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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games


Iniciado por elqueaprende, 26 de Abril de 2012, 16:01:07

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A card game of stealth and sneakiness! Players act as spymasters, collecting sets of cards in order to complete missions. Only the greatest player will be declared The Ace Of Spies! By taking two cards at the start of each turn, you'll build up a selection of Agents, Tools, Intelligence and Locations that will allow you to hopefully finish more missions than everyone else. More missions mean more points - as long as they're complete! If they're left incomplete by the end of the game, they score negative points and pretty much ensure you're not going to win...

Four separate decks are needed to play the game. The Mission Deck cards state what combinations are needed in order to complete a mission. The more specific the requirements the more points the completed mission is worth - some can be very difficult to finish but will prove very lucrative, but there's always the risk they'll count against you.

The other decks represent three different cities - London, Paris and Berlin - and contain the Agents, Tools, Intelligence and Locations you'll need. Intervention cards can be used as instants and will allow you to turn the game in your favour (as long as you play them at the correct time. Should that all important card you require be lost in the discard piles, you may be able to retrieve it, but that'll come at a high cost.

Between two and five spymasters can attempt to become the Ace of Spies! May the most devious and sneaky win!

Me suena muy muy bien... ;D


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Tiene buena pinta, y lo mejor es que por 40 dolares (30 euros al cambio) tienes el juego en casa. Habrá que seguirle la pista  :)

Estos proyectos de Kickstarter me llaman mucho la atención, pero cuando ves que en algunos casos tienes que pagar 40 o 50 dolares solo en gastos de envío se te cae el alma a los pies  :-\