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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Jugones en Sant Cugat del Vallès?

Iniciado por Greene, 26 de Octubre de 2013, 10:59:49

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Va, esta vez sí puedo anticipar: viernes tarde y domingo mañana :)


Vaya, yo este próximo fin de semana lo tengo ocupado y no voy a poder quedar :-\
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Dentro de tres semanas, el sábado 12 de noviembre, vuelven las 24 horas de Sabadell. Ya he abierto el hilo correspondiente para que los que tengamos pensado ir nos vayamos organizando:

Y se está barajando también el domingo 6 de diciembre para la próxima jornada de día completo en Terrassa. En cuanto la fecha esté confirmada le abro hilo.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Confirmado, en principio, el domingo 6 de noviembre para la próxima jornada de día entero. Este es el enlace al hilo correspondiente:
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


He abierto hilo para este próximo martes día 1 por la tarde.

Si alguien está disponible y le va bien quedar que lo comente en el siguiente enlace:
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Completada la sesión express de hoy.

Podéis proponer fechas para las siguientes.

Os recuerdo que este próximo domingo día 6 de noviembre tenemos jornada de juego de día entero. Enlace al hilo correspondiente:

Y el sábado día 12 se celebran las 24 Horas de Sabadell, a las que tenemos pensado asistir. Enlace al hilo correspondiente:
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


También he reactivado los hilos para montar partidas a Steam:

y Wealth of Nations:

Si alguien se quiere apuntar, que lo comente en el hilo del juego correspondiente.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Finalizadas las 24h de Sabadell.

Podéis proponer fechas para las próximas sesiones.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


He abierto hilo para este próximo domingo día 20 por la tarde.

Si alguien se quiere apuntar que lo comente en el siguiente enlace:
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Completada la sesión de hoy.

Podéis proponer nuevas fechas para las siguientes sesiones.

Creo que se estaba barajando el próximo domingo, 27 de noviembre, para la nueva sesión de día completo. En cuanto sepa algo definitivo, informo y abro el hilo correspondinte.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Abierto el hilo correspondiente para la partida de este próximo domingo día 11 de diciembre por la tarde. Este es el enlace:
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Completada la sesión de ayer con una buena partida de Shogun.

Podéis proponer nuevas fechas para las siguientes sesiones.

Recordad que el próximo fin de semana es el DAU Barcelona. Yo seguramente me pasaré por allí un rato alguno de los dos días, pero aun no se si será el sábado o el domingo.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Propósitos para el nuevo año:

Intentar montar partida en Sant Cugat cada domingo por la tarde.

Así que si a alguien le va bien quedar el domingo 8 para empezar, ya diréis.

A ver si se reactivan un poco las kedadas localizadas en Sant Cugat, que últimamente han estado algo abandonadas :)
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Hola Greene,

Tambíen vivo por la zona, contad conmigo para esa partida del dia 8, en caso de no poder ir os aviso.



Cita de: Deeds en 31 de Diciembre de 2016, 13:29:34
Hola Greene,

Tambíen vivo por la zona, contad conmigo para esa partida del dia 8, en caso de no poder ir os aviso.


Perfecto, iré informando por aquí ;)

Cuáles son tus gustos lúdicos, algún tipo de juegos en concreto?
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel