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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

COMMANDS & COLORS: ANCIENTS EPIC (escenarios con otra condición de victoria)??

Iniciado por misterALC, 17 de Enero de 2019, 16:03:00

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Me gustan los escenarios de  COMMANDS & COLORS: ANCIENTS que tienen otra condición de victoria que no sea mata-mata (por ejemplo ocupar hex) ya sea dando muchos puntos o incluso ganando la batalla directamente. Veis factible incorporar alguna condición de victoria (o puntos por ocupar hex) a los escnarios EPIC sin deformar mucho el escenario?



Ya hay algunos con reglas especiales, refuerzos, lider muerto 2 puntos, diferencia de 2 estandartes, 1 punto por campamento, 3 puntos por campamento,1 punto por 3 campamentos, carros ligeros, algunos con muchas como Meggido y Jerusalem, otros con menos:
C3i22 EPIC Paraitacene (317 BC), C3i20 EPIC Adrianople (378 AD), C3i19 EPIC Adrianople (378 AD), BS07 Epic Megiddo (1457 BC), C3i15 EPIC Leuctra (371 BC), EPIC10 Beneventum (275 BC), EPIC08 Clusium (225 BC), EPIC05 Arausio (105 BC), GC02 Argentoratum (357 AD), GC03 Watling Street (61 AD), GC04 The siege of Jerusalem (70 AD)

C3i22 EPIC Paraitacene (317 BC)
Winning side must have a margin of at least 2 Victory Banners to achieve a decisive victory otherwise the battle is declared a draw.

C3i20 EPIC Adrianople (378 AD)
Special Rules
• A Roman unit that occupies an enemy camp hex at the start of the Roman player's turn, may remove the camp hex and gain 3 Victory Banners that cannot be lost. Remove the camp hex before playing a Command card.

C3i19 EPIC Adrianople (378 AD)
Special Rules
• A Roman unit that occupies an enemy camp hex at the start of the Roman player's turn may remove the camp hex and gain 3 Victory Banners that cannot be lost. Remove the camp hex before playing a Command card.
• Goth Reinforcements, once a combined total of 3 victory banners has been earned, the Goth player will roll two dice at the beginning of each turn. On a roll of any doubles except Swords, he may bring in all the units of Force A on either the Right or Left Section, by discarding any "Army" command card and making this his entire turn. Units enter only one hex and stop, but they may battle, momentum advance, and bonus combat normally. On the turn after Force A enters, Force Be may enter on the other Flank, per the same rules for entry.

BS07 Epic Megiddo (1457 BC)
Special Rules
Megiddo - The walls of Megiddo are impassable terrain (use rampart tiles).
Exception: An ordered Canaan unit that starts adjacent to a wall hex may enter the wall hex as its entire movement and is removed from play. No victory banner is granted to the enemy. If the last Canaan unit in play escapes into Megiddo in this way, the Egyptians win the battle

Rout - After losing their 4th victory banner, all Canaan units must retreat one extra hex for each successful flag rolled against them in combat.

Looting - Once the Egyptians have won 8 or more victory banners and as long as they have more victory banners than the enemy, no Egyptian unit may Momentum Advance. Any unit with Thutmose attached is exempt from this rule .

The Qina Brook is fordable. Units battling into or out of its hexes do not reduce their normal dice rolled in combat.

For Egyptian Light Chariots, use Light Barbarian Chariots blocks from Expansion 2 or, if these are unavailable, Persian Light Cavalry or Light Bow Cavalry Blocks with Special Unit blocks to differentiate them.
For additional Canaan Heavy Chariots, use Carthaginian Heavy Cavalry blocks with Special Unit blocks to differentiate them.

Although they appeared in the 1st and 2nd Editions of the base game, the rules for Light Chariots were not included in 3rd Edition and so are detailed here for players without access to them.
Light Chariots
2 block unit
Move 3 hexes
Close Combat - 2dice, hit on Swords
Range Combat - Range 3 hexes , 2 dice (stand or move)
Ignore 1 Sword in Close Combat

C3i15 EPIC Leuctra (371 BC)
Heavy infantry units eliminated will count as 2 Victory banners.

EPIC10 Beneventum (275 BC)
Special Rules
• An Epirote unit that occupies an enemy camp hex at the start of the Epirote player's turn may remove the camp hex and gain a Victory Banner that cannot be lost. Remove the camp hex before playing a Command card.

EPIC08 Clusium (225 BC)
Special Rules
• When a Roman unit is occupying a Gallic camp hex at the start of the Roman player's turn, remove the camp hex. When three camp hexes are removed, the Roman player gains one Victory Banner.
• Barbarian Chariot rules are in effect.

EPIC05 Arausio (105 BC)
Special Rules
• The Rhone River is impassable.
• A Germanic Tribe unit that occupies an enemy camp hex at the start of the Germanic player's turn may remove the camp hex and gain a Victory Banner that cannot be lost. Remove the camp hex before playing a Command card.

GC02 Argentoratum (357 AD)
Special Rules
·  Imperial Legions rules is in effect for Romans.

·  The light cavalry with the leader Julian Roman is composed of a single block (cavalry escort the Consul).

·  At a time when the Alammanic conquered 2 Banners, the Alammanic player rolls 2 dice at the beginning of each turn. With a double-shot, except the symbol of swords, he can activate the 4 units hidden in the forest (left sector). This units are activate if attacked by romans (ranged or close combat).

·  Charge of the warriors: The infantry alammanic, if moved, must always move forward 3 hexes, toward the Roman units, and they can not to do ranged combat. When a unit alammanic is in contact for the first time with Roman armies, the "charge" ends then it can move as he wishes.

·  The light infantry Alammanic, placed with the cavalry, is a special unit. It does not have missile weapons, so can not make ranged combat; when he comes in contact with enemy cavalry, however, it does Close Combat with a throw of 3 dice and once with the symbol of sword (historically Alammannic trained this unit to hit the legs of horses enemies).

GC01 Metaurus (207 BC)
Special Rules
The River Metauro is impassable.

Until one of 3 units Gallic Warrior is attacked, which is close or ranged combat, they are NOT active. In any case, the beginning of the 10th round of Carthage, the units become active. (the 3 units to represent the Carthaginian reinforcements who arrived tired at the camp of Hasdrubal, historically many people of this quota were killed in their sleep ... ...).

The Roman player at the beginning of the game, can get both units in the red rectangle, off the map. They can enter the map at the beginning of round 5 game Roman, from any hex map in the left sector reported by Roman arrows.

Elephants always just throw 2 dice, against ALL Roman armies (the two units are about 10 elephants, a small number compared with about 2000 men of a Roman units).

GC03 Watling Street (61 AD)
Special Rules
Julian Legions rules is in effect for Romans.

Treat the wagon Laager blocks as impassable terrain (occupied by women and children)

If Boudicca is killed, the romans take 2 Banners.

The River Anker is fordable

The British units removed may return to the map. At each turn, a maximum of 3 units eliminated can enter through a map from hexagons indicated by green arrows. From a hexagon can only enter one unit per turn. The player must play a British Army command card of any kind; if there is a Supreme Commander, he decides where to enter the units (the British were about 50,000, the rule allows you to maintain a setssa scale units will create the wave of human British warriors).

GC04 The siege of Jerusalem (70 AD)
Special Rules
Julian Legions rules is in effect for Romans.

1.1-The Roman player may decide, for each activation of a unit of heavy infantry, medium or auxiliary to adopt the training tortoise, Testudo, or to remove the marker from one unit. The player places a marker on the units tortoise.
1.2-These units can only move 1 hex-activated and only on clear hexagons; special cards can not increase the movement of a unit in tortoise formation.
1.3-These unit if the object of attack "Ranged" can ignore the result and 1 Hit Flag.
1.4-These unit if the object of attack "Ranged" can ignore the result and 1 Hit Flag.

Hot Oil
2.1-The player has no Judean Hot Oil 3 counters, placed at the beginning stage with some units. 2.2-They move with the units with which they are placed and removed from the game when used in attack.
2.3-They can be used as a weapon by throwing hexes on the wall adjacent units. They can not be used against units in towers and on adjacent walls.
2.4-The Hot Oil rolls 3 dice and hits hit, due to the retreat with swords and flags.
2.5-The Roman armies with Hit counters Testudo can not ignore.

