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Cthulhu Wars, etiquetas y tableros tradumaquetados (también ampliaciones)

Iniciado por Torke, 18 de Febrero de 2015, 22:58:51

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Playing Great Cthulhu
Cthulhu's Faction is focused on destruction. Of all Factions, your Units are the most effective in a fight. On the other hand you are limited in obtaining Elder Signs, so you need to use your combat strength to ruin your enemy's bases and keep them from taking the lead.
Your Spellbooks and abilities, even unused, cast a baleful influence on your enemy's activities. Submerge, Dreams, and Y'ha Nthlei all cast a pall over the map hindering your opponents.
   In the early game, you get Spellbooks quickly. Get Cthulhu out on turn 2 or 3, even if he is vulnerable to an enemy attack. After all, you can re-Awaken him cheaply and gain one Elder Sign. It is far easier to get your two "Kill/Devour" Spellbooks once Cthulhu takes the field. 
   In the late game, use Submerge to strike critical enemy areas. With Regeneration or Absorb plus Cthulhu's Immortal ability, you can hurl your forces into battle with impunity. Cthulhu only rolls 6 dice, but an Absorbent Shoggoth gives you heft, plus Cthulhu's Devour ability is better than a free Kill.
•   Devolve  keep a Deep One in your Pool to render you immune to Capture. Just Devolve a threatened Cultist immediately.
•   Dreams  this means that your enemies dare not leave a Cultist alone on a Gate. You may not often use Dreams vs. experienced players, but it affects their behavior throughout the game.
•   Absorb  turns Shoggoths into major combat dice. You only need 1 Shoggoth per attack, so long as he has "food" available. Remember that Cultists & Deep Ones are also useful to soak up hits– you may not want to Absorb them all.
•   Regeneration  with this, Starspawn inure your army to harm, making them the flip-side to Absorb's massive damage output. Cthulhu accompanied by two Starspawns is well-armored even against enemy Great Old Ones.
•   Y'ha Nthlei  like Dreams, this inhibits the enemy. Your foes are less likely to conquer your Gates, and you don't care as much if they do.
•   Submerge  a critical Spellbook in the late game. Once Cthulhu's army submerges, not only is he safe from harm, but other players react in desperation. If you attack an ocean Area, you can Submerge again after the strike.
Thwarting Great Cthulhu
Cthulhu has strong Units, but not many of them. Each loss is a setback for him. When he hurls his might against an Area he is going to win, but you can mitigate this by not putting all your eggs in one basket. Killing Cthulhu himself isn't particularly effective (unless you are Crawling Chaos, since Harbinger then gives you 2 Power or Elder Signs), because next turn he'll be back at R'lyeh, ready to Submerge and make your life hell.
Cthulhu: epilogue
"It was gargantuan. A mountainous form rising from the sea, surrounded by lesser monstrosities that oozed and dragged themselves toward us with distorted limbs, tentacles, and pseudopods. When we heard that the Pacific Islands were empty, we didn't understand. We still thought in human terms. We hadn't considered that the colossal Thing had been eating, scouring the islands of life. And now it was here, hungry again." David Mendiola
Playing the Crawling Chaos
Crawling Chaos is all about opportunism; striking at the weak and vulnerable. While some other Factions have a faster start on attaining Spellbooks, Crawling Chaos is often the Faction that completes his collection first. Your Units are not mighty in battle, and your Spellbooks are defensive in nature. You are good at harassment, and debilitating foes over time.
   In the early game, focus on safety and power-building. Use Flight to set up bases in inaccessible Areas. Nightgaunts with Abduct discourage enemies from attacking your cultists – at least they'll need to send more than one monster. You won't need Nyarlathotep himself for a while, and he is stronger later in the game anyway. Your most awkward Spellbook requirement is often "Capture a Cultist", so look for any chance to pull this off.
   In the late game, everything changes. Nyarlathotep now has a huge combat ability (up to 12 dice), and instead of fearing battle, you should seek it. Smite their Great Old Ones for the Harbinger bonus. You can perform Rituals more safely than other players, because you can restore the power imbalance with Thousand Forms, so you are not left as vulnerable afterwards.
   More than any other player, you can hit an enemy where he is weak. As a result, if one player has surged ahead, the rest may try to convince you to save the day. Go ahead and save the day, but be sure to exact promises and tribute from the others. For instance, "Before I strike, I want you to evacuate your Gate in South America." Promises are not binding in Cthulhu Wars, so make sure you "see the money" before taking whatever Action you see fit. 
•   Emissary of the Outer Gods  less useful when Great Old Ones are out, but it does keep expensive Nyarlathotep safe from cheap attacks. Remember to use Madness to use a Pain to retreat him somewhere safe!
•   Abduct  in the early game, this protects Gates from enemy Monsters. In the late game it is not as good, as you often need your Nightgaunts to soak up enemy Kills. It can sometimes be combined with Invisibility to pick off a good Monster. 
•   Invisibility   safely place an invulnerable Flying Polyp in an enemy Area. Also good to cancel obnoxious Units such as Starspawn.
•   Seek & Destroy  now your Gates are protected across the world from weak-to-medium attacks, since you can throw in a 2-dice monster at will. While on the offensive, your attacks are cheaper, since your Horror joins in for free. Also gives Nyarlathotep extra meat shields in case he is ambushed.
•   Madness  your signature Spellbook. It is not immediately destructive, but over the course of the game, your enemies' Units scatter inconveniently and it takes time and energy to restore the situation.
•   Thousand Forms  early in the round, it forces enemies to give up a Power advantage. Late in the round, it boosts you when they are most vulnerable. Combined with Harbinger, you can achieve a surprise Power surge that makes your foes whine.
1.   Thwarting Crawling Chaos
Crawling Chaos Units are excellent at staving off weak raids, but less effective against a major attack. Therefore take the gloves off and hit him as hard as you can – as the Germans say, Klotzen, nicht Kleckern!
   Nyarlathotep is terrifying, but if you do kill him, it is a major setback, and Crawling Chaos may take a whole turn to recover. His cultists have no real defensive capability, unlike other players (Cthulhu has Devolve, Yellow Sign Passion, and Black Goat Frenzy), so are vulnerable.
   There is not much you can do about his power drain abilities. Just suck it up and remember that it may be better to let your own Power drop rather than give him an undeserved boost.
2.   Crawling Chaos: epilogue
"The uncertainty is the worst. No one looks up. I remember when we could see the sun. You can't now, because They blanket the sky. No one wants to look up, and They know that. Everyday we live with the knowledge that it might your last day. The only warning is a slither of sucking wind, flapping of wings, or the brush of something utterly alien on your skin. Then you're gone. I see fewer and fewer friends as time passes. How long before it is my time?" David Mendiola
Playing the Black Goat
As befits a fertility cult, Black Goat's emphasis is on occupation and expansion – sort of like a fungus infection. Unlike other Factions, you tend to be geographically restricted. You are not deadly in battle (in fact, you have no battle Spellbooks except Frenzy), but you have plenty of cheap throwaway Units, so you are resilient. As you hole up in your homeland, your abilities let you target enemies by remote control. This is your true strength.
   In the early game, the most common mistake a novice Black Goat player makes is to initiate a diaspora of Cultists to immediately achieve the "Have Units in X Area" Spellbooks. But your enemies will move in once you are helpless from lack of Power. Build up at a sedate rate. Ensure that when you move Units into an Area they have support and protection, and in general use cheap monsters to occupy Areas for Spellbook purposes, rather than Cultists. Thousand Young is best defensively, as when an enemy moves on one of your Gates –reactively summon a heap of trouble for him. Create a stronghold where you can summon Shub-Niggurath safely.
   In the late game, you can sadly annoy other players. Ghroth slows and cripples rivals. Battle becomes common, so Necrophagy can occur multiple times in a single turn. Avatar steals weak enemy bases with prejudice – just teleport to the spot, and they must send someone to your homeland. You can then capture their Cultist or, if the Gate is abandoned, Recruit your own Cultist to take it over. 
   The enemy often comes to you, in an attempt to stop the hurting, so sit tight. If you do need to strike at a distance, you have Avatar. You may not have as many Gates as other, more mobile, Factions, but you can make up for this – even with just 2 Gates plus Shub-Niggurath, Blood Sacrifice nets you 2 Elder Signs and 4 Doom points per Ritual.

•   Frenzy  excellent both defensive and offensively. If a foe moves a monster into an area, hoping for a cheap Capture, declare combat, and Pain him right back out.
•   Necrophagy  use with impunity, as Ghouls are cheap (free, after Thousand Young). In a small battle, it can clean out an entire area, allowing your Ghoul to Recruit a Cultist and take the Gate. Teleporting Ghouls around the world also helps meet Spellbook requirements.
•   Ghroth  a complex Action, requiring timing and preparation, but worth the trouble. Some players focus on Ghroth as a central strategy. Others keep it as an occasional treat. Both techniques are effective.
•   Red Sign  gives you potentially more baseline Power than any other Faction, plus Gate-controlling Units that can't be Captured. Remember, when you summon a Dark Young under Red Sign, you can place it right on the Gate (replacing the Cultist who summoned it.)
•   The Thousand Young   its utility is obvious, but it contains subtle touches. For instance, summon a single Ghoul for 0 Power, in effect marking time while seeing what the other players do. It is also demoralizing for a foe to launch a mighty attack on you, destroying 3-4 of your Units, only to have you Summon your lost Units right back at trivial cost.
•   Blood Sacrifice  lets you earn an Elder Sign every Doom phase. As a bonus, it puts Cultists back in your Pool, so you can Recruit them for use with Avatar or Necrophagy Gate-stealing.

Thwarting Black Goat
Black Goat is hard to dig out once settled in. However, she is easy to fend off in the first place, as her offensive Action is limited. Her monsters are feeble, and have other tasks to perform besides fighting. This means that her main tool for conquest are Avatar and Necrophagy, and both involve starting out weak in the target Area. React vigorously to drive her back.
   Once she is established, she is hard to stop, because she gets extra Power from Red Sign, and extra Elder Signs from Blood Sacrifice. At some point, you may need to go take out one of her citadels. Luckily, all three of the other Factions can pull this off with their Great Old Ones, properly used. Don't make the mistake of trying to extirpate Black Goat entirely – you'll fail, and if you keep focusing on her, other enemies may surge ahead. Remember: don't try to cure the Black Goat infection, just keep it contained.
Black Goat: epilogue
"You can't rest these days. We have nowhere to simply lie down. Our streets are overrun with beasts, loping with cloven hooves and jackal grins. The skies are no better, filled by flying abominations, dripping with fungus. I hear they take your brain. I don't know what they do with it. Eat it? They say not. Something worse. But whatever you do, don't go into the newly-grown woodlands. You'll find Them there, giant horrors all mouths and tentacles. And at the center, stands the one who made Them. No, my friend, stay out of the forest." David Mendiola
Playing the Yellow Sign
You are constrained by strange rules, and seem to be playing your own separate game. However, in doing so, you do plunge the other players into a living nightmare. You leave a trail of scattered Units across the map, forcing foes to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy to expunge your traces. You have no real home base, but are nomadic, leaving ruin in your wake. You get Actions more quickly than other players, and can often do two things in the same round, which gives you a flexibility no one else has. Your Units are weak, but usually free, and numerous, which makes you resistant to loss. In effect, you can't dish it out, but you sure can take it.
   In the early game, be aware that you earn Spellbooks more slowly than other players, but concentrate on them. Awaken the King in Yellow soon (in the first turn, usually). Usually it's easy to send the King in Yellow to North America after Desecrating Europe or Asia, but occasionally it's wiser to get into Africa early and even harsh on enemies by Capturing Cultists with the King, or spreading Zingaya. Many players prefer to migrate straight to Africa or America after Awakening the King, and save the Desecration of Europe or Asia for last.
   The King in Yellow, despite his lack of Combat, is a terror. He moves quickly around the board with his undead bodyguard, and his ability to take a second Action (with Screaming Dead) means you can move into an enemy area and immediately use Zingaya, Capture a Cultist, or Shriek additional byakhee there in preparation for devastating effect. You don't spend much Power on summoning monsters (most are generated via Desecration attempts), so focus on other priorities. Remember to leave a trail of Monster "breadcrumbs" behind you, so they can suckle Power from your Desecrations. Even if an enemy moves into the area to attack you, this will cost them 2 Power (one to move, one to Battle), so even a rear guard's elimination is no tragedy. Plus it puts your monster back into your Pool to be recalled upon the next Desecration or Znigaya.
   In the late game, you need to finish remaining Spellbooks. Usually you have few Gates, so you rely on Third Eye or your two Great Old Ones for Elder Signs. Thanks to Vengeance, when Hastur rolls into Action, you can ensure an enemy Great Old One will die. By this time you should be getting significant Power from Feast, to be used for Rituals or other purposes. With Hastur, you now have two choices for your double-actions – either the King or Hastur can move, and then you can do something else useful. In the late game, Hastur's signature move is to use He Who Is Not To Be Named to enter an enemy's space, then Shriek of the Byakhee to give him a bodyguard, and then declare Battle (unlimited with 6 Spellbooks) to assassinate any other Great Old One.
•   Passion  can actually "resurrect" you when out of Power. It also hinders the foe. (I.e., they may choose to attack someone else, rather than give you Power).
•   Zingaya  the biggest problem with Desecration is mustering the troops. With Zingaya, you not only get a Unit, but your enemy is down a Cultist.
•   Shriek of the Byakhee  flexible, and gives both defense and offense. Shriek when an enemy invades, or after Screaming Dead or He Who is Not to be Named to give your Great Old Ones oomph.
•   Screaming Dead you'll use this a LOT, so don't put it off. It needn't be the first Spellbook you acquire, but it shouldn't be the last either. 
•   He Who is Not to be Named the basic function is to assassinate an opposing Great Old One, but it has other uses which become obvious with experience. Remember the extra Action does not have to involve Hastur. 
•   Third Eye  once you finish earning Spellbooks, Third Eye keeps you interested in Desecrating. In effect, you get an Elder Sign for 2 Power (1 to move, 1 to Desecrate), plus at the same time you earn a potential power source and a new monster. It's the best bargain in the game!
Thwarting the Yellow Sign
If you are playing against Yellow Sign, remember his monsters are puny. Because they are also numerous, you need to attack him more than once to knock out an area, but at least you don't have to fear serious losses. Third Eye is terrifying, but he needs both his Great Old Ones out, plus enough monsters to succeed at Desecrating. This gives you many tools to stop him.
   One of Yellow Sign's oddities is that he tends to have too many Cultists sitting around in Europe – he is benefited by losing a few of them early game, so he can use the King to bring them forth around the world. So if you want to cause the most damage, don't hit Europe –strike at the King himself. You are unlikely to kill the King, but just scattering his zombie army really hurts.
   Yellow Sign has plenty of weak pseudo-bases (in the form of Desecration tokens) scattered round the map. You can't spend all your time attacking these, but do it when convenient.
   Yellow Sign is constrained by his need to Desecrate certain areas. If you can keep him out of, say, Africa or the Americas, you stop his progress. This is easier said than done, but each turn you delay his advance, the more desperate he gets.
1.   Yellow Sign: epilogue
"I've done horrible things. I killed lifelong friends. Parents. Children. Why, you ask? Because ... the King in Yellow. He whispered ... secrets and portents. It just made sense. Don't worry, my victims didn't stay dead. They are a gift to the Unnamed One and so they follow, like the others. So the King in Yellow has his entourage as he spreads his message." David Mendiola
Frequently Asked Questions


