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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Novedades de Academy Games

Iniciado por warrafael, 19 de Octubre de 2010, 08:41:19

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La editora de Conflict of Heroes expande su línea de juegos con 2 clases más: una dedicada a la Guerra Civil Americana (en concreto la batalla de Gettysburg) y la serie "Niebla se Guerra" (de bloques, vaya) que empieza con un título sobre la guerra Polaco-Rusa de 1919-1920. El primero de ellos sigue una línea parecida al CoH producción, gráficos y en menor medida las reglas. El segundo, aparte de ser de bloques posee un sistema de combate sin dados y ordenes preanotadas.

Y en cuanto a lo más conocido, su Sturm Europa sigue en desarrollo y la serie Conflict of Heroes sigue con 3 títulos en anuncio: escaramuzas para la invasión de Polonia, Guadalcanal y el Día D, el primero de ellos ya en preorder y con el libro de escenarios (16)  disponible para descarga en su web.


Strike of the Eagle

Strike of the Eagle is the first game in the Fog of War series of block games to be published by Academy Games.

A game involves 2-4 players vying for the dominance of Poland during the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-20. WWI has ended, but the battle for democracy has just begun. Communist movements have sprung up throughout Europe. Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin plan to blast through Poland in order to support the red revolutions in Germany, France and England. Only the armies of Poland stand in the way of the Bolshevik tide.

To simulate the tension of the era due to fog of war, players alternate placing secret orders on their armies in order to bluff, mislead and misdirect their opponents. These concealed orders make it difficult to deduct an opponent's plans and are used to hide a player's true intentions and objectives. Players then reveal and resolve the issued orders. They can then disrupt their opponent's moves, cut off supply and much more. Once orders are resolved the next turn begins.

Units are represented by wooden blocks. Battles are fought with no dice, but with a simple and quick combat system.

Action cards are pivotal to the game in that they allow players to either modify how many orders they may issue, add army reinforcements or modify a battle's resolution.

Strike of the Eagle and the Fog of War system continues Academy Game's tradition of delivering well developed, fast paced, and action filled games.

Strike of the Eagle includes several scenarios for 2-4 players. Some are short games that can be played in an hour, up to the full campaign that can last several hours.

The game includes:
A fully mounted 670 x 870mm map board.
110 action cards (55 Soviet and 55 Polish)
111 wooden blocks
2 thick counter sheets.
2 track sheets.
Wooden reserve and resource cubes.
Strike of the Eagle is based on The Eagle and The Star. This English edition has new and expanded mounted maps, new cards, streamlined rules, leader blocks and additional scenarios

Bloody Crossroads: Gettysburg Day 1

Academy Games' upcoming game trilogy on the Battle of Gettysburg, in July of 1863, will be the definitive boardgame treatment of the Civil War's most pivotal battle.

"A Bloody Crossroads" will cover all the fighting of the 1st Day of Gettysburg, July 1, both as one monster game and as a series of twenty different scenarios of varying length and complexity that look at all the situations that did happen and those that could have happened with all the units that were there or could have been there. Some of the intriguing "what ifs" would include a night attack by the Confederates against Cemetery or Culp's Hill, an earlier arrival of the Union XII Corps, or the availability of Confederate cavalry.

"Union in the Balance" will cover all the fighting of the 2nd day of Gettysburg, July 1, both as one monster game and as a series of individual battle sets exploring all the actions that did occur on the 2nd day, July 2, 1863 along with the many "what ifs" that have been debated by historian ever since -- such as had Sickles not advanced his III Corps, or if General Longstreet launched his attack earlier.

"High Tide" will cover all the fighting of the last actual day of battle, July 3 to include Picket's Charge and the great cavalry battle south of the Big Round Top. But, in addition, this game, the last of the trilogy, will look at the various Union options for an immediate counterattack following Picket's Charge along with the fighting that could have occurred the following day, July 4th as General Lee prepared his rear guard position prior to his retreat back to Virginia.

The Fight for the Colours series is a combination of Johnny Reb and Conflict of Heroes rules. Counters represent infantry and cavalry regiments and artillery batteries, which are controlled at the brigade level. The leadership abilities of key division and corps commanders are integrated with a simple card system. Play is simultaneous or constantly alternates between players every few seconds. Regimental and battery capabilities, morale and previous losses are not known to opponents until they have a "run in" with them.
In the tradition of Academy Games, extensive charts are not necessary to play. Thoroughly researched brigade cards give incredible detail and information for every formation present at the battle. The game is both a boardgame system and a miniature gaming system that can be used with any existing miniature figure mounting system.

Players: 1-8 Fully compatible for gamers with miniature armies.
Time: 45 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the scenario size chosen.

Game 1 - "Bloody Crossroads" will include:

4 large 15.5" x 20.5" mounted and highly detailed 3-D maps make up the northern half of the battlefield, including the town of Gettysburg, Culps hill, Evergreen Cemetary, Seminary Ridge, and much more
Battallion Track Sheets for all units involved in the battle
Hundreds of thick 1.125" x .875" die cut regimental counters
scenarios for solo play, fast two player games and large engagements that encompase the entire battlefield.
Game 2 - "Union in the Balance" will include:

4 large 15.5" x 20.5" mounted and highly detailed 3-D maps make up the southern half of the battlefield, including the roundtops.
Hundreds of additional thick 1.125" x .875" die cut regimental counters
scenarios for solo play, fast two player games and large engagements that encompase the entire battlefield.
Game 3 - "High Tide" will include:

2-4 large 15.5" x 20.5" mounted and highly detailed 3-D maps include areas south and east of the battle field that could have been used for infantry flanks and cavalry actions to change the course of the battle.
Hundreds of additional thick 1.125" x .875" die cut regimental counters
scenarios for solo play, fast two player games and large engagements that encompase the entire battlefield.
De todas las historias de la Historia
sin duda la más triste es la de España,
porque termina mal.

Jaime Gil de Biedma 1929-1990


Strike of The Eagle vendría a ser un lavado de cara del The Eagle and the Star, pero además de mejorar el mapa, que quedará más majete en esta nueva edición, se harán modificaciones en las reglas. Tiene buena pinta.