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Planeton Games
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Planeton Games

Lotus, descubre los jardines de la sabiduría y la paz eterna

Iniciado por Zacknafein, 11 de Agosto de 2016, 18:25:51

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Renegade Game Studios presentó en las pasadas Gen Con Lotus. El juego de los autores noveles Jordan y Mandy Goddard ha causado sensación en la convención de Indianapolis. El título llegará al mercado en septiembre de este año en una edición en inglés.



Cita de: Pez en 11 de Agosto de 2016, 21:37:00
?no hay más información?

Claro que hay más información, es sólo que el usuario Zacknafein abre hilos de noticias con justo unas pocas letras más que el mínimo requerido por las reglas de laBSK para que el hilo no sea cerrado. Supongo para incentivar a que pinchemos los enlaces de su firma hacia su negocio (Ludonoticias).

Pero no me quejo. La última vez que me pasé por laBSK los hilos abiertos por noticiarios que intentaban vampirizar el pagerank de este foro tenían tan poco descaro que parecían escritos por spambots. Ahora, aunque el fondo siga igual, al menos las apariencias se guardan. Es un avance, supongo.

Porque claro, imagínate dónde iríamos a parar si, en vez de escribir para pescar clicks, escribiésemos para ayudar de forma altruista al resto de usuarios. Por ejemplo, gastando unos segundos de nuestro tiempo poniendo un enlace a BGG:

O simplemente enlazando el unboxing oficial:

O copypasteando un resumen hecho por el propio autor:
Cita de: Jordan GoddardThe game idea started with a unique card-laying mechanic used for set completion. In Lotus, each card represents a flower petal and is placed on other like petals in a spiral pattern to complete a flower. Once completed, the player who laid the last petal card gets to "pick the flower from the garden" and keep the petal cards as points. The flowers range in size from requiring only three cards to be completed, up to seven cards. Each card has an outline in the bottom right corner to show the player the exact angle in which the next petal card should be placed, based on the flower size. For example, a four-petal flower has a perfect 90-degree angle so that when the fourth card is played, the spiral is closed and the flower is complete. Conversely, to fit seven cards on one flower, a much wider angle is used so there is much more overlap between each petal card. The mechanic naturally serves as a visual indicator of each flower's progress to completion. Not to mention, it makes for a beautiful tabletop as players grow flowers during the game.

There is also an area-control dynamic. Each player chooses a set of Insect Guardians (either butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars, or dragonflies) to represent them during the game. Players strategically place the wooden insects on flowers growing in the Lotus garden, aiming to have the majority on a flower at the time it is completed. New flowers are frequently sprouting up in place of picked flowers, so the options for taking control are constantly changing, which creates some exciting choices for players to make.

Throughout the game, players will have the opportunity to gain special power cards, these include
·         Elder Guardian: Gain a special Insect Guardian worth 2x control.
·         Enlightened Path: Hold an extra petal card in hand every turn.
·         Infinite Growth: No limit to number of petal cards played on a single flower.

SinPaGames cerró su web, pero todos sus juegos siguen disponibles en BGG.


Gracias hollyhock. Ya me enteré de que la razón de no dar más detalles es por seguir las normas y que debía ir a su blog. Todos los días se aprende algo ;)



Y el diseño del juego. La vistosidad de las flores según se van formando, el colorido que tiene. En la BGG hay fotos de todas las cartas formando una flor caleidoscópica y el efecto cromático es alucinante

Hay que reconocer que ha habido grandes anuncios en las GenCon, pero todos los rankings coinciden en que Lotus ha sido la gran sorpresa


Cita de: Hollyhock en 12 de Agosto de 2016, 12:12:54
Cita de: Pez en 11 de Agosto de 2016, 21:37:00
?no hay más información?

Claro que hay más información, es sólo que el usuario Zacknafein abre hilos de noticias con justo unas pocas letras más que el mínimo requerido por las reglas de laBSK para que el hilo no sea cerrado. Supongo para incentivar a que pinchemos los enlaces de su firma hacia su negocio (Ludonoticias).

Pero no me quejo. La última vez que me pasé por laBSK los hilos abiertos por noticiarios que intentaban vampirizar el pagerank de este foro tenían tan poco descaro que parecían escritos por spambots. Ahora, aunque el fondo siga igual, al menos las apariencias se guardan. Es un avance, supongo.