Q. On the map of Earth, why does the North Atlantic have a little section seeping over to the Pacific side of central America?
A. It is our way of indicating that the North Atlantic and the North Pacific are adjacent.

Q. If my Units in an Area have 0 Combat dice, but I have special Battle abilities I can use, can I declare a Battle?
A. No. The Units IN THE AREA must have at least 1 Combat die to declare Battle. For instance, if you have only a Nightgaunt in an Area, you can't declare Battle there as Crawling Chaos, even if you have Seek & Destroy. .

Q. If I have 6 Spellbooks (so Battle is unlimited), can I Battle and then do another Action (such as Moving out of the Battle Area)?
A. Yes. Unlimited Actions can be done in any order. You may still only engage in one Battle per Area, however. You could use unlimited Battle in an Area, then (as your Action) move into a new Area, and Battle there.
   In fact, it is theoretically possible to Battle in an Area, get Pained into a neighboring Area, Battle again, get Pained again, and keep up a sequence of Battles in this way until you run out of Power, lose your Units, or get Pained into an Area where you have already Battled this Action. The only limit is that you can only initiate one Battle per Area.

Q. What happens if all Units on a side are "exempted" via Invisibility or eliminated by effects such as Abduct or Devour before a battle?
A. obviously there is no need to roll dice. The Power to start the Battle is still spent. Post-Battle effects can take place if appropriate.

Q. Cthulhu gets a Spellbook in the first Doom phase! Does this mean he gets it before his first Action?!
A. No! There is no Doom phase in the first turn. Therefore, Cthulhu earns this Spellbook in the Doom phase of the Second turn – AFTER the first turn ends.

Q. Two of Cthulhu's Spellbooks require you to kill or Devour an enemy in a Battle. But doesn't Devour take place before the Battle? Also, just when exactly do I receive these battle-oriented Spellbooks? In the middle of the fight?
A. Pre- and Post-Battle effects count as happening "during a Battle". Cthulhu's two battle Spellbooks are not received until the Battle is fully completed and all post-Battle effects are finished.

Q. Can Actions such as Cthulhu's Dreams Spellbook or Yellow Sign's Zingaya be used to simply remove an enemy cultist if you lack Units to make the replacement?
A. No. If you cannot make the replacement, you cannot perform the Action.

Q. Nyarlathotep's Combat is based on his Spellbooks, plus his opponents?
A. For each Spellbook he and his opponent have on their Faction sheet, he gets 1 Combat. For instance, if Nyarlathotep has all 6 Spellbooks while his opponent has only earned 3, he gets 9 Combat. His total does not count Spellbooks he has not yet earned, and it does not count Spellbooks earned for an Independent Great Old One (available in some expansions).

Q. Can I use Black Goat's Avatar with one of my own Units?
A. Certainly.

Q. How much Power does the Crawling Chaos get for Killing or Paining Cthulhu?
A. He receives 2 Power, since that is now half the cost to Awaken Cthulhu (since, obviously, he has been Awakened once). Of course he could just take 2 Elder Signs instead.

Q. When the Crawling Chaos exempts a Unit with his Invisibility Spellbook, does he pick the Unit? Can he pick an enemy? Can he exempt his Flying Polyp?
A. Yes, yes, and yes. Remember he cannot exempt a Great Old One.

Q. Yellow Sign's Undead and Byakhee have Combat values that change depending on how many are present in the area. If an Undead or Byakhee is exempted via Invisibility, since it is still "present" does it affect the Combat of the remaining Units?
A. An invisible Unit does not count as being "present" in the Area for this purpose. If you have 2 Undead in an Area, and one is turned invisible, the remaining Undead rolls 0 dice, not one. The intent is that Invisibility is supposed to be useful.

Q. What if the Flying Polyp is eliminated by Devour or some other effect after using Invisibility on a Unit? Does this cancel the Invisibility?
A. No. Effects, once initiated, remain regardless of the fate of the instigating Unit.

Q. What if other players do not have enough Cultists to satisfy the demands of Ghroth?
A. They lose as many Cultists as Black Goat chooses. If they do not have enough Cultists to meet the demand, the excess is ignored..

Q. Regarding Crawling Chaos's Madness Spellbook, must he obey normal restrictions on retreating Units (I.e., not into an area containing Units of the Faction just battled)?
A. Yes, he must obey normal retreat rules. He also does not get to choose WHICH Units retreat, only their destination. Also note that with Madness, Crawling Chaos can retreat players in either order, i.e., retreating the Defender first.

Q. Black Goat has a Spellbook requirement "Share Areas with all enemies"? Do the enemies all have to be in the same Areas with your Unit(s)?
A. No. For example, in a 3-player game vs. Cthulhu and Yellow Sign, if you have a Unit in an Area with Cthulhu's Units and also have a Unit in an Area with a Yellow Sign Unit, this requirement is immediately fulfilled. Note that this requirement can be met during an enemy's turn.

Q. When Crawling Chaos's Thousand Forms or Black Goat's Ghroth abilities are used, can a player insist on taking part of the loss, even if the other players don't want him to? What if a player has no Power or no Cultists - can he "disagree" with the division?
A. In the first case, this would count as a disagreement which needs to be resolved. In the second - if a player refuses to contribute to the effect, he does not participate in further negotiations, and his agreement is immaterial.

Q. If a Ghoul is already in the target Area, can it be "summoned" there via Necrophagy?
A. Only if it was not involved in the Battle. Note that an Invisible Ghoul is "not involved" and thus could react via Necrophagy!

Q. If Nyarlathotep is alone in an Area, and Emissary is in play, and he receives a Pain, but cannot retreat because he is surrounded by enemy Units, what happens? Is he Killed? What if another Unit is with him, and only one Pain is rolled – can Nyarlathotep be picked to take the Pain so his companion is spared?
A. No, he ignores the Pain.  To answer the second question, yes, in this rare case Nyarlathotep could "take" the Pain to spare the other Unit. Of course if two Pains were rolled, the companion would have to be chosen to die.

