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Diario de WKR
Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Mountains of Madness (nuevo juego de ROB DAVIAU)

Iniciado por elqueaprende, 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 11:00:12

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El diseñador y creador del sistema LEGACY Rob Daviau se lanza al mundo lovecraft con éste título y con ilustraciones de Miguel Coimbra.

Lo publicará IELLO durante el 2017... poco se sabe...cooperativo y en tiempo real.


La explotación de Lovecraft en juegos de mesa comienza a ser preocupante. Y aburrida.


Cita de: Dillinger en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 11:22:30
La explotación de Lovecraft en juegos de mesa comienza a ser preocupante. Y aburrida.


En la BGG dicen del juego que es en tiempo real, además de cooperativo. Mmmm... ¿Será algo parecido a un Space Alert Cthuloideo?

A ver si va saliendo más info, puede estar bien. Me lo apunto.

Sr. Cabeza

Cita de: Dillinger en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 11:22:30
La explotación de Lovecraft en juegos de mesa comienza a ser preocupante. Y aburrida.


aunque empacha un poco el abuso de los mitos en los juegos, he de reconocer que cada cosa que sacan relacionada con ello me llama la atención.




Cita de: Quas4R en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 12:16:58
mientras no sea Legacy, suena bien

Segun el twitter, alguien ha dicho que lo ha probado/testeado, le han preguntado y no era legacy cuando lo probó:

Enjoyed play-testing it! Can't wait to see how everything turned out. Congrats!
Will this be a Legacy game?
not when I played it.

Que tampoco significa que no lo sea  ;)

Pablo Román

No, comentan que es un party game cooperativo, pero no es legacy.

Players play cooperatively asending a mountain collecting resources (guns for example). At different intervals/summits, players have a fixed time (30-60 seconds) to communicate what they have and their strategy. The Lovecraft twist is that players are dealt cards that alter the player's communication. For example, a player can only communicate to the person to his/her left. OR when communicating resources, the player must multiple by 5. OR a player must make noise throughout the duration of the communication phase.



Cita de: chemicalroman en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 17:39:44
No, comentan que es un party game cooperativo, pero no es legacy.

Players play cooperatively asending a mountain collecting resources (guns for example). At different intervals/summits, players have a fixed time (30-60 seconds) to communicate what they have and their strategy. The Lovecraft twist is that players are dealt cards that alter the player's communication. For example, a player can only communicate to the person to his/her left. OR when communicating resources, the player must multiple by 5. OR a player must make noise throughout the duration of the communication phase.

Habrá que ver/leer más, pero.... vaya bajona  :-[


Cita de: ewok en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 18:18:57
Cita de: chemicalroman en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 17:39:44
No, comentan que es un party game cooperativo, pero no es legacy.

Players play cooperatively asending a mountain collecting resources (guns for example). At different intervals/summits, players have a fixed time (30-60 seconds) to communicate what they have and their strategy. The Lovecraft twist is that players are dealt cards that alter the player's communication. For example, a player can only communicate to the person to his/her left. OR when communicating resources, the player must multiple by 5. OR a player must make noise throughout the duration of the communication phase.

Habrá que ver/leer más, pero.... vaya bajona  :-[

Que forma mas cruel de jugar con la ilusión de un niño :(.
Ninoní ninoná (y otras cosas menos amistosas)


Cita de: chemicalroman en 30 de Noviembre de 2016, 17:39:44
No, comentan que es un party game cooperativo, pero no es legacy.

Players play cooperatively asending a mountain collecting resources (guns for example). At different intervals/summits, players have a fixed time (30-60 seconds) to communicate what they have and their strategy. The Lovecraft twist is that players are dealt cards that alter the player's communication. For example, a player can only communicate to the person to his/her left. OR when communicating resources, the player must multiple by 5. OR a player must make noise throughout the duration of the communication phase.

Osea, tema "pegado" a más no poder para aprovechar el tirón de Lovecraft
When you kill a man, you're a murderer

Kill many, and you're a conqueror

Kill them all... you're a God