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Campaña para Mage Knight "La Traición"

Iniciado por jye14799, 04 de Julio de 2018, 17:01:28

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Campaña para Mage Knight "La Traicion" en castellano.
Compuesta por 7 escenarios.
Indicada para jugar en Solitario o 2 jugadores en Modo Cooperativo.
Tradumaquetación basada en la campaña The Betrayal realizada por el Usuario de la BGG Fogarty01.
Archivo original (https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/164030/betrayal-mk-campaign).

DESCARGA: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/173951/campana-para-mage-knight-la-traicion

Incluye Hoja de campaña.

Un saludo, y si veis algún fallo, comentadlo.
-Campaña Mage Knight La traicion:
-Guia Referencia Mage Knight + Lost Legion en Español:


joder que buena pinta.

justamente ahora estoy volviendo a jugar a MK los fines de semana. la he leido en diagonal, pero voy a leerla detenidamente esta noche. si lo veo factible igual la comienzo a jugar este próximo fin de semana.

muchas gracias por el aporte, muy buen curro!

pdta: estas son las cosas que más me gustan de labsk y no hablar tanto del sexo de los ángeles


Cita de: Borja en 04 de Julio de 2018, 17:09:34
joder que buena pinta.

justamente ahora estoy volviendo a jugar a MK los fines de semana. la he leido en diagonal, pero voy a leerla detenidamente esta noche. si lo veo factible igual la comienzo a jugar este próximo fin de semana.

muchas gracias por el aporte, muy buen curro!

pdta: estas son las cosas que más me gustan de labsk y no hablar tanto del sexo de los ángeles

Accion, accion eso es jajaja
-Campaña Mage Knight La traicion:
-Guia Referencia Mage Knight + Lost Legion en Español:


Cita de: jye14799 en 04 de Julio de 2018, 17:01:28
Campaña para Mage Knight "La Traicion" en castellano.
Compuesta por 7 escenarios.
Indicada para jugar en Solitario o 2 jugadores en Modo Cooperativo.
Tradumaquetación basada en la campaña The Betrayal realizada por el Usuario de la BGG Fogarty01.
Archivo original (https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/164030/betrayal-mk-campaign).

DESCARGA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j0H0YiXUmgNoz5vJfOqyMwmig4nbXygf/view?usp=sharing

Incluye Hoja de campaña.

Un saludo, y si veis algún fallo, comentadlo.

Te has currado tu esto? madre mía, que pasada!!

Muchísimas gracias por el aporte!!! A ver si tengo tiempo y me lío con ella.


Descargada y con ganas de jugarla.

Y por supuesto muchísimas gracias por el trabajo que has realizado

Enviado desde mi ONEPLUS A5010 mediante Tapatalk


No puedo menos que darte las gracias. Aún tengo unos cuantos escenarios pendientes para jugar en solitario, pero campañas en español no conocía hasta ahora ninguna, y tiene muy buena pinta ¡Habrá que darle fuerte!


Muchas gracias de corazón.

PD: Está hecho como un profesional.
¡¡¡Viva los wargames, el vino y las mujeres...que por algo son regalo del señor...!!!

...Empecé con el parchís, ya veremos con lo que acabo.


Muchas gracias por compartirlo.

Enviado desde mi SHT-W09 mediante Tapatalk


No sabia que fuera tuya! La descargué el otro día, jugados 3 escenarios y muy disfrutada. Deberían incluirla en la big box que está al caer.


Cita de: natx17 en 04 de Julio de 2018, 22:47:16
No sabia que fuera tuya! La descargué el otro día, jugados 3 escenarios y muy disfrutada. Deberían incluirla en la big box que está al caer.
A ver, mía no es. Como indico arriba la traduje de un usuario de la BGG. Así que lo que estarías jugando sería en inglés, pq esta la acabo de subir jajajaja
Gracias por comentar

Enviado desde mi SM-A300FU mediante Tapatalk

-Campaña Mage Knight La traicion:
-Guia Referencia Mage Knight + Lost Legion en Español:


Buenos días

Muchas gracias, señor. Se agradece el aporte. Viene genial.

