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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

"30th Rinnegati Adventures", sucesor espiritual de HeroQuest

Iniciado por Hollyhock, 25 de Marzo de 2019, 20:26:05

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Yesss video with rules and gameplay is ready.... Now only in italian language but very soon we upload english/spanish subtitle.

Sorry for quality but we are not youtuber or professional videomaker [emoji28]
Thank you for your comment...

Gañán Biónico

Enemies will be represented with tokens or they would be all with miniatures?


Cita de: Morkai en 20 de Septiembre de 2020, 18:57:45
Enemies will be represented with tokens or they would be all with miniatures?
This game burn to reuse miniatures of other games that you not use. Dungeon Saga, heroquest, warhammer quest and other ganes

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¿Qué les espera a nuestros héroes una vez emerjan de antiguas criptas, nauseabundas alcantarillas o subterráneos llenos de trampas? ¡El mundo de Norghvang esconde muchos otros peligros, secretos, historias y antiguas leyendas!

Los poblados están repletos de comerciantes, alquimistas y herreros dispuestos a ofrecerte sus mejores productos... Las tabernas están abarrotadas de aventureros de todos los lugares conocidos, y la cerveza fluye tan rauda como la charla sobre hazañas heroicas y misterios aún sin resolver.

Todo esto y mucho más conforman los viajes de Rinnegati Adventures.[emoji123]

( esperando el video de juego dedicado)



Work in progress [emoji123]


Thanks for the update Cleps. Could you explain us how different Rinnegati Adventures is from Dungeon Universalis?

Gracias por la actualización Cleps. Podrías explicarnos cómo de diferente es Rinnegati Adventures de Dungeon Universalis?

Grazie / Gracias.
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I don't know DUN well but from what I've seen it looks very similar to an RPG. RA I think is leaner may have the same narrative depth.
I think the part of our travels is very different, the map that the Heroes can see has no indication of what it hides but only shows where the settlements are.
The Dark Player will have a different map with all the information on the locations of events, sidequests and quests from the main campaign.
Heroes will be able to discover these places by finding information in settlements or during quests.


GameStart Edizioni embrances Rinnegati Adventures!! This is an important and wonderful news for our project which, after years of developing material and rules, finds a collaboration with professionals. We are energized and ready to face this new adventure!!!!!!


Hello any New news??

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Cita de: Trecebicis en 15 de Enero de 2021, 08:57:36
Hello any New news??

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We are working with publisher to upgrade rules and graphics

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Cita de: cleps en 10 de Marzo de 2021, 13:49:41
we are working at new dashboard.... do you like?

Yes, clear and elegant

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We are working at new logo and name... We think that this is more international and epic... Do you like?

This is only a prototype for GameStart, is not final version.

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Cita de: cleps en 01 de Abril de 2021, 07:08:19
We are working at new logo and name... We think that this is more international and epic... Do you like?

This is only a prototype for GameStart, is not final version.

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The logo is great, about the name o prefear rinegatti adventures

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