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Planeton Games

Gloomhaven, reimpresión confirmada

Iniciado por bowie, 10 de Marzo de 2017, 11:05:01

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Cita de: CuthbertGrau en 20 de Abril de 2017, 08:38:18
La reimpresión lleva ya casi 25.000 backers.
¿No os parece imposible que llegue en Agosto? Es que incluso Octubre me parecería pronto... :-\

Eso mismo estaba pensando yo ayer. Parecen muchisimas cajas que rellenar y mandar...


Lo que dice Isaac es que va a sacar otra campaña para la comunidad para jugar un escenario a la semana y votar un evento al final de cada escenario.
Es lo que están haciendo ahora con el Kickstarter pero con más tiempo. Una mini campaña aparte de la campaña del juego, para jugar con otros personajes y toda la comunidad a la vez. Mola un montón la idea, lo malo es que a mi me ha pillado de mudanza y me es imposible jugarla.
La minicampaña tendrá un escenario por cada 100.000 dólares por encima de los 2M que recaude. El estimado es una recaudación de 3M con lo que habrá unos 10 escenarios en la mini campaña.

Enviado desde mi Redmi 3S mediante Tapatalk


Cita de: kalisto59 en 20 de Abril de 2017, 09:56:15
Lo que dice Isaac es que va a sacar otra campaña para la comunidad para jugar un escenario a la semana y votar un evento al final de cada escenario.
Es lo que están haciendo ahora con el Kickstarter pero con más tiempo. Una mini campaña aparte de la campaña del juego, para jugar con otros personajes y toda la comunidad a la vez. Mola un montón la idea, lo malo es que a mi me ha pillado de mudanza y me es imposible jugarla.
La minicampaña tendrá un escenario por cada 100.000 dólares por encima de los 2M que recaude. El estimado es una recaudación de 3M con lo que habrá unos 10 escenarios en la mini campaña.

Enviado desde mi Redmi 3S mediante Tapatalk

El tema de estas minicampañas es lo que a mi no me queda claro. La campaña que estan jugando durante el kickstarter, de alguna forma estara disponible una vez acaben con ella? O son solo escenarios donde la gente decide que pasa al final y entonces Isaac crea el siguiente escenario para esa eleccion?

La mini campaña para despues del kickstarter, sera igual?


Cita de: kanito8a en 20 de Abril de 2017, 10:23:45
Cita de: kalisto59 en 20 de Abril de 2017, 09:56:15
Lo que dice Isaac es que va a sacar otra campaña para la comunidad para jugar un escenario a la semana y votar un evento al final de cada escenario.
Es lo que están haciendo ahora con el Kickstarter pero con más tiempo. Una mini campaña aparte de la campaña del juego, para jugar con otros personajes y toda la comunidad a la vez. Mola un montón la idea, lo malo es que a mi me ha pillado de mudanza y me es imposible jugarla.
La minicampaña tendrá un escenario por cada 100.000 dólares por encima de los 2M que recaude. El estimado es una recaudación de 3M con lo que habrá unos 10 escenarios en la mini campaña.

Enviado desde mi Redmi 3S mediante Tapatalk

El tema de estas minicampañas es lo que a mi no me queda claro. La campaña que estan jugando durante el kickstarter, de alguna forma estara disponible una vez acaben con ella? O son solo escenarios donde la gente decide que pasa al final y entonces Isaac crea el siguiente escenario para esa eleccion?

La mini campaña para despues del kickstarter, sera igual?
Efectivamente no estará disponible después de la campaña. Te puedes bajar los escenarios y guardarlos pero no podras decidir que hace el grupo despues de cada uno, eso solo lo puedes hacer durante la campaña y es entonces cuando Isaac hace el siguente escenario. Parece que lo de noviembre será igual pero con mas tiempo para jugar cada escenario y votar.


Perdon por el doble post.



Lo pego a continuacion en ingles:

So first off, I'd like to talk about the overall nature of these changes. In general, the changes could be sorted into the following categories:

1. Typo fixes
2. Clarifications
3. Physical component changes
4. Balancing (quality of life)

1 & 2. Now, typo fixes and clarifications are confined mainly to the rule book and scenario books. Clarifications include a lot of rewording of the rule book text to give people a quicker understanding of the rules. Typos include the addition and changing of some of the achievements in the scenario book to cover up some loopholes that left people in weird, unintended situations.

I won't cover all the small typo fixes in the books or event cards, or any of the many changes in the rule book. This thread has the rule book pretty well covered, and you can always get a PDF of the new versions of the rules and scenario book here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8ppELln5Z0rdEFIWl9a...

I will, however, try to cover all the achievement changes in the scenario book. I also will cover the major typo changes on ability cards. And I will cover clarifications made to item and ability cards.

3. Physical component changes are pretty simple to explain, and I will do so here. The major one is the HP/EXP dials and subsequent redesign on the character mats. If you want the dials, you can get them from the Kickstarter, but there will be no way to get the new mats, as I don't feel the change is significant enough to warrant charging people to replace them. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the two versions of the Brute's mats (ignore the difference in lighting effects).

We are also reinforcing the box to make it less prone to splitting in the seams. As a physical component upgrade, printing off empty boxes to send to people would end up costing you heavily because of the size, so I decided against making this available for the Kickstarter as well.

Finally, we are changing the plastic stands, as there have been complaints about the old ones. I initially chose the triangle stands from the first printing because they are the best for reducing wear on the stands themselves because they clip on. They are very large, though, covering up a significant portion of the standees, and aren't quite calibrated to the thickness of the stands, and if you don't know how to use them properly or get a bad batch, they can break easily. I decided it was worth it to switch to something smaller, more durable, and better fitting. Here is a picture of what they look like:

These are not available separately as part of the Kickstarter campaign, but you can find equivalent quality stands here: https://www.spielematerial.de/en/standfuesse-variabel-farbig... and here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/fantasy-fligh... (though you'll have to paint these). I have heard they both work great. They are not exact replicas, though. If someone can find a website selling exact replicas, let me know (dimensions are 19mm x 19mm x 11mm).

4. And then we get to balancing stuff. I really even hate to use the word "balance," as it implies a level of imbalance to start. I think "quality of life" is a better term. For instance, there is nothing imbalanced about the original prosperity track, but I decided that more people would just be happier if it went a little faster, so I decreased the number of boxes. Or it was just sort of annoying how the Cragheart's Unstable Upheaval went from being a melee attack to a ranged attack when you consumed earth, so I changed it to be less annoying.

Yes, there are some strict balancing changes to make the characters a little more equal, but I wouldn't consider the changes to be monumental or game breaking. Just some small tweaks here and there.

The main thing I want to stress here, and I really can't stress it strongly enough, is that the game you have in front of you right now is in no way made invalid by these types of changes. I think there are thousands of people who would agree that the game is pretty fantastic. At least that's what I can gather from all the high ratings.

Does knowledge of these small balancing tweaks really suddenly make the game less fun for you than it was a week ago? Please just seriously think about the question.

Moreover, keep in mind that these are not the correct versions of the cards for the first printing. I am not suggesting that you implement any of these changes. I was asked what the changes were, and I am simply obliging that request.

With all of that said, I guess it is time to document them all.

Main board:
The prosperity level track was reduced by one box for each level. So instead of 5, 6, 7, etc., it is now 4, 5, 6, etc.

The curse and bless square tokens were replaced by extra poison, wound, and muddle tokens. (The original curse and bless tokens had no function.)
The 10 exp tokens were replaced by "scenario aid" tokens which look similar to the red circle numbered and lettered icons in the rule book. These can be used to help track various effects and triggers in a scenario but are not at all necessary for play.

Scenario book: (these can all be seen in the link above)
p2: Cragheart suggested items changed
p6: Slight tweak to the setup of archers and shaman for lower player counts to make sure an elite always starts on the board.
p7: Reduction of difficulty in two rooms, so there is a more natural progression of difficulty from the starting scenarios to this one.
p8: Changed Living Corpses to Living Bones to reduce the overall tracking required by the scenario.
p13: Added more Vermlings to the map and increased the boss's Special 1 to increase the difficulty of the scenario.
p14: Fixed the numbering on the treasure tile (11 instead of 55).
p14: Changed the name of achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p16: Fixed both boss special mistakes.
p16&17 Added item 113 design to the rewards.
p24: Reduced the number of Vermlings in the last room to slightly reduce the difficulty.
p26: Fixed boss special omission.
p28: Changed the name of achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p29: Changed the name of global achievement to close an achievement loophole.
p34: Defined escaping.
p35: Changed mechanics of how to cleanse water pumps to reduce difficulty.
p37: Changed the name of global achievement to close an achievement loophole. Also added a prosperity reward.
p44: Defined escaping.
p45: Specified that the boss is immune to forced movement. Also added a lost achievement to close an achievement loophole.
p46&47: Changed the name of achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p47: Removed superfluous boss special.
p48: Changed the name of global achievement to close an achievement loophole.
p49: Defined escape.
p56: Added missing global achievement.
p60: Added achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p62: Specified that the boss is immune to forced movement.
p69: Made it easier to the loot the treasure tiles.
p77: Reduced number of drakes to reduce difficulty.
p78: Made treasure tiles easier to loot to reduce difficulty. Also defined escaping.
p88: Reworded special rules for clarity.
p90: Made it easier to wake up the sleeping drakes. Also defined escaping.
p92: Slightly reduced enemy counts to reduce difficulty.
p101: Clarified boss specials.
p115: Changed Icestorm to Lavaflow, just because that enemy type wasn't represented enough.
p119-121: Added "gain" to treasure tile reward descriptions in all cases where the looter immediately gains something.

Sticker sheets:
Global achievements: Combined "The Demon Dethroned" and "The Rift Closed" into a single achievement "The Rift Neutralized," as it was causing many problems that they were separate. To fix this problem in the first printing, just use either one (whichever you gain first) as a representation of both for scenario requirements. It is still possible to gain this achievement twice, but if you have it once, you can't earn it again.

Battle goals:
Just typo fixes.

Personal quests:
513: Reduced the number of kills needed to 8.
514: Reduced the number of triggers required to 12.
516: Reduced the number of kills needed to 15.
521: Reduced number of scenarios required to 3.
522: Reduced number of scenarios required to 6.
523: Reduced number of kills required (one of each instead of two).
526: Reduced number of scenarios required to 4.
530: Reduced the number of enhancements required to 4.
533: Reduced the number of kills required (three of each instead of four)

City Events:
All of the following events were changed to include requirements for having enough money, using the "Pay X gold:" conditional statement:
02: Otherwise return card to deck
03: Otherwise return card to deck
08: Otherwise return card to deck
11: Otherwise remove card and lose 1 reputation
15: Otherwise remove card and lose 1 check
16: Otherwise remove card
19: If you don't have the money for the top part, read the bottom part
41: Otherwise return card to deck
43: Otherwise read outcome B
48: Otherwise remove card
57: Otherwise remove card
66: Otherwise read outcome B
67: Otherwise read outcome B

Road Events:
28: If you can't pay the potion for outcome A, read outcome B.
35: If you can't pay the gold for outcome B, read outcome A.

Monster stats:
Spitting Drake: Reduced level 0 elites' attack to 4.
Scenario 46 Boss: "Summon P eggs" changed to "Summon C eggs."

Monster ability cards:
648: Added "+"s to the top ability.
679, 591, 590, and 713: Heal abilities all specify "range 3."

Attack mods:
110: Added rolling icon.

Item 107: Movement requirement for bonus increased to 4.

Character sheets:
Cragheart and Mindthief: Changed "negative dungeon effects" to "negative scenario effects."

