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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Killer Party - Un clásico de fiestas editado ahora por Cocktail

Iniciado por kalamidad21, 23 de Junio de 2010, 13:03:24

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Visto en boardgamenews

CitarThe public domain game Assassin, aka Killer, has been played on college campuses and elsewhere for decades. In general, each participant in the game has to "kill" a particular other player. Eliminate that person, and you then target that person's victim. Be the last killer standing, and you win the game.

Converting public domain games to boxed products is a well-known practice in the game industry, and French publisher Cocktail Games plans to release its own version of Assassin in October 2010. Killer Party, credited to Emmanuel Viau and Céline Devillers, is for 8-50 players, ages 14 and up. The game includes 53 mission cards, with each player receiving a card that specifies where the victim can be killed as well as how the murder must take place. The Cocktail Games website doesn't depict any cards from the game, but the rules mention throwing water in a victim's face as one form of attack. That'll be a wedding to remember!

Si no meneas el árbol, no cae la fruta


Otro clásico de dominio público que sucumbe a la comercialidad.


Fa#Sol La La Sol Fa# Mi Re Mi Fa# Fa# Mi Mi

No pagan alquiler


Que recuerdos... jejeje, al Monty me lo cargue yo con una pistola de agua...
do you remember?


Absolutamente todo lo que yo pongo implica un fondo de buen rollito inconmensurable. (Genmaes)


si te refieres al killer original en castellano, de JOC, sólo hay que poner "killer" en el buscador..  ;)
Que no nos encontremos como enemigos,
pero si lo hacemos,
que los Dioses canten nuestra lucha.

Diccionario de términos jugones

Mi colección



No sabía que se trataba de ese juego.

Gracias de todos modos.
Absolutamente todo lo que yo pongo implica un fondo de buen rollito inconmensurable. (Genmaes)

corrector XXI

Pero... ¿Y si nos quitan lo bailao?