Q. When is Shub-Niggurath's Combat total figured? For instance, if Cthulhu Devours a Cultist just before the battle, does this decrease Shub-Niggurath's total for the battle itself?
A. All Pre-Battle abilities happen BEFORE dice are rolled. Combat dice are figured at the instant of battle. In the example given, Cthulhu's Devour would indeed decrease Shub-Niggurath's combat.

Q. If the Black Goat Faction is in a Battle, and uses Necrophagy does she also suffer extra Pain?
A. Yes, both sides in the battle suffer additional Pain equal to the Ghouls called. The newly-called Ghouls cannot be chosen to take the extra pain for her, either.

Q. If a Faction's Units cannot retreat (because they are surrounded), and lose a Unit as a result, and then Necrophagy occurs, do they lose a second Unit as a result of the extra Pain?
A. No. Only one Unit is ever lost due to inability to retreat per battle. (However, if Necrophagy causes the ONLY Pain result to an enemy-surrounded force, then of course such a Unit would be eliminated).

Q. The King in Yellow can perform Desecration, but what does it do, exactly?
A. The inhabitants are now shrieking in terror, fleeing their cities, or performing desperate obeisance to the King, but the immediate practical game effect is that it gives Yellow Sign a Unit, and a Spellbook when performed in the right Areas. Also, if it is successfully performed after the Third Eye Spellbook is in effect, it may give Yellow Sign an Elder Sign.

Q. When Yellow Sign takes the Screaming Dead or He Who is Not to be Named Action, does he have to pay the normal Power cost for his second, subsequent Action?
A. Yes! For instance, if he moved using Screaming Dead, and then immediately attempted a Desecration, this would cost him 3 Power total. Or 2, if Third Eye was in effect.

Q. What happens when Crawling Chaos uses Thousand Forms, and the number rolled is higher than the sum of all other players' Power?
A. Crawling Chaos gets Power equal to the die roll.
Rule Omega – the Final Question
We have sought diligently for more than a year to cover all possible rules questions, and to make the game as true to Lovecraft as we can. But we are mere mortals, and as such, subject to err.
   If you come across some ability or spell card conflict, and cannot find the answer in one of our FAQs (or our website FAQ online), we recommend that the players in the game vote on the desired outcome – the owner of the game should probably get a bonus – like his vote counts for double. In the end, Cthulhu Wars is your game. If you feel compelled to add house rules to cover such issues – do so with our blessing.

ACOLYTE  the only type of Cultist appearing in the core Cthulhu Wars game. Later expansions add new Cultists.
AREA  a map region, whether ocean or land.
ATTACKER  that Faction which just declared a Battle.
BATTLE ABILITY/EFFECT these are earned through Spellbooks or special abilities. Battle Abilities are classified as Pre-Battle, Battle, or Post-Battle. In any dispute, the Attacker uses his Spellbooks first in each segment, then the Defender. 
CULTIST  a human who serves the Great Old Ones. They live on Earth and can be recruited in any Area. Their figures are identical to one another, distinguished only by their Faction color. In the basic game, the only type of Cultist is the Acolyte.
DEFENDER  a Faction involved in a Battle which it did not declare.
ELIMINATED  Units can be destroyed in many ways. When a Unit is removed from the board, it is returned to your pool (except when Captured), and can be awakened, summoned, or recruited again.
ENEMY  a Unit or Faction controlled by another player, i.e., not you. ALL Factions are "enemy" except the one you control. In the 2-player game, even other Factions you control are considered "enemy" when you are performing the turn of a particular Faction.
FRIENDLY  a Unit controlled by you.
GATE  a construct of alien science, constructed by Cultists. Gates channel Power to a Faction, plus permit the summoning of Monsters and (sometimes) Great Old Ones.
IN PLAY  some Spellbooks and abilities refer to a Unit as being "in play". A Unit is "in play" if it is on the map, or, if it is off the map, still controlled by its owner. For example, Cthulhu on its Faction card via Submerge is "in play". A captured cultist on an enemy Faction card is not "in play".
KILLED  this refers to a Unit which was chosen to receive an enemy "6" result in Combat. Units can be eliminated in many ways that do not count as a "Kill". For example, Cthulhu's Devour ability does not count as a "Kill".
MONSTER  non-human entities who serve the Great Old Ones. They usually arrive through Gates.
GREAT OLD ONE  otherworldly alien sovereigns who seek to conquer Earth. Most Factions have only one Great Old One (exception: Yellow Sign). Many abilities and Spellbooks refer to "Monsters and Cultists". Such abilities do NOT apply to a Great Old One. All Great Old Ones have their own unique Awakening requirements, their own Combat totals (often a formula), and their own unique abilities (sometimes as an Action).
ONGOING  an "ongoing" Spellbook is permanently in effect, so long as you have satisfied its conditions. For instance, Black Goat's Thousand Young Spellbook causes her Faction Monsters to cost 1 less Power as long as you meet the prerequisite of having Shub-Niggurath in play. Some "ongoing" effects permit a user to make a choice at certain times (for instance, Cthulhu's Devolve Spellbook). But all "ongoing" effects are free of cost and can be repeated.
POOL  the pile of Units, Spellbooks, and other tokens which you have not yet managed to place on the map.
POST-BATTLE  an effect that happens after dice are rolled in a battle. (For instance, Shub-Niggurath's Necrophagy ability.)
PRE-BATTLE  an effect that happens after a Battle has been declared, but before dice are rolled. (For instance, Cthulhu's Devour ability.)
UNIT  a Cultist, Monster, or Great Old One. Does not include Gates. 


Esto... La gente pregunta por la traducción de esta parrafada, que es lo que nadie ha hecho, si quieres ponerte muchos foreros te lo agradecerán


Cita de: calvo en 17 de Marzo de 2015, 08:08:48
Cita de: Torke en 17 de Marzo de 2015, 00:49:18
Las reglas se leen bastante bien del inglés, la verdad. Aún no hay nadie que las haya traducido.

Sí, sí, yo las tengo una traducción sin maquetar que no sé de donde saqué.

Hay una beta en big, lo que no se es si modificaron eso

Gracias majos


Cita de: pedrotronic en 03 de Abril de 2015, 09:49:25
Esto... La gente pregunta por la traducción de esta parrafada, que es lo que nadie ha hecho, si quieres ponerte muchos foreros te lo agradecerán

Estoy viendo las diferencias con la beta colgada en bgg. No descartó coordinar una traducción.


Cita de: calvo en 03 de Abril de 2015, 23:35:08
Cita de: pedrotronic en 03 de Abril de 2015, 09:49:25
Esto... La gente pregunta por la traducción de esta parrafada, que es lo que nadie ha hecho, si quieres ponerte muchos foreros te lo agradecerán

Estoy viendo las diferencias con la beta colgada en bgg. No descartó coordinar una traducción.
Eso molaria un monton y lo sabes! :D


ok, que son las reglas  :-X . Pensaba que habías pegado unas FAQ o algo. Los dioses te lo paguen con horribles y versátiles mutaciones si lo traduces


Cita de: ARO en 04 de Abril de 2015, 10:33:51
ok, que son las reglas  :-X . Pensaba que habías pegado unas FAQ o algo. Los dioses te lo paguen con horribles y versátiles mutaciones si lo traduces

La cosa es que las reglas parece que incluyen FAQS y consejos de cómo utilizar cada facción.
Estoy de vacas, pero en cuanto vuelva me pongo.

Por lo que he visto la principal diferencia con las reglas ya traducidas y subidas a bgg es que en lugar de realizar los rituales de aniquilación como una acción se hacen en una fase previa, donde además cada facción automáticamente obtiene también punto de perdición/doom como portales controla (y tras eso puede realizar el ritual y volver a "cobrar" esos puntos).

Además los puntos de perdición/doom que desencadenan el final de la partida son 30 y no 19, y los tokens puntúan de 1 a 3 ren lugar de de 1/2 a 1 y 1/2.


Cita de: ARO en 04 de Abril de 2015, 10:33:51
ok, que son las reglas  :-X . Pensaba que habías pegado unas FAQ o algo. Los dioses te lo paguen con horribles y versátiles mutaciones si lo traduces

Vuelvo a la civilización y puedo escribir en condiciones:

1) Lo siento porque había colgado "a capón" las reglas en inglés un poco "modo casual", lo que entiendo que habrá descuadrado a más de uno. Mis disculpas.

2) Lo que pretendía era confirmar que (como yo mismo erroneamente pensaba) no contamos con una traducción de la última versión e intentar detectar qué hay pendiente de traducir.

Cita de: pedrotronic en 03 de Abril de 2015, 09:49:25
Esto... La gente pregunta por la traducción de esta parrafada, que es lo que nadie ha hecho, si quieres ponerte muchos foreros te lo agradecerán

3) La parrafada (como la llamas con un matiz que quizá esté sobre interpretando al pensar que tiene un componente peyorativo y punitivo) tenía como objetivo lo que ya comento. Lo cierto es que me pareció bastante lógico abordar el asunto en este hilo, ya que gracias a fundamentalmente Torke tenemos una tradumaquetación de 10 de los componentes y lo único que nos falta es el reglamento.

4) Por último, y quizá lo más pragmático: ¿Alguien me puede confirmar que el texto que he subido (el regalmento) se corresponde con el oficial?


Cita de: calvo en 05 de Abril de 2015, 15:30:07
Cita de: pedrotronic en 03 de Abril de 2015, 09:49:25
Esto... La gente pregunta por la traducción de esta parrafada, que es lo que nadie ha hecho, si quieres ponerte muchos foreros te lo agradecerán

3) La parrafada (como la llamas con un matiz que quizá esté sobre interpretando al pensar que tiene un componente peyorativo y punitivo) tenía como objetivo lo que ya comento. Lo cierto es que me pareció bastante lógico abordar el asunto en este hilo, ya que gracias a fundamentalmente Torke tenemos una tradumaquetación de 10 de los componentes y lo único que nos falta es el reglamento.

Interpreta lo que quieras, eso si, personalmente creo que esto no va aquí, es más claro si estuviera separado en su propio hilo, ahora tal vez no pero dentro de unos meses, cuando el hilo esté enterrado, es más fácil buscar las reglas por separado que acordarse que están con la traducción de las tablillas de facción.

Cita de: calvo en 05 de Abril de 2015, 15:30:07
4) Por último, y quizá lo más pragmático: ¿Alguien me puede confirmar que el texto que he subido (el regalmento) se corresponde con el oficial?

Lo leo con calma y te contesto.


Cita de: pedrotronic en 05 de Abril de 2015, 16:09:08

Interpreta lo que quieras, eso si, personalmente creo que esto no va aquí, es más claro si estuviera separado en su propio hilo, ahora tal vez no pero dentro de unos meses, cuando el hilo esté enterrado, es más fácil buscar las reglas por separado que acordarse que están con la traducción de las tablillas de facción.

Cita de: calvo en 05 de Abril de 2015, 15:30:07
4) Por último, y quizá lo más pragmático: ¿Alguien me puede confirmar que el texto que he subido (el regalmento) se corresponde con el oficial?

Lo leo con calma y te contesto.

Tienes razón en que es mejor que esté en su hilo propio. Me ha parecido buena idea continuar el asunto de la traducción del reglamento en el hilo en el que se habla de la traducción de los componente ya que he pensado que eso puede facilitar a los interesado que siguen el hilo continuar el proyecto y encontrar un material de su einterés, pero es posible que me esté equivocando.. Mi intención precisamente es que no quede información entrecortada y, o bien detectar y enlazar o bien traducir y enlazar.


A mi me parece correcto. Si alguien en un momento dado quiere simplemente encontrar los archivos, en el primer post está. Si alguien sigue el hilo por lo que sea, no me parece mal que encuentre las reglas en inglés y demás mientras debatimos que hay nuevo y que no, etc.


Ya he abierto un hilo para el proceso de traducción del reglamento:


No debería ser muy complicada la traducción, teniendo en cuenta que además creo que grueso ya está traducido en una versión previa en castellano (que he colgado en ese hilo) lo que sobre todo deberíamos es detectar los cambios.

Sí que puede tener un poco más de trabajo una parte de FAQS y consejos que creo que no está traducida.

Así que los que queráis colaborar seréis bienvenidos. ;)


Estoy detectando un asunto:

Creo que se ha traducido, en las fichas de facción y en los grimorios, "doom" como "perdición" en la mayoría de los conceptos, como por ejemplo los "puntos de perdición" y el "marcador de perdición". Sin embargo en los requisitos del primer espacio para grimorios de Cthulhu se ha traducido como "Condenación". ¿Que hago en la traducción de las reglas? ¿Mantengo la diferenciación (y uso por tanto "perdición" para denominar al medidos y a los puntos, y "condenación" para el nombre de la fase) o estandarizo todo como "perdición"?


Yo lo traduje como Perdición porque... No sé, me gustaba más. Si queréis, para unificarlo, usamos Perdición. A no ser que te refieras a algo que haya traducido yo mal, si es así dime donde y lo cambio