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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Dungeon Twister en BGA para el proximo lunes

Iniciado por Donegal, 10 de Marzo de 2016, 23:14:23

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Thig crioch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh gaol agus ce?l



El azar me persigue, pero yo corro más rápido.


Este es el mail que nos mandaron (hace 5 días) a los que apoyamos el proyecto de la creación de la app multiplataforma via crowfunding (ulule):

"Dear adventurers,

We are currently working on the multiplayer mode of Dungeon Twister App.

As you are looking forward to burn trolls with beautiful fireballs and you are we patient, we decided to offer you an appetizer to you, DungeonTwister App backers:

For the online multiplayer mode DT uses services from "Board Game Arena" (BGA). The news is that the multi player part on the web site is ready and we just need to press the red button.

We decided to offer a free access, from March 14th, to this version of online DT. You can use it on any browser.

Note: unlike most games on BGA, DT will not be free... but as you backed DT App project we offer you an unlimited free access to it!

We hope you will appreciate this benefit and enjoy this appetizer, and we will come back with other news soon!

Twisterly yours,

Dungeon Twister App"


Cierto. Confirmado:
Dungeon Twister will be a "premium" game as Lost Cities (ie : only members will be able to create new games / anyone can join an existing game). In addition, backers of the DT crowfunding campaign will have a unlimited access to the game, forever.
Thig crioch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh gaol agus ce?l
