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Ediciones MasQueOca editará Study in Emerald en Español

Iniciado por Masqueoca, 18 de Mayo de 2015, 11:36:03

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Cita de: Draugkin en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 12:35:47
Gran noticia! Voy haciéndole hueco

Me parece una edición preciosa, a pesar de que veremos algo así:

Mis ojos!

El juego va a caer seguro y venderá como churros por el hype de la primera edición, temática y esa portada tan chula.
A ver que tal le ha quedado esta nueva "casualizacion" al bueno de Martin.
Análisis-Parálisis: www.analisisparalisis.es
Ediciones Primigenio: http://edicionesprimigenio.com/

Alberto Corral (Brackder)

 (En la tienda)

- Perdone, estoy buscando un juego...

- ¿Cual?

- Se llama Neil Gaiman y sale Cthulhu en la portada.

- ¿No será el Study in Emerald?

- No, ese no es... se llama Neil Gaiman... he visto la foto...


Mundos de Cartón

Cuando es grande el valor, no importa la batalla


Cita de: Draugkin en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 12:35:47
Gran noticia! Voy haciéndole hueco

Me parece una edición preciosa, a pesar de que veremos algo así:

Esta visión del futuro me ha hecho perder casi toda la cordura. En la caja del Keyflower pase, pero por el amor de los dioses primigenios, que no estampen el logo en esta caja. ¡O al menos que le quiten el cuadro blanco!


A mi, que me gusta más Eldritch que Arkham Horror, le daré una oportunidad a esta "casualización", ya que quizás la simplificación no es siempre mala y aquí puede suponer el que el juego vea mucha más mesa.


Cita de: JGGarrido en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 12:24:18
Cita de: calvo en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 12:22:27
Estamos comentando por aquí las diferencias entre versiones:

Perfecto calvo, pues cuando comente las diferencias tras leer las reglas de esta nueva edición las pondré por ahí.

En algunos hilos de la BGG se van filtrando cosas, entiendo que de los prototipos, y de las imágenes que se han publicado en la web se pueden intuir cosillas, pero si nos puedes ir comentado cosas sería lo suyazo ;)

ejemplos (movido al hilo en el que hablamos de las diferencias entre versiones). http://labsk.net/index.php?topic=154647.msg1454766#msg1454766
Here's a rundown of the major changes Wallace seems to have in store for the 'streamlined' version. I would say radically streamlined.

First, what he doesn't mention:

*Last place faction losing mechanic. He makes no mention of whether this is still intact. It would be a travesty if this were eliminated, so hopefully he kept it.

* Secret identities.

He does mention that the secret identity concept is still there, but he does not mention any changes that would actually make this meaningful, e.g., the one quibble with the current game is that most actions are so obviously Restorationist or Loyalist that it's simple to discern everyone's identities with minimal effort.

* Permanent Effect Cards

No mention of these, but you get the sense that they're going away.

Now for what he DOES go into:

* More use of symbols on the cards. thumbsup If the card has the symbol on it you can use it for whatever that symbol means, if it doesn't have it you can't. So, evidently you will no longer have to pick between using coins, influence, or even bombs, because the cards will only have one option.

The intent is to reduce confusion about what you can and cannot do with the cards in your hand.

Symbols are a good thing, so I'm intrigued by this change, but for a different reason. One of the points of confusion in the current game is the cacophony of cards displayed on the board and not having an easy-on-the-eyes sense of what's out there. With clear, bright, symbols you'd be able to identify things like "Hide Royalty" at a glance. And this leads in to the next one...

* All new artwork.

His intent is to make the board itself and the cards more clear and intuitive, which is commendable.

I'm mixed on this. While I think clarity should override atmosphere, I happen to love the current artwork and kinda wince at the idea of a wholesale redo.

Simply redoing the cards to include more icons would have been a 100% improvement, IMO. It would also make the original game owners happy if they could just purchase the new cards and play on their old board, but it looks like he wants us to buy the whole shebang all over again. soblue And worse still, anyone wanting to play the original version will be SOL unless they can find a rare ($$$) copy.

* Victory points cannot be taken away during the game, including city cards. So if you capture London, both the card and the 6 VP are yours forever!

In fact, the only time points are ever reduced is during final scoring, after the game has ended and color loyalties are revealed.

I don't like this at all. The ability to negate points is a key part of the strategic depth, IMO, and to eliminate that would seem to just make it a race. But more importantly, it dramatically affects the last place losing faction mechanic, which makes me wonder whether that was retained or not.

* No more coins.

He doesn't say how new influence cubes will be 'purchased' from your supply, but evidently it will not be with money. Will you spend influence icons to 'purchase' new cubes? Also, this leads into the next change...

* No more links between cities. Movement will be done with a "rail" icon on cards.

His intent is to simplify movement on the board. Evidently instead of using coins to travel between cities, you will have a "rail" icon that allows you to "move anywhere." I assume this means you can move to any adjacent city, but it could mean literally "anywhere."

I like the idea of a rail icon. I'm not sure what to think of this except to say that I personally didn't find the current system of coins and links between cities to be flawed. If any simplification needed to be done to make movement easier, simply making each link between cities cost just one coin would have done the trick. If you are going to have a rail icon then the links should simply be railroad tracks between the cities with one rail icon required for each additional track you have to travel. But what about traveling from London to Washington? Will there also be a ship icon for coastal travel?

* Assassinations simplified by eliminating the distinction between AA/AR. It will now just be Assassin listed on the cards (I assume an assassin symbol?) and it means you can assassinate an agent and/or a royal.

I actually like this change. It makes sense.

* Agents are now generic with no counters.

I'm not sure what he means by this, but my take is that all the distinctive abilities agents have in the current game is going away and each will now just have a standard ability. Again, not really clear, but I hope this is not the case!

With these and other changes, it's fairly clear that this game will be completely different; so much so, in fact, it should probably be called something besides A Study in Emerald.

I got to play the prototype of ASiE v2 with Martin Wallace at PAX Aus on Sunday and was able to find out quite a bit about the new version:

(I'll share what I can without explicitly explaining mechanics, because I'm sure some will change, and the game is still far from release)

* The aim with the redux is to reposition the game as a more mass-market version of the game, with the hope of appealing to not just the hardcore boardgamers, but also Neil Gaiman fans, Holmes fans and people into Cthulhu

* As such, the game has been stripped down to the core elements - still a deckbuilder, still with bidding for influence. The semi-teamwork idea has been retained but tweaked to be less fiddly on scoring, and less punishing for the team with the last place player. (Losing team lose vps, instead of wholesale elimination.)

* The deckbuilding is now even more a central element of the game. In our session, Martin brutalised us with some very canny card acquisitions.

* Permanent effects have been absorbed into the main market of cards as normal cards.

* Agents have been massively simplified to make them quicker to get to the board, more effective, easier to move and, most importantly:

* Assassinations has been massively simplified, but still retaining some of the nuance and limitations of the original. ASiE Redux is a much livelier game on that front.

* Sanity can go very quickly for Restorationists, perhaps a little too much so - I'd like to see a few more opportunities to improve sanity.

All this adds up to a much faster game (I think we were done in about 30 -40 mins) that should be infinitely easier to teach as well. It doesn't really replace the original, but stands alongside it. Martin also told us that there won't be any easy way to convert the original as the new version is too different and I'm inclined to agree. As ASiE v2 will be aimed at mass market, it should also be cheaper than the original, and if this is the case, I'll be quite comfortable buying it when it pops up. In the meantime, it's given me some ideas to do a 'beginners game' variant of the original to make teaching it a little easier.

The bad news is that with the new one on the way, the original will not be reprinted, so snap them up while they're out in the wild.


calvo, casi mejor si pones una aviso para comentar los cambios en el otro hilo. Iré comentando a medida que pueda, pero así no tengo que estar en dos hilos a la vez  :)


El rediseño no esta nada mal, no se puede comparar con el anterior porque a pesar de ser el mismo juego el rollo que le han dado de diseño es cara y cruz. Creo que ambos tienen su encanto.

En cuanto a las modificaciones ... estoy cruzando los dedos para que sean las menos y funcione igual de bien que el primero.
En cuanto a la portada, no se que dara mas miedo si Cthulu o el pollo del logo esperemos que venga algo mas discreto de lo habitual, sin el cuadro blanco por ejemplo.


Alberto Corral (Brackder)


Mundos de Cartón

Cuando es grande el valor, no importa la batalla


En cualquier caso, lo hayan casualizado o no, me parece que va a ser un 'take my money' de libro.

Se sabe por cuanto sale el preorder y por qué es tan caro? 😛


Cita de: Tri2 en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 20:22:58
En cualquier caso, lo hayan casualizado o no, me parece que va a ser un 'take my money' de libro.

Se sabe por cuanto sale el preorder y por qué es tan caro? 😛

35'99€ en preorder... No es lo que suele definirse como "caro"


Cita de: Macklau en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 20:59:53
Cita de: Tri2 en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 20:22:58
En cualquier caso, lo hayan casualizado o no, me parece que va a ser un 'take my money' de libro.

Se sabe por cuanto sale el preorder y por qué es tan caro? 😛

35'99€ en preorder... No es lo que suele definirse como "caro"
Era por quejarme ya desde el desconocimiento (en plan broma 😁) ... Pues hablando en serio no parece mal precio y me parece estupendo que salga en nuestro idioma, muy probablemente caeré en la compra.


Pues de precio lo veo estupendo, y más sabiendo que después no va a ser un sacaperras.


Cita de: Tri2 en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 20:22:58
En cualquier caso, lo hayan casualizado o no, me parece que va a ser un 'take my money' de libro.

Se sabe por cuanto sale el preorder y por qué es tan caro? 😛

La primera edición es tan cara, en el mercado de 2ª mano, porque está descatalogada y no se prevée reedición (de esa versión), además de que se publicaron pocas copias.

De la 2ª edición desconozco el coste al que se va a publicar. Pues el precio que comenta Ángel es muy muy bueno... si el juego luego sale a mesa, como siempre.


Cita de: calvo en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 21:34:16
Cita de: Tri2 en 18 de Mayo de 2015, 20:22:58
En cualquier caso, lo hayan casualizado o no, me parece que va a ser un 'take my money' de libro.

Se sabe por cuanto sale el preorder y por qué es tan caro? 😛

La primera edición es tan cara, en el mercado de 2ª mano, porque está descatalogada y no se prevée reedición (de esa versión), además de que se publicaron pocas copias.

De la 2ª edición desconozco el coste al que se va a publicar. Pues el precio que comenta Ángel es muy muy bueno... si el juego luego sale a mesa, como siempre.

En su página ya se puede hacer el preorder:

Precio:  44,99 € - 20% = 35,99 €
Disponible Octubre 2015