Siege Machines
3.1-Aries and Towers are the Roman siege. Are placed at the beginning of game 1 and 3 Aries Towers soprai blocks, as the backdrop.
3.2-The counters are located above the blocks represent the machines "have gone." Markers are placed under the block machine being activated (the ram trying to create a hole in the wall, try to download the towers on the wall units).
3.3-When pushed, the cars and blocks may move 1 hex for activation.
3.4-The Aries and the Towers, when pushed, create a cover to attack "ranged", Roman armies that drive the machines can ignore 1 flag.
3.5-counter unit with tortoise can not push or activate a siege engine.
3.6-If the marker is placed in Aries or the tower blocks, this means that the drives that are being pushed to activate the machine. See specific rules below.
3.7-If the drive that pushes or activates a siege engine is eliminated, other Roman units can enter the hex of the machine and, at the next turn, push or activate them.
3.8-Judean unit can enter a hex containing the towers and then move clear or hexagons on the wall.
3.9-unit pushing a ram or a tower can not run any attack. If attacked in DC, they can defend themselves and fight back.

4.1-For each activation, if the wall adjacent to the city, the ram can run and pull attack Close Combat 3 dice. For each result "helmet" it causes damage to the wall.
4.2-With 4 damage, a hexagon of wall collapses, using tokens "damage" to save the situation. See specific rules on the wall.
4.3-At the beginning of the scenario and after drawing and seeing his cards, the player can decide where to place the Roman heavy infantry and Aries (red box).

5.1-units located above the Towers, adjacent to the wall if you can attack in melee hexes and move to the wall.
5.2-When placed adjacent to the wall, the towers should be directed to a given side. Attacks are possible only through the DC side. A Roman units attacking tower always use only 1 nut, a Judean units attacking a tower only ever uses 2 dice.
5.3-Roman units that receive a flag, after having moved on hexagonal wall of a tower, the tower must retire. If the tower is occupied by another unit in Rome, they suffer Hit Flag for each receipt.
5.4-units placed on the towers on the wall without pulling against units of the same modifiers (- 1Hit - Flag 1).
5.5-unit placed on the towers can make ranged attacks of Judean units on the wall, without suffering the modifier of the wall.

The walls of Jerusalem
6.1- A Judean units positioned on the wall is considered a higher proportion of surrounding land. This unit can be attacked only with attack "ranged" and it can ignore a hit and 1 flag. If the unit is attached to the side wall of the Judean, you can also CC.
6.2- If the unit is attacked by units of the towers, which towers above to the rule.
6.3- The hexagonal wall is moving along as basic rules. The movement of the hand map of hexagons to the Roman wall is not possible in practice to use the Roman towers or go through the breach created by the ram.
6.4- A unit adjacent to the Roman Wall, the Roman side of the map, do not attack it may be attacked with CC. It 'can only ranged attack. The Judean units that attack the Roman wall adjacent units (under the wall), they strike with Swords.
6.5- The wall blocks the LOS between units in hexes clear map from side Judean and Roman side of the map.
6.6- The movement of units from the Judean and Roman Judean hexagons side to the wall map, you can (it simulates the use of stairs), it costs 1 movement point, as in clear ..
6.7- The wall can be struck down by Aries and Rome. You must keep track of the shots with the appropriate markers. Each roll of Red Square and helmet original 1 hit.
6.8- When a hex wall receives 4 damage, the wall collapses in that hex. If there was a hex Judean units, it takes 1 hit and 1 flag. At this point in the hexagon, you can go. It costs a whole to move into the hex activation breach.
6.9- A unit in the breach hex, if attacked in melee, suffer 1 hit for each flag receipt.
6.10-The Roman armies LOS Heavy War have always free to the walls. The LOS is blocked by siege towers.
6.11-When a unit enters Rome for the first time in a fortified camp hex (buildings of Jerusalem), it destroys and gains 1 Victory Point.
6.12-hexagons in clear, wall, adjacent, etc.. always apply in any case, the basic rules of Moral Bolster.

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