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OLD SOLDIERS MAGAZINE - Suscripción gratuita (Wargames)

Iniciado por perezron, 27 de Febrero de 2010, 20:44:57

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Pues la revista electronica Old Soldiers de Tom Cundiff, de aparición trimestral, con articulos dedicados a los wargames clásicos, y no tan clásicos, es ahora de distribución gratuita por email, para todos los suscriptores. Este es el correo que recibí del editor:

CitarHowdy Gentlemen (and Ladies),

This is a personal invitation to a FREE subscription to Old Soldiers Magazine.  Old Soldiers is dedicated to supporting history enthusiasts and the small wargame and miniatures companies.  Membership is free not only to subscribers, but also to advertisers.  There are dozens of magazines trying to eke out a living in a small niche market, consequently their subscription costs are terrible and indeed skyrocketing.  Each year sees the elimination of yet another of the old venerable magazines that have fed our curiosity (Fire and Movement Magazine died as of January 1st).  They compete for a very small pocket, which due to the world economy, is getting smaller and smaller.  Though we all enjoy these magazines and the topics they cover, we can't afford all of them.  It's just not possible.  So, Old Soldiers attempts to provide its readers with excellent content for FREE, as well as providing a Free venue for advertisers of books, games, and their supporting supplements.  In this way advertising dollars are saved by these companies, which helps their bottom dollar.  As the magazine is free, it is hoped it will reduce the burden on your wallets by yet one more of those nagging $50 bills that so many of the hobby's  magazines cost yearly (in fact I know of a few magazines that cost more than $150 a year for a subscription).  As fine as these magazines are, they are a drag upon our personal economies that in these times just isn't necessary, and can be ill afforded.  So, believe it or not, Old Soldiers Magazine is absolutely FREE.  Just drop me a note at tdcgsl@yahoo.comand I'll add you to the subscribers list.  The magazine is put together as a pdf document e-mailed to your e-mail address four times a year, target publication dates are 1 Apr, 1 July, 1 Oct., and 1 Jan. (though I try to get this one to subscribers before Christmas).
The magazine has existed for more than 5 years and has more than 1200 subscribers ranging from collegiate professors, to museum curators, to diplomats, and military officers from across the globe.  Article contributions come from these very subscribers.  Most of us are amateur historians and we've always wanted to write for publication.  There are so many writers guidelines these days, all too many of which resemble an obtuse doctoral dissertation requirement than reasonable outlines, that I try to make it easy for authors to contribute.  I urge all subscribers to do their best to support the hobby not with money, but with written articles.  The magazine is freely dedicated to its subscribers and this is the only thing I ask, that you try to write for  the magazine.  Article submissions are easy.  Simply type the article up using the MSWord 2003 or earlier versions.  If you have graphics that you need to include with an article, feel free to send that along too (format should be jpg, bmp, png, tiff, or gif files).  And, if you need help with an article, editing and the like, I'm more than willing to help.
Oh, and if you're wondering, no I don't sell my subscriber's lists.  I don't like receiving Spam and I'm reasonably sure you don't either, so this will NOT be done I promise.  You can download a free issue from this website and upon subscribing I will send along the latest back issue.  You can also find a catalog download at that site listing all of the back issues and the articles in them if you're interested in back issues (back issues are sold, and you will find that price on the website – to defray the costs of ink, paper, and internet access).

Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers Magazine

Para suscribirse ir aqui:

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