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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Specter Ops 2: Broken Covenant

Iniciado por negroscuro, 27 de Julio de 2018, 10:31:09

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Plaid Hat Games publica la segunda parte de Specter Ops.

2-5 jugadores
90 minutos

Juego de movimiento oculto que nos pone en la piel de un agente A.R.K. que se infiltra en el cuartel general de Raxxon, o bien en la de los cazadores (2-4) que iran tras el, cooperativamente, para que no cumpla su objetivo.
La mision del agente consiste en activar 3 de los 4 objetivos y sobrevivir hasta escapar al hostigamiento de los cazadores que pretenden matarlo antes de que lo logre, para ello dispone de 40 movimientos, una serie de cartas de ayuda y las habilidades especiales de su personaje, entre 4 posibles.
Del mismo modo los cazadores habran de elegir entre 4 posibles, teniendo cada uno de ellos una serie de hablidades especiales que les ayudaran a mermar los puntos de golpe del agente, pero para hacerlo primero deben encontrarlo!

Ademas esta segunda parte del juego introduce 4 nuevos cazadores, 4 nuevos agentes, cartas de equipo nuevas, un tablero diferente donde desarrollar tus partidas de Specter Ops, y todo el material es compatible con la edicion original Specter Ops Shadow of Babel (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/155624/specter-ops). Es decir que se puede jugar de manera independiente o puedes usarlo tambien en combinacion con Specter Ops Shadow of Babel.
Otra de las novedades es que añade un nuevo vehiculo y habilidades especiales para el modo 5 jugadores, donde hay un traidor entre los cazadores, a continuacion todas las novedades en detalle.


Innate Ability: Dash. "Fox may move up to 5 spaces on her turn. When you use Dash, Fox becomes fatigued."
Special Equipment: Remote Trigger. "Do not reveal this card. When completing an objective, you may reveal the objective was completed on your following turn instead of this turn." (1 Charge)

Innate Ability: Blade Strike. "When you place a last seen token next to a hunter, roll a die. On a result of 3+, Mantis stuns that hunter. Mantis may only stun one hunter each turn in this way."
Special Equipment: Pulse Blades. "When you place your last seen marker, you may reveal this card and stun all hunters adjacent to the last seen marker." (2 Charges)

Innate Ability: Shadow Step. "When placing your last seen marker, if the Panther moved 3 or fewer spaces, you may place it in a space adjacent to where it would normally be placed."
Special Equipment: Smoke Dagger. "Reveal this card. Choose a hunter within 4 spaces. That hunter loses vision until the end of this turn." (2 charges.)

Innate Ability: Omen. "At the start of your turn, you may choose 1 of the hunters' abilities. The chosen ability is disabled until the start of your next turn. When you use Omen, Raven becomes fatigued."
Special Equipment: Mind Tap. "Reveal this card at the start of your turn. Hunters must declare where they will move on their next turn. On the hunters' next turns, they must move where they declared." (1 Charge)


The Heat:
Thermal Vision: "If the Heat moves 2 or fewer spaces, structures don't obstruct his vision until the end of his turn."
Pulse Cannon: "The Heat ignores structures when attacking."
Traitor Ability: Pulse Cannon: "At the start of your turn, if you share a row or column with a hunter, you may reveal your location to attack that hunter with your Pulse Cannon. On a hit result, stun that hunter."

The Judge:
Clairvoyance: "Instead of moving, choose a direction (NE, NW, SE, SW). If the agent (or decoy) is located in that direction, the agent must announce, 'you sense the agent.' (If the agent is directly N, S, E, or W, you will be unable to sense her.)"
Judgment: "When the Judge deals damage to an agent, that agent becomes fatigued."
Traitor Ability: Verdict: "Once per round, when a player rolls a die for a hunter that is within 4 spaces of Traitor Judge, you may have that player re-roll that die. The second result must be kept."

The Tracker:
Rover: "Rover is the Tracker's pet. When the agent crosses Rover's line of sight, or is in Rover's line of sight at the end of Rover's turn, the Agent player must announce that rover is barking. If Rover lands on an agent, roll a die. On a result of 4+, the agent loses 1HP."
Catch The Scent: "You may use Catch the Scent instead of moving the Tracker. The Agent player must tell you if the Tracker or Rover is closer to the Agent (or if they are the same distance."
Traitor Ability: Loyal To The End: "Rover moves as an agent. Rover has 2 HP. If an agent loses HP and is adjacent to Rover, Rover loses the HP instead."

