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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

A song of ice and FIEF

Iniciado por moebius, 09 de Junio de 2015, 19:48:39

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema

Dragón Cromático


enviado, PNP actualizado de la version Beta de Essos y Night King



¿Qué tal va el tema?

Hace tiempo que no se comenta nada.

Un saludo.


Bastante avanzado, la parte grafica esta al 80% hecha pero me esta costando encontrar ocasión para testear y desde el punto de vista de reglas aun no esta maduro. Progreso:
1- Cambios en el juego base: 90% testeado y estable
2- Cambios en expansión de la guardia de la noche: Ha habido que cambiar mas cosas de las que esperaba: 30% (falta testear bastante)
3- Essos: Reglas básicas al 90%, falta ajustar algunas localizaciones (cartas individuales), progreso total 80%
4- Night King: Falta testear, no sale en todas las partidas lo que lo hace difícil de testear (50%)

Si alguien tiene grupo para jugar y tiene el Mod y quiere ayudar testeando que me mande un privado y le mando el pnp con todo lo nuevo.

Cambios (en ingles) de la primera edición a la segunda:
Round Overview: Targaryen now first player (deploys also first not last, simplification)
Setup: Tyrell house ability updated, instead of cancelling famine they get a bountiful harvest effect during their turn.
Setup: Greyjoy house ability changed, no longer steals money, instead gets moships ability.
Setup: Tully House ability changed, no river income (no GD) instead 1 extra initial noble and 2 inital villages.
Setup: Targaryen plymat for essos. Wording changed for main
Setup: Arryn house abuility changed (now extra vote in any alection voting for other candidates)
Setup: Stark house ability updated (bonus card draw simplified and enhanced a bit, may hold up to 4 cards in hand)
Setup: Each house now has a thematic fee initial village to set up in, old game start (free initial village) kept as a variant.
1.4 Females can be King candidates (simplification, also lets danny and cersei be "king")
Titles can only be transferred within the same house (to reduce kingmaking and enhance catch up)
1.3.1 Price to calm revolts by SC mandate lowered from 3 to 2 GD (nobody used it otherwise, can now be funded with an SC card played for gold)
1.3.1 Royal marriage can be annuled even if heir exists, heir still inherits (simplification)
1.3.1 MoW added ability, in draw phase instead of drawing a CE card MoW may take an uprising or secret passage from the discard pile
1.3.1 Updated MoC ability (corrected errata), discarded card is shuffled back into the deck
1.3.1 MoShips: Added Harbors rules (simmilar to new Fief france edition) as a modification of the moships/greyjoy power.
1.4 Hand of the king reworded to make it explicit that MoL does not need hand permission and SC card can always be played for GD without permission
2.3.4 New Fortune Card (White raven) makes season change random instead of fixed, also WiC variant is now less impactful but no longer optional as a variant
2.4.1 New nobles can now be played in any village controlled by the player not in fortifications.
2.4.5 New Card High Sparrow (to be used with Essos Expansion)
2.4.7 Tax Simplification: Warden tax hierarchy removed,if a region is already taxed by a player further taxes cannot be played there. Removed "governed" concept any region can be taxed by SC or any Fief by the King.
2.4.8 Uprising can now be played even if player caused uprising motive (simplification), Strongholds no longer destroyed with uprisings
2.4.11 Justice, in addition to its usual power it can as an alternative be played to outlaw any noble.
3.2: Ramsom phase becomes release captives phase, other than in battle captives may only be released in this phase, for any reason (simplification)
4: A player may only give or receive a total of 5GD per round, only during the purchase phase.
4.1 Hand can block the small council position gained via Bid (except MoLaws)
4.3.2 Mills: only 1 mill per village max instead of 2
4.4 Fief title: Empty villages are never controlled even if governed (simplification)
5.0 Changed Village control rules, only village controler may occupy a village, others remain "at the gates", empty villages are never controlled.
5.2 Reworded Raid for clarity: Only Horse riders participate in cavalcade battles
5.3 Added Essos Expansion
6.2.3 Captives: Released captives are only placed on the board during ransom Phase (so if captured they will miss the next voting phase), Captive nobles cannot use any power derived from their military titles (simplification), also captive nobles dont provide VP.
6.3.1 Rewording village control/truce negotiation for clarity
7- Wall rolls, dice are now added in autumn and winter, tracker starts at the rightmost edge to compensate
9- Removed Scenario rules, simplified variants down to three
9.1- Flexible/accelerated start variant
9.2 Mercenaries variant (Golden company)
9.5 Night King Variant (alternate game end, one player may become the night king which changes his rules and victory condition)
10. Noble abilities, reworded Shadow ability for clarity

Ultima versión e las reglas:


Menudo currazo estas haciendo.

Muchisimas gracias.


Genial, a ver si pronto nos avisas para ir apuntandonos al carro.


Gracias! Esta llevando tiempo la verdad, pero la opinión de todos los que testean es que el juego ha mejorado tanto como para los jugadores expertos como para los novatos (hay muchas pequeñas simplificaciones)... así que merece la pena.

Si queréis ver alguna partida de test estamos jugando por foro... a partir de la 9 estamos usando las reglas mas definitivas...


En principio yo me apuntaría al MOD completo.

Gran trabajo que estás haciendo.


Otro que se apuntaría a todo. Buenísima pinta.


Hola, veo que hace tiempo que no se habla de esto por aquí, así que estoy rezando a los dioses antiguos y los nuevos para llegar a tiempo de participar en la reimpresión de todo. Contestad si es posible porfi...


me reitero en mi petición de que os acordéis de mi para la reimpresión. no se si la conversación se habrá trasladado a otro foro.


Estamos haciendo el último playtest si todo va bien en este momento. Tranquilo que no se ha impreso nada os aviso a todos.

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk


Yo también me apunto a una copia de la reimpresión completa. Currazo grande este mod y pintaza.


Yo también me apunto con todo, que acabó de enterarme gracias a los bárdulos... :P
Si es necesario elegir, yo prefiero tapete de neopreno.


Llevo siguiendo el tema del MOD con unas ganas increibles de que esta segunda version vea la luz definitivamente.

Gracias a todos los implicados por este gran trabajo.

Estoy me dejais entrar...