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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games


Iniciado por elqueaprende, 15 de Septiembre de 2013, 14:36:40

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Para los eurogamers duros aquí va un título de más de dos horas y con apuestas de los que disfrutan con éste género.

As a captain of industry in the suitably titled game Captains of Industry, you will vie for domination in the cutthroat arena of the marketplace. To do this, you will:

Build facilities to control supply,
Develop real estate to manipulate demand,
Invest in technology to increase efficiency,
Complete hidden agendas to secure your legacy, and
Undercut the competition to dominate the marketplace!
You will depend on your opponents to fuel your expansion as they exploit your production for theirs. Supply and demand are king in this player-driven marketplace!

También este autor tendrá en el 2014 CITY HALL otro eurogame duro, éste de colocar losetas y subastas.

City Hall sees players competing to become Mayor of New York City. They do this by attempting to be the most successful at both bringing people into the city as well as campaigning for the citizens' approval. Whoever best balances these two goals will win the election.

There are seven offices within City Hall. These offices deal with a different aspect of building the city or campaigning, such as the Tax Assessor, Surveyor, or Zoning Board. In a round, each player will get to activate one of these offices. However, just because you activate an office doesn't mean you will get to use it. The other players will have an opportunity to use their influence to steal control of the office away from you. Keeping it will require countering with your own influence. However, you can instead let another player control that office this round and add their influence to your own, giving you a leg up on controlling things later on.

In using these offices, players will buy land and build properties to create attractive neighborhoods which will bring the most people into the city – or they might place a factory next to an opponent's housing complex to drive people out. They will also tax their constituents to raise funds (with the option of sacrificing popularity to tax at higher rates), buy and sell influence to the Lobbyist, and campaign to increase their approval level.

At the end of the game, the citizens of the city will vote based on which player brought them in and that player's approval level. Special interest groups will also collect votes for players based on certain goals, such as Wall Street backing the player with the most money. Whichever player has the most votes on election day will become Mayor of New York and appoint his or her opponents to the Sanitation Department.

EL diseñador es Michael R. Keller...habrá que seguirlo de cerca. Sus juegos favoritos son el PowerGrid, el Imperial 2013 y por encima de todos...el ajedrez.


Pues este va a petarla... Le quedan aún 23 días y ya casi tiene el mínimo recaudado... Desbloquearán muchos stretch goals


El KS es este:


Y por cierto, no parece tener ningún tipo de goals, son los juegos sin más.


Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Mis Juegos

tienda 4dados

4dados en Facebook



Cita de: chuskas en 17 de Septiembre de 2013, 11:27:21
40$ de gastos de envío...  :P
Lo interesante es pillar esto:
Pledge $250 or more
6x Captains of Industry (MSRP $420 - 40% off, save $170!) +$100 to ship worldwide

Por 350 dólares tienes 6 con gastos de envío, a 58 usd cada uno (aprox 44 eur), lo único que pararán en Aduanas fijo.

Cierto, no tiene ningún tipo de premios por superar cantidades... aún así lo petará por los americanos por lo menos