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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Merchants & Marauders: Seas of Glory

Iniciado por humakt, 25 de Septiembre de 2014, 17:17:06

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Added playtime : About 2 minutes total.
Added complexity : Minor

NPCs receive a face-down mod (instead of face-up) when they enter the game. It gets revealed when the NPC engages in battle. (2 face-up mods if the token was "2", none if the token was "0")

When an NPC scouts for a player, or when a player scouts for an NPC, if nobody knows whether or not the mod is a crow's nest, the player furthest away peeks at it. If 2+ players are tied for distance, the lowest player on the glory track peeks. If it is still tied, they both peek. Either way, a crow's nest is revealed before the scouting roll. A "2" is also revealed, replaced by 2 face-down mods, the same player(s) peek at them, and a crow's nest among them is revealed before the scouting roll.

Optional simplified version (When you have too many new players or people going AFK, or when using the Real Time variant) :
If the blue crow's nest location is unknown, the mod gets revealed when the NPC is scouting or being scouted for.



Added playtime : Slightly reduced.
Added complexity : Minor without the extra glory cards, but some particular cards can be very complex.
Note : Usually reduces the number of rounds a game will last as your glory cards are on average more useful to your specific playstyle.

Setup :
Remove the "Stash in any port" glory card, then split the rest into 3 separate decks : Mercantile (chest), Adventure (rudder wheel) and Battle (cutlass).

Your starting glory card depends on your starting ship :

Mercantile : Flute, Galleon

Adventure : Caravel, Carrack

Battle : Sloop, Clipper, Frigate, Galleass, Man-o-War

If you start with a Brig, you can draw your starting glory card from any deck.

When you gain a glory point, you draw a glory card from a specific deck depending on how you earned the point :

Mercantile : Selling goods (including contraband), Investing, Buying a large ship.

Adventure : Finding a rumor to be true, completing a mission.

Battle : Winning a battle, earning 12+ gold from a raid, earning all bounties.

Any other situation (IE Basking in glory event or Nikolaas van Hoorn's ability) lets you draw a card from a deck of your choice.

* When you use a favor to redraw a glory card, you can draw the new card from any deck.

*When you gain a free specialist, you decide which deck to draw him from.

*When you play "New tricks", it is shuffled back into the Adventure deck.  The new cards you draw come from the deck(s) of your choice.

BONUS GLORY CARDS (may be used without the Experience variant but it is recommended) :

- It is recommended to add the rare specialists to the glory deck(s) only after everyone has drawn their starting glory card. Either way, Antony Yeatts CANNOT start with a rare specialist. They can only be hired by already having one in your hand when you gain a free specialist (instead of drawing from the glory deck) or by completing the instructions in certain rumors.

- Ambush : Direct "crew hits" (3 pips and grape shot) are completely canceled, not transfered to the hull. Choice hits must be something other than crew, even if it means losing the last hull and sinking. The card may be discarded when hit locations are rolled to take the choice hits to crew, but if you do, you must also take the direct hits to crew.

- Bad Luck requires the Epic Battles variant. NPCs currently engaged in battle only move closer to you after their battle is over, and only NPCs in your sea-zone scout for you.

- If you use Hostage against a player captain with an already angry crew and he dies from mutiny BEFORE the battle, then no battle takes place (the crew kill their captain and leave with the hostage alive).

- Discovery, Fear and Fruits of Commerce require the Locations module. Discovery CAN be played in The Caribbean Sea.

- Inspiration Speech, Hostage and Torture require the Loyalty module.

- Coveted Business and Defection require the Favors 2.0 variant.

- Cut off the Ropes, Diversion, Genius Maneuver, Moral Support and Rope Swinging requires the Battle Overhaul variant.

- Cut off the Ropes, Rope Swinging and Moral Support are mutually exclusive. If two players play one of them against each other, a Leadership contest (combat related, affected by loyalty and which cannot be rerolled with a favor) determines which card resolves. The other card is NOT discarded.

- If your captain dies in crew combat after playing Cut off the Ropes, you keep playing with your new captain as though you didn't die. The captain is chosen in the same way any other captain would be at the beginning of the game or after death. If you didn't flee, you continue naval combat with your new captain. If you have a captain specialist, you may instead promote your captain specialist as the new captain and have the newly drawn captain be the specialist.

- Moral Support : If you lose crew combat, you are still alive (you stayed on your ship) and discard the card.

- It's a Trap !!! and Bad Luck require the Epic Battles variant.

- Mercantile Network requires the Free Trade variant.  You may want to remove it if you have only 2 players.

- Storm Riding requires the weather module.

- Unique model : If you buy a large ship, gain a glory point and draw Unique Model, you CAN play it immediately, applying the effects to the ship you just bought. You can play Unique Model on your last action to build a large ship and skip your first action on the next round.


The end of crew combat involving a giant can end in three different ways :

Scenario 1 :
You lose your last crew and your opponent still has crew :
The Giant does one round of crew combat by himself with 4 Leadership (can still be modified by loyalty and cards). If your opponent still has crew or won the contest, you die. If your opponent won the contest, the giant also dies. Ignore the surrender text since you're dead anyway.
If your opponent loses his last crew, the highest leadership roll wins as normal. The loser is dead. Again, no surrender is possible.

Scenario 2 :
Your opponent loses his last crew but you still have crew :
You still win the crew combat no matter what happens after this. The Giant does one last round of crew combat with a single sailor "sportsmanlike". You cannot lose crew from this round of crew combat (because your opponent has no crew and therefore cannot inflict any crew hits). If the giant wins, nothing special happens. Your opponent dies as normal.
If the giant loses this round, he (and only he) dies, but you still win crew combat with both captains alive. This is the only scenario where you must accept a surrender if offered or bring your loyalty down to Mutiny (after any loyalty gain from the glory point and other effects). If you are not playing with the surrender variant, you may ignore this part and just lose your giant while still winning crew combat.

Scenario 3 :
You and your opponent lose your last crew in the same round of crew combat :
Nothing special happens. The highest Leadership roll determines the winner as usual.

NOTE : If you have more than one opponent because of the Epic Battles variant and only one of them loses their last crew, they die as normal.

GIANT AND LOCATION RAIDS : The ground assault of a location raid counts as crew combat. If you lose all your crew in a ground assault, the giant makes his own roll with 4 Leadership (can be altered by Loyalty) and if he rolls enough skulls so that his roll and yours combined equal the number of escape icons, you do not die. The raid is successful but your crew is still lost.

On the other hand, after every Location Raid in which you do not lose your last crew, he makes another round with 4 Leadership, and if he loses, he dies (but the raid is still successful).



Requires the Loyalty module.

Added playtime : Variable
Added complexity : High
Note : Reduces the luck factor for non-pirates, but can backfire on them. Usually reduces the number of turns in a game by making non-pirates gain glory points faster and making pirates have slightly higher loyalty and therefore more actions, but can slightly increase the time merchants take doing their port action.

Setup :
1- Replace the "Goods token" bag with the new one, which you will use to spawn and replace demand tokens.
2- Shuffle the 12 "Slaves" cargo cards into the cargo deck. Shuffle the deck until a non-slaves card is on top.
3- Add the extra events to the "secondary events".
4- Add the extra glory cards to the glory deck(s). Remove "Plantation" if you are not playing with the Investment variant.
5- Add the extra rumors to the rumors deck. Remove "New Leadership" in team games.
6- Add the extra missions to the missions deck. Remove "The Deliverer" if not playing with Locations.
7- Add the extra captains to the captains deck. Remove Mehmet Karga if you are not playing with Locations.

Gameplay :

For the most part, "Slaves" follow the same rules as regular cargo.

Slave cards have a recognizable back. The cargo deck should not be shuffled unless stated by the rules. Lock it if needed. When you have slaves as cargo, you must leave a slaves card on top to indicate it. When cargo must be discarded because of damage to the cargo location, press "R" once and discard the first card on top.

When buying goods, you have the option of redrawing and replacing some or all of the "slaves" cards, even if they are not in demand (before you start actually buying anything). If they are in demand, however, you have to replace them.

To gain a glory point from selling 3 goods in demand, the 3 goods do not have to be the same. (IE if a port wants "Wood" and "Slaves", selling 2 "Wood" and 1 "Slaves" will grant you a glory point).

If a port is affected by "Poverty", the demand for slaves is unaffected. Replace the face-down token with another face-down token if you sell any slaves in demand in that port.

During the "plague" event, if any of its tokens show slaves, all ports demanding slaves are also affected in the same way.

Note : If using the free trade variant, buying a slaves card with a specialist symbol from another player does NOT let you gain a free specialist, but plundering it from another player or recruiting them after killing their owner does.

If you have more "Slaves" than crew at sea and outside of battle, they revolt.  Discard all your "Slaves" cards and make a leadership roll.  If you fail, your captain dies.  This leadership roll is considered a round of "crew combat" for the sake of loyalty effects and glory cards, and you cannot use a favor to reroll it.

If you lose crew during a battle or a raid, the revolt only occurs after the battle is over. (A Ship Surgeon specialist or a "Salvage what you can" glory card may be able to prevent it.  Or, if you're lucky, cannon hits to your cargo might bring the numbers back into balance.) However, if you have a pending revolt, you CANNOT discard slaves during plunder to make room for other goods (freeing them) or choose to keep a ship with insufficient cargo space to hold your slaves.

If you leave port with more slaves than crew, the excess can be freed.

"Ship's Brig" ship modification : One "Slaves" cargo takes up no cargo space, and one less "Crew" is required to hold slaves. (IE you can hold 2 "Slaves" with only one crew without going through a revolt.)

At the beginning of plunder, if you don't have a full crew and are not holding slaves yourself, you may attempt to recruit them.  Make a Leadership roll. If you succeed, discard all slaves cards, gain that many "crew" and gain 1 Loyalty.

You cannot recruit your own slaves.

Slave cards drawn from visiting reefs or completing rumors may either be kept as cargo or recruited as per normal rules (including Flotsam and Jetsam).

Auction glory card :
Another player "can" purchase a slave card if they have the gold and their captain is allowed to hold slaves.  Cargo space and crew are irrelevant and they may be forced to dump cargo when they leave port. If more players must purchase a slave card than you have for sale, you decide which one(s) to sell it to (but must choose the highest bidder if they offer more).

A player may also choose not to roll influence if they want to buy one.

Break their chains! glory card :
If you use it at the beginning of a ground assault or against a naval ship, you still get the gold plunder from the discarded cards.

If you are holding slaves on a Galleass, they can give it a few cumulative advantages :
* 1+ "Slaves" card : You can move against the wind without spending an extra action and you do not need to spend loyalty during a "Calm Seas" event.
* 2+ "Slaves" cards : Destroyed masts have no effect. (You can even initiate or succeed in a Raid with destroyed masts, unless you lose your 2nd slave to a cargo hit.)
* 3+ "Slaves" cards : +1 Maneuverability
* 4+ "Slaves" cards : +1 free move per turn (even in or out of port, or against the wind)

If any player sells slaves in a Spanish port/town/trade station, the Treasure Galleon becomes a Slave Galleon. It follows the same rules as the regular Treasure Galleon, but when attacked, it also has 1 slaves cargo for each 10 Gold onboard, rounded down (IE 1 slaves cargo if he has 15 gold onboard). Min.1 and Max 5.

If a non-pirate successfully scouts for the Slave Galleon, he may, instead of attacking, buy one single "slaves" cargo for 5 Gold. Add 5 Gold on the Slave Galleon plaque and draw the first slaves card from the cargo deck. This can be done even if your captain is at war with Spain.

The "Treasure of the Incas" rumor can still be played on the Slave Galleon. If successful, it reverts back to a Treasure Galleon for the rest of the game.

"The Great Abolition" event reverts the Slave Galleon back to a Treasure Galleon. Once the event is gone, it can be turned back into a Slave Galleon by selling slaves in a Spanish port/town/trade station again.

EPIC BATTLES VARIANT : If a non-pirate player scouts for the Slave Galleon with the same action a pirate scouts for the player or the Slave Galleon, the battle happens before the purchase (and the Galleon is present for it). The Galleon in this case will also be hostile to captains at war with Spain.



* Requires the Locations module.

Added playtime : None
Added complexity : Minor to High depending on the rumors you draw.

* Shipwrecked and Cursed Treasure require the Weather module.