Un saludo
Adm. Grupo de Pathfinder Adventure Card Game España -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/1568172350061834
Adm. Grupo Warhammer Quest: El juego de cartas de Aventuras -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/312729615741585/


Muchas gracias. Me parece magnifico. A ver si este sábado me da tiempo al menos a leerlo detenidamente.


Os pongo mis impresiones sobre la campaña, que postée hace unos días en la BGG:

Ok, here are my first impressions after completing scenario 2 of this campaign.

As I commented before, I used Lost Legion to play it, and I don´t think it makes a huge difference (as in a regular game, LL expansions makes some things easier and some other more difficult, so a balance is kept).

First of all, thanks for such an idea. This campaign adds even more replay value to this superb game, and as far as I have experienced, it is well balanced and challenging.

I´ll try to summarize some points to give my oppinion on how it works:

- Writing: The way the campaign is conducted, as a narrative story divided into episodes, makes it very pleasant to play. You really have the feeling of achieving things, of progressing through the story, or role playing your character.

This is basically done with the intro texts for each scenario, but some meaningful decisions are enforced to add even more immersion (for instance, keeping you reputation from scenario to scenario makes you think twice before assaulting a monastery...you are here to help, mate!).

- Rules: Easy to understand, and they do not burden set-up quite much. With some simple guidelines, one can start the campaign, knowing basically that: 1) Each scenario your character will be reset to 0 fame and level one 2) The fame points at the end of the scenario will be used to buy actions, spells and artifacts gained in the scenario in order to carry them over to the next scenario. Again, more progress feeling, more role-playing your character mechanics.

I will now try to give some more feedback on each scenario I played, I hope the author finds it useful.



A rather easy scenario as a starter, focusing on exploration in order to find the red city. In my play, the red city tile came up the last, so perhaps it would be better to state that, when setting up the tile deck, the red city should be the last one.

Finding the red city too soon could make this scenario easier, even though you would also gain less fame points to buy stuff for the next scenario.

Overall, a nice entry for the campaign, not very difficult but not doable without some forward thinking.


Now, the story starts to get pretty interesting! The scenario set up makes it appear as an easy task...hahaha, no way!

You gotta explore, and you got to find and enter the white city in 2 days and two nights. IIRC, 7 green tiles will need to be explored before you explore the last one and find Highwall, the white city.

This would not be a difficult task but..there is a catch: every time you explore a new tile, a Draconum can appear. Yes, even if you are just a level 1 knight. And they will appear quite often.

This makes the scenario a very challenging and fun balance test, having to decide when to explore new tiles, keeping in mind that time advances but, at the same time, knowing that each explored tile could mean a dragon chasing you.

So, be ready to manage your hand very carefully! Or, well, be ready to get roasted.


Here are just some things that I think could be clarified in the rulebook:

- Thrown away cards: What happens when using advanced training?

So far I interpreted that you use it normally, and the thrown away card goes back to your deck at the end of the scenario. But perhaps it means this card gets a little bit overpowered, since you can carry it over and improve your deck constantly with no special drawbacks. Just an impression!

- Scenario 2 and chasing: The wording on this rule ends up a bit ambiguous. I´ll try to explain it with an image:

As it is written, it seems that the underlined text applies only to a CO-OP scenario...but if it is so, what happens if your fail to defeat the drake in a solo scenario?

I just applied this same rule to my solo play (I hope that was the right thing to do!), but if the intention is that this sentence should apply to any play (both solo and coop), I think it should be in a different paragraph.

- It would be nice to have some character sheet to keep track of your inventory from scenario to scenario. The last page helps in calculating the end of scenario shopping, but something more "permanent" would give a nice feel of accomplishment.

So far, I am really enjoying the campaign. Let´s see how it does evolve, but for the moment it is giving me a very very nice feeling.[/spoiler]


A tope, me lo apunto, estoy volviendo al mage knight!!!  :D
Vámonos átomos!


Cita de: natx17 en 05 de Julio de 2018, 13:07:39
Os pongo mis impresiones sobre la campaña, que postée hace unos días en la BGG:

Ok, here are my first impressions after completing scenario 2 of this campaign.

As I commented before, I used Lost Legion to play it, and I don´t think it makes a huge difference (as in a regular game, LL expansions makes some things easier and some other more difficult, so a balance is kept).

First of all, thanks for such an idea. This campaign adds even more replay value to this superb game, and as far as I have experienced, it is well balanced and challenging.

I´ll try to summarize some points to give my oppinion on how it works:

- Writing: The way the campaign is conducted, as a narrative story divided into episodes, makes it very pleasant to play. You really have the feeling of achieving things, of progressing through the story, or role playing your character.

This is basically done with the intro texts for each scenario, but some meaningful decisions are enforced to add even more immersion (for instance, keeping you reputation from scenario to scenario makes you think twice before assaulting a monastery...you are here to help, mate!).

- Rules: Easy to understand, and they do not burden set-up quite much. With some simple guidelines, one can start the campaign, knowing basically that: 1) Each scenario your character will be reset to 0 fame and level one 2) The fame points at the end of the scenario will be used to buy actions, spells and artifacts gained in the scenario in order to carry them over to the next scenario. Again, more progress feeling, more role-playing your character mechanics.

I will now try to give some more feedback on each scenario I played, I hope the author finds it useful.



A rather easy scenario as a starter, focusing on exploration in order to find the red city. In my play, the red city tile came up the last, so perhaps it would be better to state that, when setting up the tile deck, the red city should be the last one.

Finding the red city too soon could make this scenario easier, even though you would also gain less fame points to buy stuff for the next scenario.

Overall, a nice entry for the campaign, not very difficult but not doable without some forward thinking.


Now, the story starts to get pretty interesting! The scenario set up makes it appear as an easy task...hahaha, no way!

You gotta explore, and you got to find and enter the white city in 2 days and two nights. IIRC, 7 green tiles will need to be explored before you explore the last one and find Highwall, the white city.

This would not be a difficult task but..there is a catch: every time you explore a new tile, a Draconum can appear. Yes, even if you are just a level 1 knight. And they will appear quite often.

This makes the scenario a very challenging and fun balance test, having to decide when to explore new tiles, keeping in mind that time advances but, at the same time, knowing that each explored tile could mean a dragon chasing you.

So, be ready to manage your hand very carefully! Or, well, be ready to get roasted.


Here are just some things that I think could be clarified in the rulebook:

- Thrown away cards: What happens when using advanced training?

So far I interpreted that you use it normally, and the thrown away card goes back to your deck at the end of the scenario. But perhaps it means this card gets a little bit overpowered, since you can carry it over and improve your deck constantly with no special drawbacks. Just an impression!

- Scenario 2 and chasing: The wording on this rule ends up a bit ambiguous. I´ll try to explain it with an image:

As it is written, it seems that the underlined text applies only to a CO-OP scenario...but if it is so, what happens if your fail to defeat the drake in a solo scenario?

I just applied this same rule to my solo play (I hope that was the right thing to do!), but if the intention is that this sentence should apply to any play (both solo and coop), I think it should be in a different paragraph.

- It would be nice to have some character sheet to keep track of your inventory from scenario to scenario. The last page helps in calculating the end of scenario shopping, but something more "permanent" would give a nice feel of accomplishment.

So far, I am really enjoying the campaign. Let´s see how it does evolve, but for the moment it is giving me a very very nice feeling.[/spoiler]
Gran aporte. Estaré atento por si decide cambiar cosas en la campaña [emoji16][emoji16]

Enviado desde mi SM-A300FU mediante Tapatalk

-Campaña Mage Knight La traicion:
-Guia Referencia Mage Knight + Lost Legion en Español: