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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

+1000 juegos rediseñados por rusos ¡La madre Rusia que me parió!

Iniciado por toctopulus, 07 de Noviembre de 2014, 12:50:45

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Navegando por las profundidades de la red (en la página www.boardgamer.ru), he encontrado un torrent con más de 1000 juegos tradumaquetados y rediseñados por nuestros colegas rusos. Muchos incluyen la plantilla PSD para adaptar el texto, por lo que he pensado que sería un recurso interesante y por eso lo comparto aquí.


[spoiler]10 Days in Europe (2003)
1914 (1968)
1960 The Making of the President (2007)
2 de Mayo (2008)
22 Pommes (2009)
51st State (2010)
6 nimmt! Junior (2009)
7 Wonders (2010)
7th Sea Collectible Card Game (1998)
A Castle for All Seasons (2008)
A Few Acres of Snow (2011)
A Game of Thrones (2003)
A Game of Thrones The Board Game (2011)
A Game of Thrones The Card Game (2008)
A Victory Denied (2009)
Ad Astra (2009)
Advanced Civilization (1991)
Age of Heroes (2003)
Agricola (2007)
Alcatraz The Scapegoat (2011)
Alexander The Card Game (2007)
Alhambra (2003)
Alias (1995)
Alien Frontiers (2010)
Aliens (1989)
Alles Tomate (2007)
Amun-Re (2003)
Android (2008)
Anima Beyond Good and Evil (2008)
Anima Shadow of Omega (2006)
Anima The Twilight of the Gods (2009)
Animal Party (2004)
Animalia (2006)
Aqua Romana (2005)
Aquarius (1998)
Arcana (2009)
Archaeology The Card Game (2007)
Arena Maximus (2003)
Arena Roma II (2009)
Arkham Express (2010)
Arkham Horror (2005)
Army of Darkness (1993)
Arne Junior (2005)
Ascension Chronicle of the Godslayer (2010)
Ascension Return of the Fallen (2011)
Asteroids (2003)
At the Gates of Loyang (2009)
Athens & Sparta (2007)
Atlantis (2009)
Aton (2006)
Auf Achse (1987)
Autorennen (1984)
Aye, Dark Overlord (2005)
Azhanti High Lightning (1980)
Babel (2000)
Bakari (2002)
Balloon Cup (2003)
Bang (2002)
Bataflash (2009)
Batameuh (2008)
Batt'l Kha'os (2009)
Battle Arena (2009)
Battle for Armageddon (1992)
Battle for Moscow (2009)
Battle Line (2000)
Battle of Gundabad (2011)
Battle of the River Plate (2008)
Battle Platform Antilles (2000)
BattleLore (2006)
Battles of Westeros (2010)
Battlestar Galactica (2008)
Before the Wind (2007)
Beggar My Neighbour Batabanga (1988)
Beowulf The Legend (2005)
Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004)
Biblios (2007)
Big Five (2010)
Big Manitou (2005)
Big Points (2008)
Black Sheep (2008)
Black Vienna (1987)
Blokus (2000)
Blood Bowl (1986)
Blood Bowl Team Manager (2011)
Blood Royale (1987)
Blue Moon City (2006)
Bohnanza (1997)
Bonaparte at Marengo (2005)
Bonbons (2011)
BonoMix (2009)
Boomtown (2004)
Bootleggers (2004)
Brass (2007)
Brewhouse Bash (1998)
BSG Express (2011)
Buccaneer (2006)
Bump in the Night (2008)
Ca$h 'n Gun$ (2005)
Caesar & Cleopatra (1997)
Caesar Conquest of Gaul (1998)
Call of Cthulhu The Card Game (2008)
Cambria (2008)
Camelot Jr. (2010)
Camp Roskilde (2011)
Can't Stop (1980)
Cannon (2003)
Captain Pirate (2009)
Carcassonne (2000)
Carcassonne The Castle (2003)
Cardcassonne (2009)
Carolus Magnus (2000)
Carson City (2009)
Cartagena (2000)
Cash-a-Catch (2007)
Cashflow 101 (1996)
Castle (2000)
Castle Keep (2005)
Castle Panic (2009)
Catan Card Game (1996)
Catan Dice Game (2007)
Catch the Match (1995)
Catch the Monkey Game (2009)
Category 5 (1994) Patapon
Category 5 (1994)
Catnap (2001)
Cave Troll (2002)
Caylus (2005)
Caylus Magna Carta (2007)
Chabyrinthe (2007)
Chaos in the Old World (2009)
Chaos Marauders (2009)
Cheese Chasers (2008)
Cherokee (2011)
Chicken Cha Cha Cha (1998)
Chicken Chase (2010)
China (2005)
Chronicle (2009)
Citadels (2000)
Clans (2002)
Claustrophobia (2009)
Clocktowers (2004)
Clown (1977)
Clue (1949)
Cold War CIA vs. KGB (2007)
Coloretto (2003)
Colosseum (2007)
Combat Commander Europe (2006)
Combat Zone (1998)
Commands & Colors Ancients (2006)
Comrade Koba (2005)
Condottiere (1995)
Conflict of Heroes (2009)
Conquest of the Fallen Lands (2005)
Container (2007)
Core Worlds (2011)
Cornucopia (2010)
Cosmic Encounter (2008)
Cronberg (2003)
Crows (2010)
Crypt of the Sorcerer (1981)
Cuba (2007)
Cyclades (2009)
Cyrano (2010)
D-Day Dice (2009)
Da ist der Wurm drin (2011)
Daimyo (2005)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Daytona 500 (1990)
Deadly Harmony (2008)
Death Angel (1998)
Decktet (2008)
Dedales (2006)
Defenders of the Realm (2010)
Delve the Card Game (2009)
Delve the Dice Game (2009)
Demonlord (1981)
Descent Journeys in the Dark (2005)
Detective Eye (2008)
Di Renjie (2012)
Diamant (2005)
Dice Town (2009)
Dicefest (2005)
Die Panzerknacker (2011)
Differix (1974)
Digimon Collectible Card Game (2004)
Dinosaurs of the Lost World (1987)
Discworld Ankh-Morpork (2011)
Disney's Talespin. The Card Game (1991)
Divinare (2012)
Dixit (2008)
Djarhun (2006)
Dog Races (2009)
Dogfight (1962)
Dominant Species (2010)
Dominion (2008)
Doom The Boardgame (2004)
Dorn (2006)
Drachenstark (2006)
Dragon Pass (1981)
Dragon's Gold (2001)
Dragonheart (2010)
Drako (2011)
Drakon (2006)
Dschungel Trio (2007)
Duchove, Demoni a Draci (1993)
Dune (1979)
Dune Express (2009)
Dungeon Dwellers' Fantasy Boardgame (2006)
Dungeon Lords (2009)
Dungeon of Terror (2009)
Dungeon Plungin' (2007)
Dungeon Raiders (2011)
Dungeon Twister (2004)
Dungeon! (1975)
Dungeoneer Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
DungeonQuest (2010)
Dungeons & Dragons - CR + WoA (2010)
Dungeons & Dragons - TFA (2003)
Duo (1986)
Eaten By Zombies! (2011)
Eclipse (2011)
Einauge sei wachsam! (2009)
El Grande (1995)
Elasund The First City of Catan (2005)
Elder Sign (2011)
Elfenland (1998)
En Garde (1993)
Endeavor (2009)
Eruption (2011)
Escalation! (2007)
Escape from Colditz (1973)
Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space (2010)
Escape The Curse of the Temple (2012)
Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (2005)
Evo (2001)
Exalted War for the Throne (2007)
Fairy Tale (2004)
Falling into a Black Hole (2005)
Famiglia (2010)
Family Business (1982)
Fantasy Business (2002)
Farlander (2002)
Fast Flowing Forest Fellers (2008)
Fearsome Floors (2003)
Felix The Cat in the Sack (2007)
Field Commander Alexander (2009)
Final Decrees (1999)
Finca (2009)
Fist of Dragonstones (2002)
Flandern 1302 (2004)
Flash Point Fire Rescue (2011)
Flinke Flosse (2003)
FlowerFall (2012)
Fluxx (1997)
For Sale (1997)
Forbidden Island (2010)
Formula D (2008)
Formula De Mini (2003)
Frank's Zoo (1999)
Free Trader (2008)
Fresco (2010)
Friday (2011)
Fuchs & fertig (2011)
Fullmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game (2005)
Fury of Dracula (2006)
Fzzzt! (2009)
Galactic War (1976)
Galaxy of D (2008)
Galaxy Trucker (2007)
Galaxy's Edge (2009)
Galloping Pigs (1992)
Gheos (2006)
Ghost Blitz (2010)
Ghost Stories (2008)
