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Planeton Games
Diario de WKR
Planeton Games

Mystic Warlords of ka'a'

Iniciado por tximoton, 13 de Julio de 2011, 12:19:56

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Mystic Warlords of ka'a' el juego de cartas de big bang theory sera revelado en la comic con 2011.
Primeras imágenes de las cartas:


Cita de: tximoton en 13 de Julio de 2011, 12:19:56
... el juego de cartas de big bang theory ...

¡¡¡Que me narras!!! :o ::)   :D :D



Luke... ¡Yo soy la Crítica!
"Yo, el tocapelotas"


Ese conejo necesita esto para dar estopa...

Mr. President, it is not only possible, it is essential. That is the whole idea of this machine, you know. Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy... the fear to attack. And so, because of the automated and irrevocable decision making process which rules out human meddling, the d



"Aldea, robo una carta"


Bienvenido a mi morada. Entre libremente, por su propia voluntad, y deje parte de la felicidad que trae.


Magnifico!! Yo tambien lo quiero!! XDD
Mi Blog, ¡echadle un ojo! :D


Jop! A la wishlist de tiron sin pasar por la casilla de "esperando mas info" xD

Este cae de tiron!!!
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Conejitos is coming!
Baronet #47
Colección estancandose "CAMPAÑA NO A LOS 300!"


Pego las reglas (EN INGLES)...las veo muy simplonas  :P :P :P

The game is best when played with four players (but works ok with a minimum of two and up to six players). Choose a dealer. The dealer deals each player five cards.

In the first phase each player picks a creature from their hand to play and places it face down (If a player has no creatures then they must choose another card to play as a "bluff"). All players reveal their creature at the same time. If all players have "bluffed" except one then that player
automatically wins the round. In that situation skip the second and third phase and go directly to the fourth phase.

In the second phase each player gets a chance to improve or handicap any creature in play with Equipment, Enchantments or one of two "special" cards. In the first round the dealer goes first, in every other round the player that won the last round goes first. After the first player plays an Equipment, Enchantment or special card (or chooses to play nothing) then the player to the right goes next and so on until every player has had a turn.

The third phase is the retaliation phase. In this phase players continue to play Equipment, Enchantment or special cards, following the same turn sequence as the second phase, until everyone chooses to play nothing.

After all of the players have had a turn to play cards then the player with the highest power creature wins the round and receives a point (you can keep track of each players points using dice, coins or glass beads). In the event of a tie the player with the lowest points wins. If the
players who are tied have the same amount of points then nobody wins the round.

In the fourth phase all played cards are moved to the discard pile and every player draws enough cards to have five in their hand. If there are no cards left in the draw deck then shuffle the discard pile and continue playing.

Equipment and Enchantment cards can raise or lower the power of a creature. Each cards description tells you how you can use it.

The two special cards are "Disenchant" and "Dispel". The Disenchant card removes Equipment cards from play. The Dispel card removes Enchantments from play.

Each play can call a "mulligan" once per game. The player calling a mulligan discards their hand and draws five cards. Mulligans can only be called before the first round starts or after the fourth phase of any round.

The first player to win ten rounds wins the game.

NOTE: If you find that the game ends too fast or drags on forever feel free to adjust the number of rounds needed to be won to win the game.


He visto Fillers mas simples xD

Lo único q le veo, sq debería existir un mazo de criaturas y otro con los artefactos, encantamientos y demás. Porque si robas tus 5 cartas, y no tienes criatura...un poco feo. Tonces yo pondría un mazo de criaturas, cada player roba 1, y luego 4 cartas de artefactos y demás.
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Conejitos is coming!
Baronet #47
Colección estancandose "CAMPAÑA NO A LOS 300!"


El problema que le veo a eso es que solo vas a tener una criatura en tu mano...y como te toque una mierda, tienes muchas probabilidades de perder la mano; lo veo mas compensado si tienes en tu mano 2/3 monstruos y 2/3 cartas de artefactos y al final de la ronda, cuando te toque robar una carta, elegir de que mazo robar, si del de monstruos o del de artefactos

Sr. Cabeza

los desempates son con piedra-papel-tijeras-lagarto-spock?


Cita de: pedrotronic en 14 de Julio de 2011, 09:41:20
El problema que le veo a eso es que solo vas a tener una criatura en tu mano...y como te toque una mierda, tienes muchas probabilidades de perder la mano; lo veo mas compensado si tienes en tu mano 2/3 monstruos y 2/3 cartas de artefactos y al final de la ronda, cuando te toque robar una carta, elegir de que mazo robar, si del de monstruos o del de artefactos

Yeah!! Y tb metería al final de alguna de las rondas (porque en todas seria un abuso) un descarta una carta-roba una carta que a todos gusta para menear mano.
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Conejitos is coming!
Baronet #47
Colección estancandose "CAMPAÑA NO A LOS 300!"