* Treasure of the Incas requires the Treasure Galleon module. If using the Epic Battles variant, the treasure galleon also escorts the Spanish naval ship, meaning they always fight together. If you are not using the variant, you only fight the naval ship regardless of which one you scouted for. Either way, new Spanish naval ships are placed in the same sea-zone as the treasure galleon.

* Old Rivals and Blaze of Glory require the Epic Battles variant.

* If playing Old Rivals when found by one of the ships, you must still roll scouting and succeed.

* When joining the battle of Old Rivals, a naval ship will switch to you as their target if you are higher on their hunt priority.

* You do gain the proper bounties or traitor pirate status for attacking either NPC (or plundering them if you didn't attack them) if applicable.

* If you play Old Rivals on the treasure galleon and a naval ship at war with Spain, or on two naval ships at war with each other, and you choose option C, there is no gold left for you to plunder.

* When playing Blaze of Glory, NPCs will only target the scouted player unless they are attacked by someone higher on their hunt priority.

* When playing Blaze of Glory, contraband may be dumped by any involved player to make naval ships non-hostile.  Naval ships made non-hostile to the scouted player in this manner do not move to his sea-zone nor join the battle.

* Dead Providence requires the Raid a Port variant. If playing with Piracy 2.0 and/or Investment, the Spanish bounty you gain from defending the port does not make you a pirate.

* Pirates and Boys : Peter Pan as an NPC behaves as the English naval ship would for movement and scouting (but only scouts for pirates) and can be plundered using the same rules. However, he is not a naval ship and therefore cannot be moved with a naval fort, demanded as an escort, Otto Bayne's bonus doesn't work against him, and all cards that say "naval ship" do not refer to him. Killing him does not earn an english bounty as defeating a naval ship would, but an english bounty is earned for attacking him initially. If his blue ship mod is Hammocks, redraw it, since he already has a total of 5 crew without it.

* Cursed Treasure : If you are given 20 gold from free trade, you cannot immediately give it away, (it would count as refusing). You must first move to a different location before you can get rid of it in any way. If the card is traded at sea and a surprise attack is made, the attacker keeps the card until the end of battle regardless of who initially had it, but if you were the giver, you can be rid of the card as long as you don't plunder any gold.

When you visit a location to complete a rumor, you may generally perform the regular visit activity before or after attempting the rumor, or not at all (IE you would want to complete "Quarantine" before you draw your rumor from visiting a pirate haven, and you do not have to forgive any bounties to complete "The Witch Hunter".)  However, port activity order must be respected, which means you must sell goods BEFORE attempting the "Smuggling Ring" and you can only buy favors AFTER attempting "Local Charity".

If using Epic Battles, when you succeed in a scouting rumor that starts a naval battle, another player with a "visit" or "wait" token may escort you if you wish, as if you had scouted for a ship



Requires the Weather module, Simultaneous Turns, and Surprise Attack.

Added Playtime : Even more reduced than just simultaneous turns.
Added Complexity : Minor
Note : This is an advanced variant that aims to reduce downtime between your actions, especially in games with many players. To an extent, this variant changes the game from a pure turn based game, which usually favors those who take more time to think, to a more "real time" game, favoring fast thinkers.

A 10 seconds Action timer, a 5 minutes Port timer, and a "Next action" zone are added to the table.

Players can choose to leave a token in the "Next action" zone anytime they want.

Note that the Action timer only ever needs to be activated when a token is missing or everyone is waiting on another player. It is in theory possible to do an entire Real Time game without ever using the Action timer. When it is used, a bit of leeway can be granted to a player who places their token or does their action immediately after it rings.

For the most part, follow the rules of Simultaneous turns, but now all actions can be done at the same time.

1) AFTER someone says "Action 1" (or whichever action), the 10 seconds action timer is started. Players can put their face down token in the "current action" space as normal.

Note : You can only ever put a token in the "current action" space when there is no face-up token in it. If there are face-up tokens in the zone, you must place your token in the "Next action" space instead.

2) When the Action timer runs out, the tokens in the "Next action" space are transfered to the current action space (Max 1 per color) and the tokens are flipped. All players can now do their actions at the same time. This is also when you start the 5 minutes Port timer.

If there is a conflict about what action happens first, they are considered to have happened in the order of Simultaneous turns :

1- Port
2- Scout
3- Visit
4 - Raid
5 - Move

For example, no player can move if he is being scouted by an NPC or another player until either the scouting roll(s) fail or the battle is over.

Note : If you want to do a certain thing during your Port action that might affect other players (IE moving an NPC pirate with Krispjn van der Heyden), you can say it when the tokens are flipped and do it immediately. You may of course do it later during your port action, but it may have different effects on other players or none at all.

If there is no conflict, actions are considered to be done in any order that is convenient. For example, if using the free trade variant, it is possible for a player to move into port and trade with the player currently doing a port action in it.

A player with a wait token in the current action space may at any time add a new token face up and carry out the action immediately. However, if there is a conflict with a player doing the same action (IE 2 scouting or 2 raid), the player without a wait token has priority instead the normal contest.

A player with a wait token in the current action space may also at any time add a face down token if he wants to wait for the right time to do it.

3) If any non-wait token is left when no one is doing any action anymore, the Action timer is started again. When it rings, non-move tokens are moved to the "Next action" space face down.

4) Move actions are all executed and move tokens returned to the player. If in port, a ship is moved out of port. If at sea with a direction die on the token, the ship is moved in that direction. If at sea with a port token under it, the ship is moved into port and the port token is placed in the "Next action" space. If at sea and nothing is specified, the ship is moved in the direction of the wind (or next clockwise possible direction).

5) The action timer is restarted for wait tokens, if any. When it runs out, wait tokens without an added action are moved to the "Next action" space face up, and the process of actions is repeated for the action tokens.

6) When the Port timer runs out AND all non-port actions are done, players doing a Port action must stop. (A bit of leeway can be granted to finish an already started port activity or quickly recruit or grab a favor). It is recommended to spare first time players from the Port timer, but otherwise, 5 minutes is usually more than enough.

Special rules :

- You can perform additional port actions in the same round to "complete" an unfinished port action if 5 minutes wasn't enough. The order of port activities must still be respected. (IE You cannot sell in your 2nd port action, and you cannot do a 2nd port action if you bought favors in the 1st one.)

- When you are buying goods and want another player to confirm a pair, if they do not respond, buy the goods normally and keep doing your port activities. The other allowed player may look at your cargo until your port action is over, or not. Once your port action is done, nobody can look at your cargo.

- Taken by surprise : A player engaged in Naval battle has 10 seconds (starting after other players have completed their port/scout/visit/raid/move actions) to respond with a card or place their "Shoot/Maneuver" token. If he doesn't, the attacker performs a surprise attack without earning the extra bounty (respecting normal restrictions, which means it cannot happen if the attacked player has a usable Lookout specialist, or the attacker has a Man-o-War or is Ali Vezaz.)

Real time tips :

Take the habit of placing your token in the "Next action" zone as soon as you know what your next action will be.

If the action timer starts are you are still not sure what to do next, place a wait token to buy yourself some thinking time. Don't let the timer run out on you.

Placing  a wait token in the "Next action" space, with or without another token, especially if another player has just moved into port (meaning they will do a port action next) is the best way to take a bathroom break or grab something to eat without losing an action.

If your next action is "Move" and you are at sea, you can leave your direction dice or your "Port" token in an action zone if you need to go away to make sure that other players move you in the right direction while you are away, rather than move you in the direction of the wind.

Leaving your "shoot" or "maneuver" token face down in front of your hand guarantees you will not be attacked by surprise simply because you are away when it happens, but you still won't have a chance to respond with a card. If possible, do not leave the table when you are at risk of being scouted.



Added playtime : None
Added complexity : Minor

Figureheads are a special ship modification. Their cost are varied, and they increase the value of your ship by 5 Gold instead of 1 Gold.

In port, when you select the "Visit the shipyard" port activity, if the available ship mod is a figurehead, draw a figurehead card. You may use a favor to redraw it.

If you choose to buy it, pay the cost shown on the upper right corner of the card, place the figurehead mod on your ship and the card next to your board. If you don't buy it, shuffle it back into the figurehead deck.

Simultaneous turns : If two players are doing a port action in the same port, and a figurehead is available, only one card is drawn and shown face up. Only the player who wins the Influence contest may use a favor to redraw the card at first. If he then refuses to buy it, the other player may also use a favor to redraw the card.