Character ability cards:

088: Removed 1st and 3rd exp from the bottom ability charges.
099: Changed move 4 to move 2 on bottom.
106: Removed one exp from the bottom, giving exp on the 2nd, 4th and 6th charges.

151: Fixed typo on top (Changed to "on your melee attacks").
164: Removed hit point limit on the top kill power.

067: Removed the exp on bottom.

118: Clarified placement of obstacles on bottom.
123: Top is no longer a ranged attack when earth is consumed.
134: Clarified damage of top ability.

No he puesto los spoilers.


Cita de: CuthbertGrau en 20 de Abril de 2017, 08:38:18
La reimpresión lleva ya casi 25.000 backers.
¿No os parece imposible que llegue en Agosto? Es que incluso Octubre me parecería pronto... :-\

  Pues ni idea. Siempre puedes preguntar en la campaña y así sales y salimos de dudas, que seguro que 'el bueno' de Isaac lo explica sin problemas.
"¿Qué ves cuando miras la puerta?...¿es la luz la que sale, o es la oscuridad la que entra?...



Cita de: kalisto59 en 20 de Abril de 2017, 10:35:46
Perdon por el doble post.



Lo pego a continuacion en ingles:

So first off, I'd like to talk about the overall nature of these changes. In general, the changes could be sorted into the following categories:

1. Typo fixes
2. Clarifications
3. Physical component changes
4. Balancing (quality of life)

1 & 2. Now, typo fixes and clarifications are confined mainly to the rule book and scenario books. Clarifications include a lot of rewording of the rule book text to give people a quicker understanding of the rules. Typos include the addition and changing of some of the achievements in the scenario book to cover up some loopholes that left people in weird, unintended situations.

I won't cover all the small typo fixes in the books or event cards, or any of the many changes in the rule book. This thread has the rule book pretty well covered, and you can always get a PDF of the new versions of the rules and scenario book here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8ppELln5Z0rdEFIWl9a...

I will, however, try to cover all the achievement changes in the scenario book. I also will cover the major typo changes on ability cards. And I will cover clarifications made to item and ability cards.

3. Physical component changes are pretty simple to explain, and I will do so here. The major one is the HP/EXP dials and subsequent redesign on the character mats. If you want the dials, you can get them from the Kickstarter, but there will be no way to get the new mats, as I don't feel the change is significant enough to warrant charging people to replace them. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the two versions of the Brute's mats (ignore the difference in lighting effects).

We are also reinforcing the box to make it less prone to splitting in the seams. As a physical component upgrade, printing off empty boxes to send to people would end up costing you heavily because of the size, so I decided against making this available for the Kickstarter as well.

Finally, we are changing the plastic stands, as there have been complaints about the old ones. I initially chose the triangle stands from the first printing because they are the best for reducing wear on the stands themselves because they clip on. They are very large, though, covering up a significant portion of the standees, and aren't quite calibrated to the thickness of the stands, and if you don't know how to use them properly or get a bad batch, they can break easily. I decided it was worth it to switch to something smaller, more durable, and better fitting. Here is a picture of what they look like:

These are not available separately as part of the Kickstarter campaign, but you can find equivalent quality stands here: https://www.spielematerial.de/en/standfuesse-variabel-farbig... and here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/fantasy-fligh... (though you'll have to paint these). I have heard they both work great. They are not exact replicas, though. If someone can find a website selling exact replicas, let me know (dimensions are 19mm x 19mm x 11mm).

4. And then we get to balancing stuff. I really even hate to use the word "balance," as it implies a level of imbalance to start. I think "quality of life" is a better term. For instance, there is nothing imbalanced about the original prosperity track, but I decided that more people would just be happier if it went a little faster, so I decreased the number of boxes. Or it was just sort of annoying how the Cragheart's Unstable Upheaval went from being a melee attack to a ranged attack when you consumed earth, so I changed it to be less annoying.

