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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Coven, de Paul Saxberg

Iniciado por Punch, 06 de Marzo de 2012, 20:52:15

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Un nuevo juego que será publicado a lo largo del 2012. Aún no hay reglas.

From the designer:

Players in Coven play gothic spellcasters, human or inhuman, who are collectively trying to either cast a complex evil ritual, or sabotage it.

Players move miniatures around a pentagonal board with 25 spaces on it. Each space has a symbol representing the action that may be taken there, and a peg beside it, which may anchor one or two elastic Strands to spaces opposite it on the board. Strands are used for movement and scoring. Players' actions gather them resources including Essence, Sorcery cards, information about which sections of the board are aligned towards Good and Evil, and about the other players. Certain cards and resources may be used to reverse the side a player or section of the board scores for (reversed cards are indicated by putting a candle marker on them).

The goal is to simultaneously have your side win the game, and to be the most powerful member of your side; winning one but not the other is not good enough. Points are scored by aligning board elements to match your own secret alignment, and by buying Sorcery cards. There is a strong flavour of gift economy scoring in some of the cards, and many of the opportunities to score provide clues to the other players about what side you are on.

Semifinalist - 2011 Canadian Game Design of the Year Award


Lo que interpreto: juego deductivo muy abstracto que usa el tema de los magos invocadores para que suene más chulo pero que en realidad es tan temático como el parchís. ¿Y qué es eso del premio canadiense al mejor diseño? Pues como es la primera vez que leo sobre eso he buscado a los ganadores de los dos últimos años a ver de que va la cosa:

Octopus Garden


A mí no me da buena pinta, creo que este juego no es para mí. Eso sí, la portada es bonita...