajo asedio.

Y esta es la fase de refuerzos:
CitarReinforcement Phase
• Add 1 Volsci CU in Antium.
• Add 1 Transalpine Gaul CU in the TGaul holding box.
• By tie-breaker, the Etruscans get to decide to add 3
Carthaginian CUs in Lilybaeum.
The Gauls (with most VPs) must place reinforcements first,
and the Etruscans decide the remaining 3 players will place
in the following order: Greeks, Romans, Etruscans.
• Add 5 Gallic CUs with Brennus in Arretium and 1 CU in
• Add 4 Greek CUs in Syracusae and 1 CU in Neapolis.
• Keep both Agathocles and Dionysius in play by decreas-
ing Syracusae, Neapolis, and Tarentum to 2 loyalty and
Rhegium to 1 loyalty.
• Remove both Roman consuls.
• Add 5 Roman CUs to Praeneste.
• Draw two new consuls: Claudius and Veturius. Place
Claudius in Praeneste and Veturius in Roma. (No rein-
forcements can be placed in Tarracina since it cannot
trace a path to an unbesieged Roman reinforcement
space.) Place Minor Leader-B in Tarracina.
• Add 5 Etruscan CUs to Pisae.
"When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning." - Reiner Knizia


He resuelto la duda, por si alguien más le interesa.
Cualquiera de las ciudades si están bajo asedio no cuentan para los refuerzos.

Citar5.10.1 CU Reinforcements. The number of CU placed depends on
how many reinforcement spaces the power controls (2.2) and, for
the Roman player, how many walled cities he controls. To provide
CU, the reinforcement space must be controlled by the original
owner and not be besieged or undergoing subjugation.
• The Transalpine Gauls receive 1 CU.
• The Volsci receive 1 CU for Antium.
• The Romans receive 2 CU for Roma plus 1 CU for every other
Roman-controlled walled city.
• The Greeks receive 2 CU for Syracusae plus 1 CU each for Mes-
sana, Tarentum, and Neapolis.
• The Gauls receive 1 CU each for Eporedia, Genua, Mediolanum,
Bononia, Sena Gallica, and Patavium.
• The Etruscans receive 1 CU each for Pisae and Tarquinii.
• The Samnites receive 1 CU each for Aufidena, Bovianum, and
• Carthage receives 3 CU for Carthago
"When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning." - Reiner Knizia