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Planeton Games
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Planeton Games

REVOLT AND REVOLUTION: 3 Wargames en solitario (P500 GMT)

Iniciado por afrikaner, 13 de Enero de 2012, 20:30:39

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Una duda así tonta....¿los reglamentos se podrían encontrar en español?


Son juegos muy sencillotes (los originales de VPG tienen 4 carillas de reglas, más 2 carillas extra para la expansión) así que si El Viejo Tercio no los distribuye con traducción como suelen hacer, seguro que algún habitual los traduce.


Cita de: vpg en 27 de Enero de 2012, 16:55:48
Son juegos muy sencillotes (los originales de VPG tienen 4 carillas de reglas, más 2 carillas extra para la expansión) así que si El Viejo Tercio no los distribuye con traducción como suelen hacer, seguro que algún habitual los traduce.

¡Muchas gracias! Sera cuestión de tiempo que lo pida!


Hoy han pasado el juego a "made the cut". Ya falta menos...
Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Mis Juegos

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Rescato este tema, pues de "made the cut" ha desaparecido totalmente del catálogo. ¿Alguien sabe algo?


GMT anuncia que retira estos juegos de su P500 ya que no los va a editar finalmente.

Para un P500 que tenía... :-\
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Que pena que no sigan con el proyecto ¿Ya había hecho el corte no? ¿Han borrado su ficha sin más? No encuentro ninguna nota oficial al respecto ni en la página de GMT ni en su ficha de BGG.
"Somos el medio para que el cosmos se conozca a sí mismo." - Carl Sagan

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Yo me he enterado por la newsletter que me envían por correo electrónico de cuando en cuando.
La BSK es como una panadería
Mis juegos | Axones y mazmorras


De la ficha de BGG del juego:

From today's (Nov 7, 2012) GMT Message:

"VPG News. At this recent GMT Weekend in Hanford, I met with Alan Emrich from VPG - something we do in April and October each year just to touch base and talk about various aspects of our strategic partnership. This time, we had a lot to discuss, especially in light of VPG's recent move to printing higher-quality components, putting their games in boxes, and moving as a company into a larger distribution network mode. And we made a few adjustments to our joint direction based on what we think is best for both companies at this point.

First off, lest anyone read the wrong message into what I've written below, I want to note that our relationship is still strong and very friendly. Everything we discussed is in the context of what's best for both of us going forward. The two big topics we discussed were 1)Games and 2)Designers.

On the games front, we have decided to give two of the titles that we had previously put on our P500 list back to VPG, as they now have the resources to do those games at a much higher quality than before. One game, Circus Train, was not doing real well on our P500 list, and Alan noted that they have the ability to get this game back into print very quickly, which will get royalties to the designer much more quickly than we could have, given where it sat on our P500 list. The other game we are returning to VPG is Revolt & Revolution, which is actually three of their State of Siege series games packed into one box. This was a case where the game was doing ok on our P500 list, but it proved not feasible for either of our companies to free up the necessary development resources to get the third game in the pack ready for publication anytime soon. I'd guess VPG will probably re-release those games individually at the first opportunity, but I can't really speak to their production, just that we are removing this game (and Circus Train) from our P500 list as of today.

On the Designers front, Alan made it clear that he absolutely wants us to continue to work with and develop designs with current VPG designers who'd like to do some games for us. So you can expect to see, starting probably within just a few months, some new P500 games from designers that you've known from their work at VPG. I'm very much looking forward to working with these guys who are bringing us some faster-playing games to help fill out our lower-complexity part of the game line.

Back to the VPG games for a minute. Our intention at this point is to continue to produce games in the No Retreat and Nappy 20 series for as long as you guys want to buy them. We just sold out of our first printing (5,000 copies) of No Retreat last week, and I'm sure we'll reprint it (just not certain on timing yet). We just set a 2nd Quarter 2013 production slot for the second game in the No Retreat series, and anticipate adding the third game to our P500 list at some point in 2013. On the Nappy 20 games, we'll wait until we see how sales are on Fading Glory before we determine how quickly we'll add other games in that series, but at this point our intention would be to add enough of those that we can produce a game in that series every year or so. And Alan says he has some other games he wants us to take a look at as well, down the road, so I imagine you'll see more than just No Retreat and Nappy 20 over time. But for right now, that's where we are focused."

Al menos dicen que GMT y VPG siguen de buen rollo, me temía lo peor con respecto al futuro de la serie de No Retreat...

Adiós RaR. :'(
"Somos el medio para que el cosmos se conozca a sí mismo." - Carl Sagan

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Viene a ser el equivalente de "estamos desarrollando juegos por encima de nuestras posibilidades" en versión light (la versión "heavy" es la de MMP)
Si te molesta algo que haya escrito, seguro que ha sido mi Community Manager...


Pues yo lo que leo es que le estaban haciendo un favorcete a su colega de VPG reeditando sus juegos con calidades profesionales y que ahora que VPG puede permitirse hacer producciones con mejores componentes ya no tiene mucho sentido seguir compartiendo costes y esfuerzos entre ambas empresas para determinados juegos. Pero para otros quizás sí.

Es más, al final de todo lo que dicen es que siguen analizando nuevos juegos de VPG para publicar en el futuro. ::)
"If you're going to lead people, you need to have somewhere to go" (The Motorcycle Boy)



En principio VPG editará el tercero del pack, y como ya tiene los otros dos, pues sencillo, cada cual podrá hacerse con los 3 si quiere, o sólo con dos en caso contrario.

Yo también lo tenía en preorder...
Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Mis Juegos

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Comparar la calidad de componenetes de GMT con VPG es como comparar a Dios con un gitano por mucho que esta última haya avanzado en ese aspecto en los dos ultimos meses.