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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Sant Cugat - Partida el domingo 26 de octubre por la tarde

Iniciado por Greene, 24 de Octubre de 2014, 22:39:31

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Si nada se tuerce, este domingo por la tarde estaremos jugando en Sant Cugat a partir de las 16h. Por ahora somos 3 personas, si alguien más se quiere apuntar no tiene más que comentarlo aquí. A ver quién se anima :)

Hasta el domingo !!
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel



Jugaremos en el Restaurant Xamfrà, C/ Abat Armengol 2-6, enfrente del CAP de Sant Cugat.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Partidas a 3 jugadores a La Era del Carbón y Machi Koro, con davidmollet y Eduardo, nueva incorporación al grupo.

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"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel