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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games


Iniciado por elqueaprende, 18 de Mayo de 2012, 15:19:06

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In all cultures there are mythical characters that protect people and help them to solve their problems. Those characters often take the human form with wings and we call them Guardian Angels or RAGAMI.

In this game, each player will play the role of a RAGAMI, winged human form, that travels around inside a city - the board. In this city, there are always people with problems, with their own internal conflicts, that need your help. There are also holy men and demons that can help or oppose to solving these conflicts.

The objective of the game is to achieve the highest possible number of Virtue Points (VP). There are several ways to get VP, and consequently there are several strategies one can follow to win the game: solve conflicts, cause demons to disappear, help other RAGAMI, to be the RAGAMI who has solved the highest number of conflicts, etc.

But helping people to solve their conflicts is what worths more VPs, and for this you need to have Points of Strength. As many as the strength of the conflict you're trying to solve, which can go from 1 to 6. There are several ways to get Points of Strength: white cubes, cards, holy men, the help of another RAGAMI, or a die.

There are Action Dies (which allow to execute a certain number of actions, and it's placement will be made by the last player in the turn order) and there are Action Cards (that may be acquired during the game). In his play, Player can do one of the following actions: move his RAGAMI, move the holy men and the demons, pick cards or solve conflicts.

Game ends in the turn when the places of conflicts ends or when a player hit's the 30 points score mark.

Game to 2 to 4 players, 10 years up, 60 - 90 min.

Ilustrado por Pedro Soto ;D



La portada mola (este pedro soto cada dia me gusta mas) y la descripción llama mucho la atención: eso de ir por la ciudad (un tablero chulo a mi parecer ya q me encantan los mapas) salvando/ayudando gente y derrotando demonios tiene buena pinta. Vamos a ver de que mas nos enteramos durante estas semana haber si la cosa sigue mejorando.

Elque como siempre, gracias.


Voy a tener que plantearme no leer un hilo mas de elqueaprende porque juego del que habla juego que quiero comprar.
;D ;D

Ahora en serio muchas gracias por la información estaré atento a futuras novedades.

Un saludo


Cita de: Kerbala en 19 de Mayo de 2012, 14:09:38
Voy a tener que plantearme no leer un hilo mas de elqueaprende porque juego del que habla juego que quiero comprar.
;D ;D

Ahora en serio muchas gracias por la información estaré atento a futuras novedades.

Un saludo

De eso ya me habia "coscado" yo, hilo abiertopor elque, hilo q como leas la cagas  ;D (y digo la cagas por q o gastas pelas, o te tiras de los pelos)

morannon (salpikaespuma)

siempre me gustó más el "in nomine satanis" :P ;D


Cita de: Antju en 19 de Mayo de 2012, 17:11:40
De eso ya me habia "coscado" yo, hilo abiertopor elque, hilo q como leas la cagas  ;D (y digo la cagas por q o gastas pelas, o te tiras de los pelos)

Ya te digo

;D ;D ;D