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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Terraforming Mars: Venus

Iniciado por Quas4R, 01 de Julio de 2017, 12:20:19

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49 proyectos nuevos, 5 corporaciones y un tablero de Venus

CitarVenus board is quite small with Venus status scale and four reserved places for cities (similar to Phobos). They are Maxwell base on Venus surface, Stratopolis high in its atmosphere, Luna metropolis on moon and Daybreak city on Mercury located on special rails.
There is fourth terraforming factor called "Venus status". Going from 0% to 30% by step of 2%. Works similar like other factors (increasing TR etc.) Reaching 8% awards extra card, and 16% 1 extra TR. However maxing Venus status is not necessary for ending game.

There is new Venus tag.
Two new resources meterorites and floating platforms. Floating platforms can be stored on some cards like animals.
Symbol of wild card resource (=any) is on some cards.
Milestone King of floating platforms is for having 7 floating platforms.
Award Venus expert needs most Venus tags.

New 5. game phase - Solar phase:
After 4. phase - production.
If game do not ends now, make action of World government.
Because colonisation of Venus should not slow terraforming Mars, World government comes to help.
First player choose one of non-maxed factors and increases it by 1. It can be Venus status. But he does not get TR or any bonus. But it activate some cards like Arctic Algae.

Varint: You can exclude this rule for longer play.

Solo play is start on 14 TR and is again for 14 generation. You need max all 4 factors for success. But you get this World governement help 13x.



Expansión autojugable? O sólo expansión?


Basta con leer la descripción y ver la trasera de la caja para darse cuenta que NO es autojugable.

Somos sombras y ceniza

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Autor de Rise of an Emperor



Lo importante es que parece que meten ya de forma oficial la variante del propio autor para acortar la duración de las partidas.



Cita de: devas en 01 de Julio de 2017, 23:59:22
Que variante es esa?


Al final de cada generación, el actual jugador inicial aumenta uno de los parámetros de terraformación que aun no haya llegado al máximo ( sube temperatura, sube oxígeno o pone un océano) a su elección, sin que ello aumente su VT ni le de ningún bonus.

CitarVenus board is quite small with Venus status scale and four reserved places for cities (similar to Phobos). They are Maxwell base on Venus surface, Stratopolis high in its atmosphere, Luna metropolis on moon and Daybreak city on Mercury located on special rails.
There is fourth terraforming factor called "Venus status". Going from 0% to 30% by step of 2%. Works similar like other factors (increasing TR etc.) Reaching 8% awards extra card, and 16% 1 extra TR. However maxing Venus status is not necessary for ending game.

There is new Venus tag.
Two new resources meterorites and floating platforms. Floating platforms can be stored on some cards like animals.
Symbol of wild card resource (=any) is on some cards.
Milestone King of floating platforms is for having 7 floating platforms.
Award Venus expert needs most Venus tags.

New 5. game phase - Solar phase:
After 4. phase - production.
If game do not ends now, make action of World government.
Because colonisation of Venus should not slow terraforming Mars, World government comes to help.
First player choose one of non-maxed factors and increases it by 1. It can be Venus status. But he does not get TR or any bonus. But it activate some cards like Arctic Algae.

Varint: You can exclude this rule for longer play.

Solo play is start on 14 TR and is again for 14 generation. You need max all 4 factors for success. But you get this World governement help 13x.
"Normally, there is no ideal solution to military problems; every course has its advantages and disadvantages. One must select the one which seems best from the most varied aspects and then pursue it resolutely and accept the consequences. Any compromise is bad."

Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel


Pues està variante parece interesante


Interesante y necesaria. Desde que la probé la uso siempre.

Enviado desde mi HTC One M9 mediante Tapatalk


¿Acorta mucho esa variante las partidas?
¡Busco fanzine Mondo Brutto nº1 y ofrezco juegos!

Me invaden más de 500



Cita de: Jsper en 02 de Julio de 2017, 13:05:00
¿Acorta mucho esa variante las partidas?
Pues te puedes quitar algo más de media hora de partida.

Enviado desde mi SM-T805 mediante Tapatalk


Variante imprescindible. Yo le añadiría la de robo de 6 cartas en vez de 4 para minimizar el efecto azar.
Twitter @elclubdante2


a mi la duración me gusta, creo que más corto perderia algo de gracia


A lo mejor con la 3º expansión y la adicción de un par de variantes imprescindibles ya se queda un juego redondo  ;D