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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Sant Cugat - Resultados Partidas 2016-2017

Iniciado por Greene, 05 de Septiembre de 2016, 09:36:53

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Sesion del 3-11-2016

Partida al Terraforming Mars

1º Antonio (Sants):     69
2º Pajarolokins:           68
3º Leibstandarte:          67
4º wolmar:                     50
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesion del 4-11-2016

Partida al First Train to Nuremberg

1º wolmar:                25
2º Greene:                18
3ª Isa (Sants):           13
4º Antonio (Sants):    13
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 6-11-2016 (XV 12 Horas Sant Cugat - Stas Tarat)

Partida al Crisis

1ª Mireia (CST):     98
2º Greene:              96
3º darklife:               79
4º david87trs:           68

Me ha parecido un gran juego, que combina la colocación de trabajadores con un puntito que me recuerda (en mucho más ligero y salvando todas las distancias) a la fase de producción del Wealth of Nations. Muchas ganas de repetir.

Si me pasáis resultados de las otras partidas los incluyo :)
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 10-11-2016

Partida al Terraforming Mars

1º Leibstandarte:     62
2º Alberto (Sants):   54
3º dadaist:                52
3º Antonio (Sants):   52
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 11-11-2016

Partida al Terrassic Terror

1º Leibstandarte:      88
2º Greene:                82
3º Alberto (Sants):    80
4º pajarolokins:         68

"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


24 Horas de Sabadell (12-11-2016)

Partida al Tikal

1º natx17:      96
2º vezintroll:   95
3º Greene:      94
4º Tri2:            73

Partida al Great Western Trail

1º Carles (Sants):      89
2ª haruhi:                   71
3º pajarolokins:          48
4º dadaist/wolmar:     43

Partida al Tin Goose

1º Greene:        170
2º vezintroll:      151
3º Tri2:                91
4º natx17:           82
5º stoneghe:       64

Partida al Grand Austria Hotel

1º Stonehge:       140
2º wolmar:           132
3º Tri2:                 100

Partida al Marco Polo

1º wolmar:             98
2º Tri2:                   55
3º Jesus (Sta P):    47

Partida al 7 Wonders

1º Jesus (Sta P):     52
2º wolmar:               51
3º Tri2:                     51
4º a 7º: otros 4 jugadores con entre 45 y 25

Partida al Tin Goose

1º venefex:         256
2º vezintroll:        211
3º Greene:           209
4ª Anna (Sta P):   188

Partida al Triassic Terror

1º Greene:           104
2ª Anna (Sta P):    92
3º vezintroll:           86
4º venefex:             79

Si me pasáis resultados de las demás partidas que hayais jugado, las añado ;)
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Un placer haberos conocido, a ver si los horarios me permiten quedar a más veces :)

Muy divertida la partida del Tikal, frenética hasta el último turno y -la verdad sea dicha- con muy mala suerte para Greene a la hora de recolectar tesoros.

Tin Goose...en fin, me harté de pagar multas con mi compañía ultra peligrosa!


Encantados también de haberte conocido y de haber compartido partidas contigo. Espero que podamos coincidir en próximas sesiones  :D
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 18-11-2016

Partida al Terraforming Mars

1º dadaist:             66
2º Leibstandarte:    64
3º Greene:               59
4º Miquel:                 50
5º Alberto (Sants):    48
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 20-11-2016

Partida al In the name of Odin

1º Napoleon:     35
2º Miquel:           34
3º Greene:           31

Patida al Cacao

1º Miquel:          47
2º Greene:         46
3º Napoleon:      41
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 22-11-2016

Partida al Ships

1º Antonio (Sants):     154
2º Greene:                  152
3º wolmar:                   133
4º Alberto (Sants):       120
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 2-12-2016

Partida al Terraforming Mars

1º wolmar:                79
2º Greene:                63
3º Miquel:                  59
4º Carles:                   58
5º Alberto (Sants):      50
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 8-12-2016

Partida al Tikal

1º Napoleon:     91
2º Tri2:               87
3º stoneghe:       85
4º Greene:          84

Partida al Tin Goose

1º Greene:          403
2º stoneghe:        322
3º Tri2:                 293
4º Napoleon:        232

"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 11-12-2016

Partida al Shogun

1º Parker:       42
2º Miquel:        39
3º stoneghe:    36
4º Napoleón:    32
4º Greene:        32
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Sesión del 13-12-2016

Partida al The Manhattan Project

1º Leibstandarte:      45
2º dadaist:                 27
3º Alberto (Sants):     14
4º Greene:                  12
5º Miquel:                     4

Partidaza muy tensa y ajustada, jugada con las expansiones Cohetes, Bomba H y Air Strike de 3 slots. De no haber ganado Leibstandarte, dos o tres jugadores más podrían haber cerrado también la partida si les hubiera llegado el turno.

Para mi gusto, jugando a 5 (en mi opinión el mejor número, por otra parte), los cohetes y los 3 air strike aportan muchísimo al juego. Si dependiera de mi, imprescindibles como configuración básica en todas mis partidas.

A la Bomba H no le supimos sacar partido, faltará ver en próximas partidas si somos capaces de aprovecharlas, pero en principio, como es algo que estando ahí no molesta, en un momento dado puede cuadrarte con lo que tienes y servir para dar la campanada.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel