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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Jerusalem, el nuevo Red Glove

Iniciado por Stephane (5mpj), 17 de Mayo de 2010, 12:49:54

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Well the gameboard is a standard 58x58 (and thus the box follows that size). We thought a smaller board would cause confusion especially with four players. Think about the small areas of sectors with Squires of three different colors... And anyway players would not enjoy the beauty of the graphic with less space on the board. Cards are effectively small but we choose that size to help players keep them face up behind the screen. Also the art on cards is very nice so maybe larger cards in future... Who knows? :)
The screens and the Baron pawns are standard pieces, I think. You're right maybe a more detailed bit for the Baron... why not?

I'm very happy that many gamers like the Bezants coins double-face and think about that they are historically faithful..

About the price I'm not the right guy to talk with but for the contents I think it follows the actual price of other games with the same contents and quality (and sometimes we have games or even expansions that are much more expensive..)

I'm eager to know what do you think about the game as a full experience!

Thanks for asking negroscuro!


Cita de: darthhh en 15 de Junio de 2010, 13:54:34
Una pregunta que quizá se vaya un poco, como comenta kikaytete, el tema de pasar cartas y coger una. Comprando Jerusalem, merece la pena Midgard? O son como la noche y el día?

Sorry but I don't know Midgard so I cannot compare the games. Anyway I saw that they have the same pawns...  ;D


Well in the end most important thing of a game is the game experience so I have to try it soon.
A lot of people talks about the very well balanced mechanics so I hope I will like it.
Thank you to be here in our website!


I've just uploaded on BGG the english quick-ref for the Action Cards but don't worry since I'm already working on the spanish version...



Cita de: negroscuro en 16 de Junio de 2010, 11:51:16
I you need any help let me know.  ;)

Is it ok if I use the same text inside the spanish rulebook? Is it clear enough?


I read it some time ago, I would like to read it again as soon as I have some time, may be tonight or tomorrow night. It think its better to read it before let you know my oppinion but as far as I remember I wasn't as easy to understand as it should.


Cita de: Favar en 15 de Junio de 2010, 12:06:04
One thing I wish to mark. I'm here to help you with the game, to discuss about it, give you news and so on.. but I'm here also to gather criticisms, much more important than appreciations.

So don't be afraid and place your shots! :)

One question, if you may pick cubes, but you haven´t more cubes in your reserve, what happens? Don´t pick it? You can pick it from the board?


Hi kikaytete!

The rule is very simple. As with tower floors, no resource are limited to what is
inside the box (and like many other games...)
If it's the last round, just pick them from the board. Cubes over the board at the
end of the game are useless. If it happens during the game (very unlikely to
happen), just put a coin over one single cube that represents five cubes. That's

If you want to play an harder version, just consider 50 Squires as a limit. Players
must pay more attention to the revenues they get...  :o

Sorry but we forgot to write this on the rulebook!



Hello again,
I read the spanish rules again, and I found an error:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero permanecerán allí hasta el final de la ronda!
but in english they say:
Squires placed on the board will remain after the end of the round!

Where is the difference? Well, the spanish corrected rules would have to say:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero permanecerán allí despues del final de la ronda!
To understand the error I will transalte the actual spanish rules:
Squires placed on the board will remain until the end of the round!

And as I have understood the squires remain in the board turn after turn and in spanish I understand that all squires leave the board at the end of each turn (of the 5 that a game lasts)

The rules are clear enough but this error should be fixed.
Hope it helps


Squires don't leave the board after each round!
Only Event Cards remove them under specific circumstances.

Sorry for the error!
Can you post this very important note also on BGG so other spanish gamers that don't use this website will understand the correct rule?

Thanks for helping.
The spanish community of gamers is very surprising and I like it very much!





Cita de: negroscuro en 18 de Junio de 2010, 11:22:18
Of course, I will do it.
You are welcome  ;)

--already done--

Thanks! Let me know the text I've to use for the quick reference of Action Cards.


The original text is:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero permanecerán allí hasta el final de la ronda!

The less intrussive fix would be:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero permanecerán despues del final de la ronda!

But I think the most clear way is:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero no se retiran al finalizar cada ronda!


Cita de: negroscuro en 18 de Junio de 2010, 13:16:03
The original text is:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero permanecerán allí hasta el final de la ronda!

The less intrussive fix would be:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero permanecerán despues del final de la ronda!

But I think the most clear way is:
¡Los Escuderos colocados en el tablero no se retiran al finalizar cada ronda!

Totalmente de acuerdo con el cambio. La primera que leí las instrucciones tuve que echar mano de la parte en inglés para aclararlo. Es un error importante. Por otro lado, indicar que, al igual que en el Grande, si no te quedan escuderos en la reserva, puedes mover los del tablero, es un matiz fundamental en las reglas, que a lo mejor deberías añadirlo a ese archivo que has colgado en BGG: ese matiz puede darte o no los tres puntos por ser el que más escuderos sin usar tengas en le turno final (en mi última partida ésto me costó la derrota)