Yes, there are some strict balancing changes to make the characters a little more equal, but I wouldn't consider the changes to be monumental or game breaking. Just some small tweaks here and there.

The main thing I want to stress here, and I really can't stress it strongly enough, is that the game you have in front of you right now is in no way made invalid by these types of changes. I think there are thousands of people who would agree that the game is pretty fantastic. At least that's what I can gather from all the high ratings.

Does knowledge of these small balancing tweaks really suddenly make the game less fun for you than it was a week ago? Please just seriously think about the question.

Moreover, keep in mind that these are not the correct versions of the cards for the first printing. I am not suggesting that you implement any of these changes. I was asked what the changes were, and I am simply obliging that request.

With all of that said, I guess it is time to document them all.

Main board:
The prosperity level track was reduced by one box for each level. So instead of 5, 6, 7, etc., it is now 4, 5, 6, etc.

The curse and bless square tokens were replaced by extra poison, wound, and muddle tokens. (The original curse and bless tokens had no function.)
The 10 exp tokens were replaced by "scenario aid" tokens which look similar to the red circle numbered and lettered icons in the rule book. These can be used to help track various effects and triggers in a scenario but are not at all necessary for play.

Scenario book: (these can all be seen in the link above)
p2: Cragheart suggested items changed
p6: Slight tweak to the setup of archers and shaman for lower player counts to make sure an elite always starts on the board.
p7: Reduction of difficulty in two rooms, so there is a more natural progression of difficulty from the starting scenarios to this one.
p8: Changed Living Corpses to Living Bones to reduce the overall tracking required by the scenario.
p13: Added more Vermlings to the map and increased the boss's Special 1 to increase the difficulty of the scenario.
p14: Fixed the numbering on the treasure tile (11 instead of 55).
p14: Changed the name of achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p16: Fixed both boss special mistakes.
p16&17 Added item 113 design to the rewards.
p24: Reduced the number of Vermlings in the last room to slightly reduce the difficulty.
p26: Fixed boss special omission.
p28: Changed the name of achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p29: Changed the name of global achievement to close an achievement loophole.
p34: Defined escaping.
p35: Changed mechanics of how to cleanse water pumps to reduce difficulty.
p37: Changed the name of global achievement to close an achievement loophole. Also added a prosperity reward.
p44: Defined escaping.
p45: Specified that the boss is immune to forced movement. Also added a lost achievement to close an achievement loophole.
p46&47: Changed the name of achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p47: Removed superfluous boss special.
p48: Changed the name of global achievement to close an achievement loophole.
p49: Defined escape.
p56: Added missing global achievement.
p60: Added achievement requirement to close an achievement loophole.
p62: Specified that the boss is immune to forced movement.
p69: Made it easier to the loot the treasure tiles.
p77: Reduced number of drakes to reduce difficulty.
p78: Made treasure tiles easier to loot to reduce difficulty. Also defined escaping.
p88: Reworded special rules for clarity.
p90: Made it easier to wake up the sleeping drakes. Also defined escaping.
p92: Slightly reduced enemy counts to reduce difficulty.
p101: Clarified boss specials.
p115: Changed Icestorm to Lavaflow, just because that enemy type wasn't represented enough.
p119-121: Added "gain" to treasure tile reward descriptions in all cases where the looter immediately gains something.

Sticker sheets:
Global achievements: Combined "The Demon Dethroned" and "The Rift Closed" into a single achievement "The Rift Neutralized," as it was causing many problems that they were separate. To fix this problem in the first printing, just use either one (whichever you gain first) as a representation of both for scenario requirements. It is still possible to gain this achievement twice, but if you have it once, you can't earn it again.

Battle goals:
Just typo fixes.