Ghosts! (1980)
Ghoulash (2001)
Glen More (2010)
Glenn Drover's Empires The Age of Discovery (2007)
Glory to Rome (2005)
Goblin Slayer (2008)
Gods (2001)
GolfMania (2000)
Gosu (2010)
Great Wall of China (2006)
Grimoire (2010)
Guillotine (1998)
Hab & Gut (2008)
Haggis (2010)
Halli Galli (1992)
Hannibal Rome vs. Carthage (1996)
Hare & Tortoise (1973)
Harry Potter Diagon Alley Board Game (2001)
Harry Potter Mystery at Hogwarts Game (2000)
Harry Potter Trading Card Game (2001)
Hart an der Grenze (2006)
Haunted Castle (1999)
Havana (2009)
Hawaii (2011)
Heave Ho! (2002)
Henry VIII Intrigue in the Tudor Court (2000)
Hera and Zeus (2000)
Here I Stand (2006)
HeroQuest (1989)
Hey! That's My Fish! (2003)
High Score (2007)
Himalaya (2002)
Hisss (2001)
Hive (2001)
Hoyuk (2006)
Hunting Party (2005)
Husch Husch kleine Hexe (1998)
Igel Argern (1990)
Il Principe (2005)
Iliad (2006)
Illuminati (1987)
Illuminati New World Order (1995)
Imaginiff (1998)
Imperial 2030 (2009)
Incursion (2009)
Inn-Fighting (2007)
Innovation (2010)
Intrigo (2010)
Intrigue (1994)
Invasion from Outer Space The Martian Game (2010)
IRONDIE (2010)
Isla Dorada (2010)
Island of D (2005)
Island Of D 2 The Shadow of Dawn (2005)
Ivanhoe (2002)
Jager und Sammler (2010)
Jaipur (2009)
Jamaica (2007)
Jambo (2004)
Judge Dredd (1982)
Julius Caesar (2010)
Jungle Speed (1997)
K2 (2010)
Kaleidos (1995)
Karawane (2008)
Keltis Das Orakel (2010)
Keltis Der Weg der Steine (2009)
Khronos (2006)
King Me! (2003)
King of Tokyo (2011)
King's Breakfast (2003)
Kingdom Builder (2011)
Kingdom Hearts TCG (2006)
Kingdoms (1994)
Kingsburg (2007)
Knatsch Das Turnierspiel (2006)
Knightmare Chess (1994)
Knights (2000)
Koggen (2008)
Kolejka (2011)
Konig von Siam (2007)
Konnen Schweine fliegen (2004)
Kragmortha (2007)
Kremlin (1986)
Kwazooloo (2006)
Labyrinth The War on Terror (2010)
Landnam (2008)
Langfinger (2009)
Last Night on Earth The Zombie Game (2007)
Last Will (2011)
Lawless (2003)
Le Havre (2008)
Leapin' Lily Pads (2000)
Leaping Lemmings (2010)
Leela (1980)
Leonardo da Vinci (2006)
Lifeboat (2002)
Ligretto (1960)
Ligretto 2 (2004)
Livingstone (2009)
Loch Ness (2010)
London (2010)
Loot (1992)
Lord of the Rings (2000)
Lord of the Rings The Confrontation (2002)
Lost Cities (1999)
Lost Patrol (2000)
Lost Temple (2011)
LOST The Card Game (2006)
Lost Treasures (2006)
Lost Valley (2004)
Louis XIV (2005)
Loupeznici (2003)
Love Letter (2012)
Lowenherz (1997)
Luna Llena (2009)
Maelstrom (2002)
Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
Mai-Star (2010)
Make 'n' Break (2004)
Mall of Horror (2005)
Mamma Mia! (1999)
Manila (2005)
Mansions of Madness (2011)
Marco Polo (1983)
Mare Nostrum (2003)
Marrakech (2007)
Martinique (2009)
Matching Madness Figurix (1985)
Mecha Dice (2003)
Mega Tank (2001)
Memoir '44 (2004)
Memory (1959)
Merchant of Venus (1988)
Merchants & Marauders (2010)
Mesopotamia Birth of Civilisation (2002)
Metagon (1983)
Metro (1997)
Metromania (2006)
Metropolys (2008)
Meuterer (2000)
micropul dynamo (2009)
minizoomerz Basic Game (2006)
Minotaur Lords (2004)
Miss Poutine (2009)
Mission Red Planet (2005)
Mister X (2009)
Mob Ties The Board Game (2011)
Modern Art (1992)
Mondo (2011)
Monkey Trouble (2005)
Monkeyland (2011)
Monopoly (1935)
Monopoly Deal Card Game (2008)
Monza (2000)
Mow (2008)
Mr. Jack (2006)
Mr. Jack in New York (2009)
Mr. Jack Pocket (2010)
Munchkin (2001)
Mutiny! (2003)
Mystery Express (2010)
Mystery of the Abbey (1996)
Mystery Rummy Jack the Ripper (1998)
Mystic Wood (1980)
Naruto Collectible Card Game (2006)
Neuroshima Hex! (2006)
Nexus Ops (2005)
Nightfall (2011)
Ninja Golf 18 Holes of Death! (2006)
Ninja Legend of the Scorpion Clan (2011)
Ninja Versus Ninja (2008)
No Retreat! The Russian Front (2011)
No Thanks! (2004)
NOIR Killer vs. Inspector (2012)
Nuklear Winter '68 (2012)
Nuns on the Run (2010)
Nur die Ziege zahlt (2009)
O Zoo le Mio (2002)
Objective Kiev (2010)
Oceania (2004)
Oltre Mare (2004)
On the Underground (2006)
Onirim (2010)
Orient Express (1985)
Osh Vegas Police (2010)
Oudordodo (2011)
P.I. (2012)
Pack & Stack (2008)
Pandemic (2008)
Pandemic (2008)0
Pandemic (2008)
Pass the Bomb (1994)
Pastiche (2011)
Paths of Glory (1999)
Penguin Picnic (1997)
Pergamon (2011)
Peril of the Pole (2008)
Pick & Pack (2007)
Pick Picknic (2001)
Pickomino Heck Meck (2005)
Pictureka! (2006)
Piece o' Cake (2008)
Pig 10 (2010)
Pinguin Party (2008)
Piou Piou (2009)
Pirate's Cove (2002)
Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Man's Chest (2009)
Pizarro & Co. (2002)
Plan.It (2010)
Pocket Battles Celts vs. Romans (2009)
Pocket Battles Orcs vs. Elves (2010)
Pocket Civ (2005)
Pocket Rockets (2009)
Popular Front (2010)
PornStar (2001)
Postcard from the Revolution (2004)
Power Grid (2004)
Power Grid Factory Manager (2009)
Powerboats (2008)
Pret-a-Porter (2010)
Prophecy (2002)
Puerto Rico (2002)
Pulsar (2011)
Puzzle Strike (2010)
Quads (1996)
Quarriors! (2011)
Qwirkle (2006)
Ra (1999)
Ra The Dice Game (2009)
Race for Berlin The Final Struggle (2010)
Race for the Galaxy (2007)
Railroad Tycoon (2005)
Ran! (1970)
Rat-a-Tat Cat (1997)
Rattus (2010)
Razzia! (2004)
Red November (2008)
Reef Encounter (2004)
Regatta (2010)
Reiner Knizia's Decathlon (2003)
Resident Evil Deck Building Game (2010)
Return of the Heroes (2003)
Revolution! (2009)
Revolver The Wild West Gunfighting Game (2011)
Ribbit (2004)
Richard III The Wars of the Roses (2009)
Richelieu (2003)
Ricochet Robots (1999)
Riddle of the Ring (1982)
RinglDing (2011)
Ringmaster (2000)
Risk (2008)
Rivers, Roads & Rails (1969)
Road Kill Rally (2010)
Robber Knights (2005)
RoboRally (1994)
Robotory (2006)
Roll Through the Ages The Bronze Age (2009)
Roma (2005)
Rory's Story Cubes (2005)
Rosenkonig (1997)
Royal Palace (2008)
Rumble in the Dungeon House (2012)
Rune Age (2011)
Runewars (2010)
Rythme and Boulet (2008)
S.L.O.B.S. III (2003)
Saboteur (2004)
Saga (2003)
Saint Petersburg (2004)
San Juan (2004)
San Marco (2001)
Saprobiont (2012)
Sardines (2006)
Schoko-Hexe (1990)
Schotten-Totten (1999)
Scotland Yard (1983)
Serendipity (2008)
Serenissima (1996)
Set (1988)
Seven Dragons (2011)
Shadows over Camelot (2005)
Shear Panic (2005)
Shogun (2006)
Shrek Board Game (2010)
Sid Meier's Civilization The Boardgame (2010)
Sink the Bismarck (2008)
Slamwich (1994)
Sleeping Queens (2005)
Small World (2009)
Snail's Pace Race (1985)
Snake Pit (2002)
Snakes and Ladders (-200)
Sneaks & Snitches (2010)
Snit's Revenge (1977)
Snow Tails (2008)
Sobek (2010)
Solar Racers (2005)
Solo Dungeon Bash (2007)
Space Alert (2008)
Space Bastards (2011)
Space Colony Cheeses (2002)
Space Hole (2001)
Space Hulk (2009)
Space Hulk Death Angel - The Card Game (2010)
Space Junkyard (2009)
Space Maze (2011)
Sparito! (2003)
Splatball Suburban Legend (2007)
Spot It! Dobble (2009)
Stalingrad (1963)
Star Wars Trading Card Game (2002)
StarCraft The Board Game (2007)
Starfighter Combat (2005)
Steam (2009)
Stocks & Bonds (1964)
Stone Age (2008)
Stratego (1947)
Straw (2006)
Suburbia (2012)
Successors (2008)
Suds Zabifuzz (1997)
Summoner Wars (2009)
Summoner Wars Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs (2009)
Surprises (2009)
Survive Escape from Atlantis! (1982)
Sword and Sail (2004)
Tabernacle (2003)
Takenoko (2011)
Talisman (2007)
Tally Ho! (1973)
Taluva (2006)
Tanto Cuore (2009)
Tantrix (1988)
Target Leningrad (2010)
Tempus (2006)
The Adventurers The Temple of Chac (2009)
The aMAZEing Labyrinth (1986)
The Arduous Beginning (2009)
The Battle for Hill 218 (2007)
The Battle of Red Cliffs (2009)
The Blue Lion (2011)
The Boss (2010)
The Bridges of Shangri-La (2003)
The Castle of the Devil (2006)
The Caucasus Campaign (2009)
The Christmas Game (2006)
The Downfall of Pompeii (2004)
The Drive On Metz (2008)
The Dungeon of D (2008)
The End of the Triumvirate (2005)
The Fellowship of the Ring (1983)
The Game of Ladybirds (1975)
The Heroes of Might & Magic IV (2005)
The Kids of Carcassonne (2009)
The Lord of the Rings The Card Game (2011)
The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (2001)
The Princes of Florence (2000)
The Red Dragon Inn (2007)
The Red Dragon Inn 2 (2008)
The Resistance (2009)
The Rooftops of Ludovia (2009)
The Settlers of Catan (1995)
The Speicherstadt (2010)
The Thief of Baghdad (2006)
The Three Musketeers The Queen's Pendants (2009)
The Way (1994)
The Witcher (2007)
Thebes (2007)
Three-Dragon Ante (2005)
Thunderstone (2009)
Thunderstone Dragonspire (2009)
Thurn and Taxis (2006)
Tichu (1991)
Ticket to Ride (2004)
Ticket to Ride Europe (2005)
Ticket to Ride Europe 1912 (2009)
Ticket to Ride Russia (2010)
Ticket to Ride Russia 1916 (2004)
Ticket to Ride Switzerland (2007)
Ticket to Ride The Card Game (2008)
Ticket to Ride USA 1910 (2006)
Ticket to Ride USSR (2011)
Tikal (1999)
Timeline Inventions (2010)
Times Square (2006)
Titan (1980)
Titan (2009)
To Court the King (2006)
Tobago (2009)
Tongiaki (2004)
Tortuga (2007)
Trans Europa (2005)
TransAmerica (2001)
Trenches of Valor (2009)
Trendy Crazy Derby (2000)
Triazzle (2000)
TriHex (2004)
Troyes (2010)
TSCHAK! (2011)
Tsuro (2005)
Turn the Tide (1996)
Turtle Run (2005)
Twilight Struggle (2005)
Twister (1966)
Undermining (2011)
Unhappy King Charles! (2008)
Union Pacific (1999)
UNO (1971)
Untamed A Rummy Revolution (2009)
Up the Creek Ogallala (1975)
Vampire Prince of the City (2006)
Viking Raid (2008)
Vikings (2007)
Vinci (1999)
Walk the Dogs (2005)
Wanted! (1999)
Warcraft The Boardgame (2003)
Warhammer Invasion (2009)
Warriors of God (2008)
WARS Trading Card Game (2004)
Wasabi! (2008)
Washington's War (2010)
We Must Tell the Emperor (2011)
Web of Power (2000)
Whakka Mole (2006)
White Rabbit Max Mummelmann (2008)
Who Would Win (2009)
Wings of War (2004)
Winner's Circle (2001)
Witch of Salem (2008)
Witch's Brew (2008)
Wiz-War (1983)
Wiz-War (2012)
Woolfy (2009)
Wooly Bully (2002)
World Conquerors (2011)
World of Warcraft The Boardgame (2005)
World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2007)
Worm Up! (1994)
Wrong Chemistry (2012)
Wyatt Earp (2001)
Yahtzee (1956)
Yield! (2001)
Yomi (2011)
You're Bluffing! (1985)
Yspahan (2006)
Zombicide (2012)
Zombie Dice (2010)
Zombie In My Pocket (2007)
Zombie Manor (2007)
Zombie Plague (2001)
Zombies!!! (2001)
Zooloretto (2007)