The Watcher:
Surveillance: "The Watcher starts the game with 3 camera tokens. After moving the Watching you may place a camera on his location in any orientation. In addition to his normal vision, the Watcher also has vision from the cameras in the direction that each is pointing. When all 3 cameras are on the board, to place a camera, first remove a previously placed camera."
Full Speed: "When the Watcher moves only on the road, he may move up to 5 spaces."
Traitor Ability: Booby Traps: "You can no longer place camera tokens. At the start of your turn, you can detonate a camera already in play. Treat the camera token as though a Flash Bang was placed there. (See the Flash Bang equipment card.)"


The Beast:
Traitor Ability: Brutal Assault: "Traitor Beast may land on a hunter's space (but can't move through it). When he does, stun all hunters in that space. When you use Brutal Assault Traitor Beast becomes fatigued."

The Gun:
Sniper Shot: "After moving the Gun, if the agent is not visible, you choose a direction (N,S,E,W). Until your next turn, the Gun only has vision in that direction and you roll 2 dice for Quick Draw instead of 1."
Traitor Ability: Quick Draw: "The first time Traitor Gun is seen by a hunter each turn, she gets to attack that hunter with Quick Draw. On a hit result, stun that hunter."

The Prophet:
Traitor Ability: Mind Delve: "At the start of your turn, choose a hunter within 3 spaces of Traitor Prophet and choose a direction (N,S,E,W). The chosen hunter has no vision in the chosen direction."

The Puppet:
Remote Link: "Instead of moving the Puppet on a turn, you may use a vehicle's special ability, even if the vehicle is unoccupied."
Traitor Ability: Control Override: "At the start of the turn, if the vehicle is within 4 spaces of Traitor Puppet, you may move the vehicle up to 4 spaces."

Interceptor: (12 Movement)
Optic Alarm: "When there are no hunters in the vehicle, the optic alarm is automatically activated. If the agent moves into or through LOS of the vehicle, the agent must announce that the vehicle alarm has been triggered."
The Puppet: "If the Puppet is in play, the Puppet has vision as though he's in the vehicle."



Stealth Field, Adrenaline Surge, Flash Bang, Smoke Grenade, Concussion Grenade, EMP Grenade, Proximity Mine.

Concussion Grenade: "Reveal this card and place the concussion grenade token within 4 spaces of your agent. Each hunter that is adjacent to the grenade must roll a die. On a result of 4 or lower, that hunter is stunned." (1 Charge)

EMP Grenade: "Reveal this card. Choose a vehicle within 4 spaces of your agent, hunters cannot move the chosen vehicle or use its equipment (example: motion sensor) until the beginning of your next turn." (2 Charges)

Proximity Mine: "Do NOT reveal this card. Mark 'M' on a space up to 2 spaces away from your location. At the start of your turn, if there are I or more hunters within 4 spaces of the marked space, reveal this card and stun those hunters." (1 Charge)


Portable Barrier: "Reveal this card and place the barrier token on the board within 3 spaces of your location. The barrier is treated as a structure. When a hunter ends his move adjacent to the barrier, remove the barrier token." (1 Charge)

Med Kit: "Reveal this card at the start of your turn and restore 1HP. You may only move up to 2 spaces this turn." (1 Charge)

Flare: "Reveal this card and choose a hunter within 4 spaces of your agent. Choose a direction (N,S,E,W). The chosen hunter has vision only in the chosen direction until the beginning of their next turn." (1 Charge)

El unico inconveniente para este titulo es que viene con unas erratas en el tablero para lo que Plaid Hat Games parece que proporciona pegatinas para corregirlo (https://www.plaidhatgames.com/images/games/specter-ops-shadow-of-babel/stickers2.jpg), aunque esperemos que rectifiquen y provean de tableros corregidos a todos los compradores de su juego.


El Specter Ops sólo lo he podido jugar una vez, pero la verdad es que me dejó muy buen sabor de boca. De los juegos de tablero oculto que he probado, junto con el Sombras Sobre Londres, ha sido de los que más me han gustado. Estaré pendiente de éste, gracias por la información.



Refloto este tema porque creo que no se ha hablado de este juego en ningún hilo más. ¿Qué ha pasado al final con este juego? a llegado a venderse en alguna tienda de España? dónde se puede comprar?.

Alguien ha podido probarlo? Si alguien tiene más información o lo ha probado me gustaría saber qué es lo que piensa al respecto. Reimplementa y mejora al primero en algún aspecto?, es prescindible teniendo el primero?, teniendo el primero es recomendable tenerlo?. Si alguien lo tiene o lo ha podido probar y puede dar sus impresiones serán bien recibidas.

Muchas gracias, saludos!