Personal quests:
513: Reduced the number of kills needed to 8.
514: Reduced the number of triggers required to 12.
516: Reduced the number of kills needed to 15.
521: Reduced number of scenarios required to 3.
522: Reduced number of scenarios required to 6.
523: Reduced number of kills required (one of each instead of two).
526: Reduced number of scenarios required to 4.
530: Reduced the number of enhancements required to 4.
533: Reduced the number of kills required (three of each instead of four)

City Events:
All of the following events were changed to include requirements for having enough money, using the "Pay X gold:" conditional statement:
02: Otherwise return card to deck
03: Otherwise return card to deck
08: Otherwise return card to deck
11: Otherwise remove card and lose 1 reputation
15: Otherwise remove card and lose 1 check
16: Otherwise remove card
19: If you don't have the money for the top part, read the bottom part
41: Otherwise return card to deck
43: Otherwise read outcome B
48: Otherwise remove card
57: Otherwise remove card
66: Otherwise read outcome B
67: Otherwise read outcome B

Road Events:
28: If you can't pay the potion for outcome A, read outcome B.
35: If you can't pay the gold for outcome B, read outcome A.

Monster stats:
Spitting Drake: Reduced level 0 elites' attack to 4.
Scenario 46 Boss: "Summon P eggs" changed to "Summon C eggs."

Monster ability cards:
648: Added "+"s to the top ability.
679, 591, 590, and 713: Heal abilities all specify "range 3."

Attack mods:
110: Added rolling icon.

Item 107: Movement requirement for bonus increased to 4.

Character sheets:
Cragheart and Mindthief: Changed "negative dungeon effects" to "negative scenario effects."

Character ability cards:

088: Removed 1st and 3rd exp from the bottom ability charges.
099: Changed move 4 to move 2 on bottom.
106: Removed one exp from the bottom, giving exp on the 2nd, 4th and 6th charges.

151: Fixed typo on top (Changed to "on your melee attacks").
164: Removed hit point limit on the top kill power.

067: Removed the exp on bottom.

118: Clarified placement of obstacles on bottom.
123: Top is no longer a ranged attack when earth is consumed.
134: Clarified damage of top ability.

No he puesto los spoilers.

Y de arreglar el Craigheart enano nada de nada, muy mal Isaac!!!!...

Tomo nota de los demàs arreglos, gracias.Kalisto.
Esconderle juegos a la parienta no son cuernos!!!!

Fdo: The Rogue Leader y Baronet de la semana en sus ratos libres


Ya puse estos cambios ayer con el enlace a BGG. Si vais a contestar sobre este asunto hacedlo a partir de este mensaje o cortad el tocho de kalisto59 porque si no cada contestación será eterna.

Cita de: bowie en 19 de Abril de 2017, 12:42:23
Aquí, el bueno de Isaac repasa los cambios de la primera a la segunda edición:



Cita de: bowie en 20 de Abril de 2017, 11:06:39
Ya puse estos cambios ayer con el enlace a BGG. Si vais a contestar sobre este asunto hacedlo a partir de este mensaje o cortad el tocho de kalisto59 porque si no cada contestación será eterna.

Cita de: bowie en 19 de Abril de 2017, 12:42:23
Aquí, el bueno de Isaac repasa los cambios de la primera a la segunda edición:

Cierto, que nadie , por favor cite el tochaco. No vi el link Bowie , sorry, pero si queria pegar el texto original en el hilo ya que es importante que esten los cambios aqui ( o eso pienso yo). De hecho debería estar en el primer mensaje del hilo.


Cita de: kalisto59 en 20 de Abril de 2017, 11:13:51
Cierto, que nadie , por favor cite el tochaco. No vi el link Bowie , sorry, pero si queria pegar el texto original en el hilo ya que es importante que esten los cambios aqui ( o eso pienso yo). De hecho debería estar en el primer mensaje del hilo.



En el Twitter de análisis parálisis comenta que ha dicho el señor maldito que quiere sacar Gloomhaven en español........


Trata de parecer inofensivo, quizá vayan escasos de munición...


Que hacemos? Nos salimos del kickstarter???? Arghh Maldito es la mejor editorial de España....


Querer, a veces, no es poder. Pero me alegraría muchisimo si lo hicieran.

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