Ale, que lo disfrutéis  ;)




Si no entiendes las reglas... invéntatelas.


Viggo El Cárpato

Madre mía!! Muchas gracias por el aporte. Casi 100 Gb, !Qué locura! ;D ;D
Aquí estoy porque he venido, porque he venido aquí estoy, si no te gusta mi canto como he venido me voy.


La virgen santa!!!
Estan locos estos rusos!!
gracias por el aporte pero 98 gb son demasiados para mi pequeño pc
saludos serranos


A estos rusos si que les cunde el rediseño madre mia!!

Cita de: foxinthesierra en 07 de Noviembre de 2014, 19:58:34
La virgen santa!!!
Estan locos estos rusos!!
gracias por el aporte pero 98 gb son demasiados para mi pequeño pc
saludos serranos

Piensa que la hacer la descarga puedes seleccionar que quieres y que no quieres descargar de toda la lista de juegos, de esa manera puedes bajar si quieres solo aquello que te interese o que se adapte a tu pc ;)
"Corred, insensatos."

"Soy egoísta, impaciente y un poco insegura. Cometo errores, pierdo el control y a veces soy difícil de tratar. Pero si no puedes lidiar conmigo en mi peor momento, definitivamente no me mereces en el mejor"


Que pasada, lo malo será tener que traducir, aunque sea de otras lenguas. De todas formas brutal. Gracias por el descubrimiento
Sir Alf "Caballero Noble"


Si visitais la página directamente "boardgamer.ru" y filtrais por la categoría de "print and play" vereís todas las entradas de cada juego, son muchas páginas, pero podréis descargar sólo lo que os interesa. Cuidado que está todo en ruso, con algún navegador con traducción online se puede navegar. Pero eso sí, los pdf muchas veces son muy amateur y en ruso, por lo que difícil que nos sirva.


mihi delectat incredibiliter curam percipere latine sententiis

Mi colección


Para los que no quieran (o puedan) descargarse todos los juegos hay una forma de hacerlo selectivamente. Como cada juego está en un .zip hay que entrar en el uTorrent y pinchar en el archivo general. Abajo hay varias pestañas y en la llamada "Archivos" puede seleccionar qué archivos descargar y cuales no pulsando en cada uno de ellos y con el botón derecho seleccionar "No descargar".

Espero que este aporte se traduzca en muchos remaquetaciones patrias  ;D ;D ;) ;)


Si los ficheros incluyen escaneos originales y/o textos originales no se permiten en labsk e incumplen las normas. Lo comento porque de ser así, ruego que se elimine el enlace y en todo caso se distribuya mediante MP u otra forma ajena al foro. Y lo aviso con antelación, antes de que alguna editorial se queje y con razón.


No se ha compartido el enlace a ningún juego. Se ha enlazado a un archivo .torrent

Y aunque he de reconocer que no me he revisado todos los 93 gigas, lo que yo he visto son rediseños,