You are still limited to buying only one ship mod per port action. If the card says you can purchase other ship mods, you must purchase them during subsequent port actions.

The Chandler specialist reduces the cost of a figurehead by 1 Gold as any other ship mod, but St.John, captain Yu Quan and the "Cheap ships and repairs" rumor only reduce a figurehead's cost by 2 Gold (same discount as other mods), rather than make it cost 1 Gold total.

A figurehead can be transfered to a new ship in St.John for 1 Gold like other mods. Captain Gran Calico Campo may transfer a figurehead to a new ship anywhere for free.

The "When you acquire this figurehead" text also applies if you keep the ship as plunder, even if the hull is damaged.

Crusader : You get your Leadership bonus against captains Cinco de Irapuato, Grand Castor and Loup Guerrier even if they are not pirates. Turkish captains are Ali Vezaz, Mehmet Karga and the NPC pirate Hayreddin Barbarossa.

King Midas : When you gain a free Purser, it comes from, in that order of priority : The player you are plundering the ship with King Midas from, your hand, the (mercantile) glory deck, the glory discard pile, another player's hand, or the closest captain with a Purser in play (random between ties).

Lion : In crew combat with only one crew, 4 is your minimum dice roll after all other factors. You do not roll 5 dice because of happy crew unless you would without the lion.

Thief : "Cargo" hits include hits you take from raids. After you are done changing the cards/bombarding, you may, one by one, roll a die for each cargo hit and take a hit in the rolled location instead. If the new location you roll is "cargo", you can keep rolling until it is something else.


Eso es lo que he podido de sacar de mod de TTS, si entrais las cartas y demas se pueden extraer de alli, y comentan que hay un grupo en steam, donde supongo que están todas estas reglas, y contenido.


Vaya montón de expansiones y variantes.

Gracias Quas4R

Cita de: Quas4R en 06 de Febrero de 2021, 16:39:35
Eso es lo que he podido de sacar de mod de TTS, si entrais las cartas y demas se pueden extraer de alli, y comentan que hay un grupo en steam, donde supongo que están todas estas reglas, y contenido.


Ojo. En la bgg hay rumores (por lo visto sale de dice tower) de que hay una nueva versión del m&m para este año. No descartaría una Big box con todo lo publicado hasta ahora, siguiendo la senda de otros tantos juegos, mage Knight, Clash of cultures, russian railroads, etc


Cita de: blackwar en 07 de Febrero de 2021, 20:12:44
Ojo. En la bgg hay rumores (por lo visto sale de dice tower) de que hay una nueva versión del m&m para este año. No descartaría una Big box con todo lo publicado hasta ahora, siguiendo la senda de otros tantos juegos, mage Knight, Clash of cultures, russian railroads, etc

Sería un triunfo, yo caería con todo el equipo.


Buffffffffffff, como salga en Español.

Cita de: blackwar en 07 de Febrero de 2021, 20:12:44
Ojo. En la bgg hay rumores (por lo visto sale de dice tower) de que hay una nueva versión del m&m para este año. No descartaría una Big box con todo lo publicado hasta ahora, siguiendo la senda de otros tantos juegos, mage Knight, Clash of cultures, russian railroads, etc


Pues ya sería hora de que por fin esté en español. Nunca he entendido cómo no lo han sacado en nuestro idioma aún...


Espero que no lo saquen o tendria que vender el mio sin estrenarlo aun (base + expansion + manual + enfundado).

Si mejoran el punto debil del juego, si seria buena noticia.


Cita de: Trencavel_82 en 08 de Febrero de 2021, 19:21:11
Pues ya sería hora de que por fin esté en español. Nunca he entendido cómo no lo han sacado en nuestro idioma aún...
Para un juego que SI vale la pena este en castellano, no se entiende que  nunca se haya preocupado nadie en editarlo en castellano..,salvo pie razones incontestables...


Al final he pillado la expansión con el ofertón de Amazon, menudo frankenstein me va a salir

Tengo el base en Alemán  y la expansión en italiano 8)
LUZ DESDE EL LADO OSCURO... http://darkmaikegh.blogspot.com.es/

Mi padre pintando miniaturas  a los 80 años

Ya puede decir que ha ganado al TI3