Porque claro, imagínate dónde iríamos a parar si, en vez de escribir para pescar clicks, escribiésemos para ayudar de forma altruista al resto de usuarios. Por ejemplo, gastando unos segundos de nuestro tiempo poniendo un enlace a BGG:

O simplemente enlazando el unboxing oficial:

O copypasteando un resumen hecho por el propio autor:
Cita de: Jordan GoddardThe game idea started with a unique card-laying mechanic used for set completion. In Lotus, each card represents a flower petal and is placed on other like petals in a spiral pattern to complete a flower. Once completed, the player who laid the last petal card gets to "pick the flower from the garden" and keep the petal cards as points. The flowers range in size from requiring only three cards to be completed, up to seven cards. Each card has an outline in the bottom right corner to show the player the exact angle in which the next petal card should be placed, based on the flower size. For example, a four-petal flower has a perfect 90-degree angle so that when the fourth card is played, the spiral is closed and the flower is complete. Conversely, to fit seven cards on one flower, a much wider angle is used so there is much more overlap between each petal card. The mechanic naturally serves as a visual indicator of each flower's progress to completion. Not to mention, it makes for a beautiful tabletop as players grow flowers during the game.

There is also an area-control dynamic. Each player chooses a set of Insect Guardians (either butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars, or dragonflies) to represent them during the game. Players strategically place the wooden insects on flowers growing in the Lotus garden, aiming to have the majority on a flower at the time it is completed. New flowers are frequently sprouting up in place of picked flowers, so the options for taking control are constantly changing, which creates some exciting choices for players to make.

Throughout the game, players will have the opportunity to gain special power cards, these include
·         Elder Guardian: Gain a special Insect Guardian worth 2x control.
·         Enlightened Path: Hold an extra petal card in hand every turn.
·         Infinite Growth: No limit to number of petal cards played on a single flower.

Plas plas plas plas

Javi Legacy


Cita de: Hollyhock en 12 de Agosto de 2016, 12:12:54
Cita de: Pez en 11 de Agosto de 2016, 21:37:00
?no hay más información?

Claro que hay más información, es sólo que el usuario Zacknafein abre hilos de noticias con justo unas pocas letras más que el mínimo requerido por las reglas de laBSK para que el hilo no sea cerrado. Supongo para incentivar a que pinchemos los enlaces de su firma hacia su negocio (Ludonoticias).

Pero no me quejo. La última vez que me pasé por laBSK los hilos abiertos por noticiarios que intentaban vampirizar el pagerank de este foro tenían tan poco descaro que parecían escritos por spambots. Ahora, aunque el fondo siga igual, al menos las apariencias se guardan. Es un avance, supongo.

Porque claro, imagínate dónde iríamos a parar si, en vez de escribir para pescar clicks, escribiésemos para ayudar de forma altruista al resto de usuarios. Por ejemplo, gastando unos segundos de nuestro tiempo poniendo un enlace a BGG:

O simplemente enlazando el unboxing oficial:

O copypasteando un resumen hecho por el propio autor:
Cita de: Jordan GoddardThe game idea started with a unique card-laying mechanic used for set completion. In Lotus, each card represents a flower petal and is placed on other like petals in a spiral pattern to complete a flower. Once completed, the player who laid the last petal card gets to "pick the flower from the garden" and keep the petal cards as points. The flowers range in size from requiring only three cards to be completed, up to seven cards. Each card has an outline in the bottom right corner to show the player the exact angle in which the next petal card should be placed, based on the flower size. For example, a four-petal flower has a perfect 90-degree angle so that when the fourth card is played, the spiral is closed and the flower is complete. Conversely, to fit seven cards on one flower, a much wider angle is used so there is much more overlap between each petal card. The mechanic naturally serves as a visual indicator of each flower's progress to completion. Not to mention, it makes for a beautiful tabletop as players grow flowers during the game.

There is also an area-control dynamic. Each player chooses a set of Insect Guardians (either butterflies, ladybugs, caterpillars, or dragonflies) to represent them during the game. Players strategically place the wooden insects on flowers growing in the Lotus garden, aiming to have the majority on a flower at the time it is completed. New flowers are frequently sprouting up in place of picked flowers, so the options for taking control are constantly changing, which creates some exciting choices for players to make.

Throughout the game, players will have the opportunity to gain special power cards, these include
·         Elder Guardian: Gain a special Insect Guardian worth 2x control.
·         Enlightened Path: Hold an extra petal card in hand every turn.
·         Infinite Growth: No limit to number of petal cards played on a single flower.
Totalmente de acuerdo. Si informas, informa en condiciones, no buscando un interés. Y, si cumple "los mínimos"... con modificar esos "mínimos", solucionado. Que es de coña vaya...
Es más, es que, si se informa mejor, y al final añades "tu enlace", seguramente la gente entre, aunque sea por curiosidad o seguir leyendo, pero así, con dos líneas de información....
Si no, tiene fácil solución... con obviarlo....
Gracias por los enlaces Hollyhock ;)
