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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games


Iniciado por Niko, 07 de Febrero de 2011, 10:43:16

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MMP ha organizado un torneo con el que se puede participar de la forma que uno quiera con la única premisa de jugar juegos de la casa, MMP.

Os dejo los detalles del mismo; para más información pasaros por la web.

MMP Ironman announcement

See the announcement below for the MMP Ironman tournament that Ken Dunn will be running for us.

Check out our website to follow along!

What: A tournament composed of seven rounds of game play of MMP games. Each round (approximately one round each six weeks) will require the competitive play of one game from a list of two different MMP games announced prior to the start of the round. Participants pick one game and finish it within the time frame allowed. Points will be awarded based on performance. A running total will be kept. There will be a prize for first place!

How: MMP (via its designated tournament director Ken Dunn) will pair up tournament participants who have picked the same title. Once paired, opponents can play the game via any venue they agree on: face to face, VASSL, Cyberboard, etc. MMP will make the pairings and notify all players at the start of the round. We will make every attempt to pair opponents who want the same type of gaming venue.

When: First round starts February 15th. (Just after Valentine's Day so you guys can deal with the important stuff!) Simply send an email to ken@multimanpublishing.com by February 12 to sign up. Include your contact information: name, address, email, preferred method of play, and time zone. The Rounds are scheduled approximately as follows:

Round 1: 2/15 - 3/30
Round 2: 3/30 - 5/15
Round 3: 5/15 - 6/30
Round 4: 6/30 - 8/15
Round 5: 8/15 - 9/30
Round 6: 9/30 - 10/15
Round 7: 10/15 - 11/30
Round 8 (if needed as tiebreaker): 11/30 - 12/30 (This will be a speed round.)

Participants may skip up to two rounds, but skipping more than 2 rounds results in disqualification.

Prior to the start of each round, MMP will announce the two featured games for the upcoming round. Email Ken prior to the start of a round to announce your participation, what game you want to play, and your preferred venue. If opponents get paired despite having requested different venues, MMP will (if no venue can be agreed upon within 48 hours of the start of the round) decide on the venue.

Scoring: Each win earns 2 Points. There is an extra Point for a "Smashing Victory" (at the sole discretion of MMP), 1 point for playing the game to completion (early concessions considered "played to completion" only on approval of MMP), and 1 point for an After Action Report posted on the MMP website and approved by MMP. Ties will be broken via various tiebreakers as decided by MMP.

What if I don't own the Games?! For each round, the two featured games will be offered at 20% off the retail price prior to and throughout the round to participants of the tournament only.

The Prize: First place receives an engraved plaque plus choice of either: 1 a trip to Winter Offensive, MMP's charity tournament, usually held in the middle of January (fine print - MMP pays for 3 nights hotel stay, up to $500 for travel expenses, and $100 for food) or 2 every new game MMP publishes in 2012 free of charge.

Second place also receives goodies.

Ken will announce the games for the first round shortly.

You know you want to play the games. Now you have an even better reason. Be the MMP Ironman and lord it over your inferiors.
War Storm Series